Hanging on Sunday

in #hive-1688692 years ago


I had a reasonable list to accomplish today so set to it right after a super-early breakfast...and if you believe that, you're bonkers.

- G-dog -

I had a little sleep in and *then breakfast y'all, it's Sunday after all. But, with cheesy scrambled eggs on toasted and buttered English muffins cooked and consumed, I headed outside for a day of ticking off odd-jobs around the house which, for me, is an enjoyable endeavour.

I'll not go through the list item by item, but the jobs were, but not limited to, hanging some planter pots, doing some plumbing work on a gutter downpipe, adding some new and larger tops to a couple bedside tables, checking and inflating the tyres on my vehicles which is a weekly Sunday job, some vegetable gardening and a little tidy up and organisational work in the workshop. I had to measure up some more gutter piping I want to route into one of my water tanks as well, then go to the hardware store and price up the job for a future weekend. There were some other bits and pieces, but that was the main parts.

With spring upon us I wanted to add a little colour under my veranda/pergola area and decided upon some hanging pots planted out with petunias which I planted out a little while ago. Today I decided to hang them.

Because I was affixing the brackets to the brick walls of my house I needed to use specialised fixings. I wasn't keen to drill, plug and use a general screw so opted to use a self-tapping one by Ramset, they're the 14Gx45mm hex head version. It requires a pre-drilled hole at a specific gauge and is driven in with an impact driver. You can see the screws and the drill bit below.

Basically the guide hole, smaller than the actual screw, is drilled to the right depth then the retaining screw is inserted into the hanging bracket and is driven into the brick with the impact driver at which point it cuts its way (self taps) in to retain the bracket. I used anchors that would take 91 kilograms of weight which will easily carry the load of the the hanging basket.


I put up three hanging pots today, all with the petunias in them so I should have some nice colour under there in the not too distant future. Below you can see one of the other ones I put up although because this bracket was slightly different to the others I ended up using two different screws, same thing, just a little larger and silver, not black.

From there I moved on to the gutter downpipe which was a little trickier than hanging the pots, somewhat messier also as I had to use the bonding agent and some silicone.

I've just had a new pergola installed and decided I'd finish up the last little bits myself more for the enjoyment and satisfaction of doing it myself than saving any money.

Due to the revised design of the actual pergola I've had do a little redesign on the PVC piping which you can see completed in the image below. It wasn't a super-difficult thing but considering I'm not much of a plumber I was feeling my along. I used the proper bonding agent and all, and the most difficult part was ensuring the cuts were all made in the right places before the components are bonded together.

It all worked out well though and I painted it up soon after getting it all stuck together with a second coat going on a couple hours later. Later again I applied silicone to the joins to be doubly sure they'll not leak.


I was cruising along by this stage and with the time getting on to 12:30 I decided to measure up the other downpipe section and work out what I'd need then head over to the hardware store for a little break. I managed to get out of there without buying anything...and if you believe that, you're bonkers, again.

I bought a couple utility knives as mine are a little old. I got folders instead of the slide-open ones which I had previously as I always find the mechanisms wear out.

Each was $20 which I thought was ok as they each come with a box of ten replacement blades and a lifetime warranty. They also have a belt clip which is where one of these will reside when I'm working around the house and there's a handy little pouch as well.

Untitled design (1).png

I got done at the hardware store, had some lunch at home, (beetroot, cheese and mayonnaise sandwiches - don't knock it until you try it), and then got on with my next task which was putting those table tops on. It was a rather simple job really. The existing table tops were too small and rather than go out and buy new bedside tables I decided to simply put a larger top on.

I ended up with two wooden tops of 600x400 millimetres and decided to keep them in their raw wood state rather than paint them. The bedside tables are painted white and the drawers are a light wood-coloured wicker so the grained top matched nicely.

I bevelled the edges all the way around and then it was time to fix them on.

I was going to screw them on but decided to use liquid nails which meant I'd avoid screwing, filling holes and having to paint of course. It worked out quite nicely, but there no images as those tables are in my bedroom and I'm not keen to take pictures in there for you.

I did the vegetable gardening and when I was almost done it started drizzling with rain which is when I headed into my workshop to start in there. A couple hours later I was about done and in need of a coffee so called it a day.

Days like today are not just productive but enjoyable. I get satisfaction out of achieving these little jobs and attending to them as they pop up means I can relax later knowing they're done. Nothing I did today was difficult although some understanding and the right tools are required. I'm lucky to have a great hardware store nearby if I run out of anything or need to pick up a tool or materials...it can prove costly at times, but hey, I have to spend my money on something right?

I hope you're all having a great weekend and have something enjoyable to do. Please feel free to comment below and let me know what you're doing. Is it DIY like me or relaxing? Either way let me know if you'd like.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own


Amigo @galenkp when I opened the post I was curious what it was about with such beautiful pictures and although I am trying to learn English I wanted to translate with the translator so I wouldn't miss anything. It's amazing all the work you did with so many details you wrote and the things you do yourself at home wow. You made me remember my husband who loves on Sundays to fix things and likes to go to the hardware store to buy things and tools. He always keeps screws and other implements. Someday I will share a content of jobs on Sundays at home . I loved it I appreciate that people know a little bit about everything. I also liked the food with beets. Thanks for sharing 🤗.

It's sounds like your husband is a little like me, saves screws and nuts and bolts as one never knows when they'll come in useful.

I'll look out for a DIY weekend post from you in the future.

Yes, my husband keeps all kinds of tools and it is amazing that when he goes to repair something in the house or car he always finds what he is looking for most of the time. So it is useful to keep screws, nuts, washers, nails and many others. I really liked your post and thanks for sharing a pleasure to meet you🤗.

Real man are handy...nice pots and plants. I noticed your Hart's Tongue Fern growing green and healthy. My fern died unfortunately, t'was too late to save it from freaking ants.

I'm pretty good with plants, manage to keep most thriving; I talk to them, that's the secret. And yes, I like being handy, able to logic things out and take action.

Wow! You talk to them? So I'm not the only crazy person existing 😂 They actually like conversation. I've read somewhere about plants send signals, they react to words we utter, and can even be use as witness using special equipment that can read their stimuli responses.

So I'm not the only crazy person existing

We're all crazy in different ways.

And in different intensity level 🤣🤣🤣

I have had quite a productive day so far. Done some washing, mended the outdoor couch, the textile needed some sewing, with the sun and animals jumping on it, it had a few tears. Also done some reading and spelling with my girls and some gardening. Now I'm going to make a new curtain pole from bamboo. Then it'll be time for lunch. Here's to productive Sundays xxxx

That sounds like an awesomely productive day and it's days like that I tend to feel pretty rewarded so I guess you would too. I hope it closed out well and you felt like you made some achievements.

All the best for the week ahead.

Cheers @galenkp, all the best to you too for this week xxxx

Nice pots.. You're a man who knows a lot..

Hmm yeah, I know a lot of stuff, but only because I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves and have a try at things. I've had many failures at the things I've attempted, but as I kept trying I had less. Now, yeah I know some things, but not as much as I want to know...yet.

That's great..unlike other men who only focus on manly stuff

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Wow, you did a lot today..all by yourself that is massive. I hope you don’t feel any pains ..?

Yeah, ai for a bit donw, I'm rather industrious when I need to be. No aches and pains though, yet.

That's really good to hear,,

I must commend your efforts, sincerely, I will say you are still among those best writer I have ever met here, always have a little topic but have alot of content to create from the topic which has plenty of meaning and lot of creativity.. kudos to you @galenkp rock on bro

Hi there, thanks for coming by and having a look at my post. I generally just keep things real, meaning what you read here is pretty much how things went. I don't feel I need to try and get too clever with it, I'm writing about my life and things I do, not a book.

All the best for Sunday.

That's what makes you so real and unique from other people and it really boost my ego most of the time when I come across any of your writings... Yeah, happy Sunday to you, enjoy it to the fullest.

Well I’ve not been long on here on hive so I might now know exactly what you do🤔, but from the look of things you know a little bit of everything. Drilling holes to hang pots and others are jobs I will look for expects to do cause I wouldn’t wanna destroy the wall.

For nails I wouldn’t even know the right pair to buy 😂. Come to think of it, I think i need to start acquiring these types of skills cause they are really helpful for minor jobs.

Being handy, a man who knows how to do things, has come in useful over my life and continues to be so. There's many benefits to doing things for oneself, or having the understanding to discuss things with the professionals and know what the concepts are. Maybe you'll decide to learn a few things yourself someday.

My dad just like you also loves to beautify our compound with flowers he gets mad when we allow animals to destroy them.😂

I get to breath this weekend after a while week of preparation towards exams. I’m just glad we’re done now I can blog frequently😄.

I hope you manage to prevent the animals from doing so, maybe make more effort.

There will come a time when your dad is no longer around, and you might like to remember him happy, and not constantly mad that you allowed the animals to destroy something he loves so much.

ohh petunia! Your efforts will surely paid off when it bear flowers soon. That would be beautiful.

It's going to be nice I think and a great reward for effort.

I commend you for your efforts. Because it will be had if I don't commend you. You are better than me in writing so I must commend you. You made a nice post I love reading your post

Thank you, I appreciate it.

That's why you're the best, @galenkp. And in that I admire you and your brother, @tarakz. There are some cultural differences that are visible. In Latin America, most men take the weekend to rest: they meet with friends, have a drink, watch soccer on TV, go to the beach. Very few use Sunday to repair defects in the house. I congratulate you. This is my new account, my friend. My old one was stolen. Greetings and have a great Sunday.

I'm sorry to hear your account was stolen, but at least you made a new one.

Yeah, I like to relax too, just like others, but sometimes there's work to be done and no one is going to do it for me. I guess it comes down to a sense of responsibility for me. Also, I like to do DIY stuff and so it's like working but relaxing at the same time.

Thanks for your kind comment and words.

What a beautiful picture at the cover 😍, this is a super work!

Thanks, I appreciate it.

I love a good potter day like this one. Very rewarding. The planters look great.

beetroot, cheese and mayonnaise


Lol, I knew you'd comment about the sandwich if you saw my post. I've convinced @dswigle to give it a try...I hope she does a post.

beetroot, cheese and mayonnaise sandwiches

I would totally actually try this.

As for your plumbing job, I am no plumber either but it looks really neat, which is more than I can say for some of the plumbing work that has been done around our home by so-called professionals! It's just after midday here, and I have a few tasks I have to get too as well. It really does feel good when they are done 😁

It's a sandwich my mum used to make for me when I was a kid and it's bloody scrumptious. 😊

I'm sitting on the couch at 20:00 about to watch a few episodes of Black Sails and feeling pretty good about my DIY day; it's a rewarding thing really, doing stuff yourself. I hope you have a great day also.

I know "relaxing" takes different forms, but it sounds like work to me ! As long as you enjoyed it though, that is what counts.

It is always a good feeling to get a few things checked off of the to-do list.

I'm just starting my Sunday, slept in because I stayed up half the night. Tried to paint some, but happy things weren't really coming out. Having some coffee and later will go to Mom's for a visit. Been three weeks since I have seen her since she went on vacation with my brother for a week. I have no other plans, so the day is open for surprises.

but it sounds like work to me

Of course, it was yes. But it's enjoyable to do, the work itself and the result of it. To me that brings satisfaction I guess. I relax too, though.

Sunday sleep-ins are awesome, I do it most Sundays, although a sleep in to me is only about 07:30-08:00 as I get up earlier on the week days. I hope you found some pleasant surprises in your day.

Nice touch on the basket liners and choice of the pot. It gives them a more natural look and adds a touch of class.

Your time is so organized and well spent, doing the little (I use that term loosely) things that make a big impact. If you didn't do the pots, probably nobody would notice, but, it adds so much to the appeal of the property. The little things tend to do that.

I know you enjoy DIY projects and the truth is, it is enjoyable when I can accomplish things myself. I realize some (many) things are out of my scope, but, some days YouTube teaches me a lesson or three. :)

I do love beetroots (we call them beets in the US) and have never had them in a sandwich. While it sounds unusual, I am eager to taste it. I'll report back, of course.

I did nothing remarkable this weekend. Last weekend was away from home and far too busy, so this one sent me to the garden shop, only to come home empty-handed. I did bake the first batch of fruit cakes, with another two to go, but later. Perhaps October. You know, in a couple of days. Where has the time gone?

Yikes! Already Monday there, so I imagine you are rolling over a few more times before you head off into your week.

Hi Denise, I hope you're well.

If I'm not organised I'd never get as much done as I do. That is not to say I'm always structured because I am not, I just tend to know what I want to do and when and I make it happen. These pots and the other things are a good example. They were listed and planned around and so they happened. Sure, there's other things that need doing but they'll happen when the time is right. Structure and flexibility I guess.

Sliced (canned) beet, cheese and mayo on buttered white bread...That's the way to do it. 😁

You keep teasing me with your baking Swigs, maybe one day I'll get to taste some!

Have a good rest of the weekend.

You are a purpose-driven man. Always. It is a good trait and honestly beats the alternative.

What kind of cheese tastes best? I have never met a cheese I didn't like. I clicked on YouTube and unbelievable. Your sandwich! Haha! It was fruit cake, Galen. I thought I was the only person in the world that ate it. :) Well, my siblings too. :)

Lol, I don't grate the cheese, I use slices, but yep, it seems awesomeness is spreading fast. I can't recall how old I was when I first had this, but I was certainly young and...well, I attribute it for most of the positive achievements I've made in life. 🙂

Now, you sound like the guy in the video! He almost said it was the best thing he's ever eaten and how popular the are in Australia!

How could I not have ever heard of them?

He also admitted he usually uses slices of cheese, but that's all he had. You know I am goung to have to try this!!

You will never be the same Swigs, awesomeness gained from a sandwich like this lingers. 🤣


You better do a post on it.

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