A little growth

in #hive-1688692 years ago

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All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.

- Calvin Coolidge -

A drive in the hills, trees, fresh air and sunshine, autumn colours, a walk on leaf-covered paths, Devonshire tea and a slow drive home. That's what I'd planned for today...But it didn't happen.

I spent yesterday in the garden thinking it would earn me a day off to wander around aimless in the Adelaide Hills and enjoy the sunny, but cool, autumn day promised for today. Nope. I ended up spending the day with my work gloves on toiling away at home and, whilst I got a lot done, I'd rather have been eating scones and sipping tea.

I have a large pergola beginning construction in early June, one I ordered all the way back in November last year, and have been clearing away under my existing one which will be removed prior to construction starting. The area also extends from the entertainment area as covered driveway which is where I park my two trailers: Off-road camper trailer and 6x4 box trailer. These needed moving to my other house so I did that in the morning, one by one, thinking that it wouldn't take too long and I'd be on my way to the hills. I was wrong.

To be honest, the moving didn't take too long, but I got home and looked at another job, removing a couple of pull-down track blinds from the existing pergola, which I want to keep, and thought ,how long could it take?

The answer: The rest of the day.

It would have been easier had I taken my chainsaw and sledge hammer to the damned things, however as I have the intention of selling them, returning some of the $3,000 they cost to install, I had to be strategic.

Drilling out rivets, reversing screws and deconstructing it looked easy but I soon learned it was put together in a way that meant it needed to be taken apart in exactly the reverse order it was constructed and, considering I wasn't involved in that process...Hmm, where's my chainsaw and sledge hammer!

I learned something about myself during the process and isn't that a bonus? Personal growth and development often comes from hard work and effort as Calvin Coolidge suggests above.

Here's what I learned:

  • Even after all these years of wielding tools I still have the ability to hit my thumb with a hammer.
  • Hitting my thumb with a hammer hurts now as much as it did the last time I did it.
  • I'm really good at making up excellent swear-word-combinations when I hit my thumb with a hammer.
  • I should have written-off the $3,000 and taken the chainsaw and sledge hammer to those fucken blinds.
  • I really love curried egg, lettuce and mayonnaise sandwiches. (That's what I had for lunch)

Ok, so maybe I'm embellishing a bit; I didn't learn about the sandwich thing, I already knew that. The rest though...Great lessons indeed.

I got the blinds down and inspected my handiwork.

I'll have to buy some c-channel to replace some that, some how or other got totally fucken destroyed, in the demounting of the blinds but I should be able to return about a thousand dollars for the two blinds and I'm happy with that - It's a lot of donuts and coffee.

I squeezed in a couple other small jobs, packed up the tools, tidied up and managed to get done about 16:30 as the day started getting cooler; that's about an hour ago from the writing of this post.

I washed up, had a coffee and reflected on my day.

I can't really complain about it as it was productive; the work needed doing and now it's done I feel pretty good. My thumb, not so good, but the rest of me is happy enough. I wandered about my garden and yard areas with my coffee looking at it, enjoying it, making mental notes for what I have to do in the next week or so and thinking how amazing it's going to look come spring. It was a nice way to finish off the day.

I would have loved that drive but maybe I'll take it tomorrow; I've ticked off some chores and without those hanging over my head maybe I'll enjoy it just that little bit better?

How about you, have you had a good weekend?

Were you doing chores like me or did you relax, take time to enjoy yourself with an activity or event? Maybe you even smashed your thumb with a hammer like I did? Let me know in the comments below.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own (my poinsettia plant)


I have a bussy weekend🙋🏻‍♀️ Today (sunday) there is an angagement party of my cousin. We have very crowded family and this engagement look like a wedding ceremony. I prepared my dress and other things in all day🌸

That seems like a good way to spend Sunday, surrounded by friends and family. I hope you all have a great time.

Thanks for your comment.

I loved what you learned friend, it makes me reflect that although we have grown and the years go by we can go through the same things that at the beginning as you said about hitting your thumb with the hammer. 😂 And we still like the same bread as always, in my case I love bread with eggs and butter, cheers. 🤗

My thumb survived the event; it isn't feeling very happy, but will live to fight another day. Besides, I have two, so if if falls off I have a spare. 😁

hahahahaha that's how he is a friend always with the best attitude and positivity in all circumstances. 🤗

Attitude is everything.

Do you guys have clotted cream and jam with your scones?

Bloody thumbs are a magnet to a hammer head, hope it was not too sore!

Clotted cream is difficult to find here. I love it though. Normally just whipped cream and strawberry jam here though unfortunately.

My thumb hates me for bashing it.

Yea I love clotted cream too, luckily it is easy to find, but it is bloody addictive. Strawberry jam though is sinfully wicked, so as long as you have that, then all good!

I can well imagine your thumb cursing you🤣

Mmm, clotted cream.

I had three crumpets as a snack tonight, with butter and strawberry jam.

Hey, don't blame me, the thumb made me do it. 😇

Crumpets, damn you are raising the bar now. Butter melting on your chin!
Haha I feel the thumb will take the blame for a few things over the next couple of days🤣

The thumb will indeed. Everything! 😉

hehe oh the poor thumb 🤣

Yesterday chores, although I did get to fly the drone, that was still some work/play. Today more chores of fixing my "new" garage floor. Yes the same garage that was started last September. It had to pause for winter, they finished last week, but did a poor job on pouring/floating the concrete floor. Left several large areas pitted and spalling. I sent them away, will patch it and then epoxy coat it myself. More on that long story later.

Damn, I bet your annoyed. I would be. I'm assuming you'll post about it.

It seems quality and service is declining so rapidly...Regressing is the new black.

Yes, of course the primary contractor who started the job, quickly then brought in his "crew" to do the majority of the work... Some of it supervised, some not. They actually did a pretty good job on the rest of it, so I wasn't too concerned at first. But then they ruined what to me is the most important part, the concrete floor. In his defense, he did offer to do the repair work or even the epoxy coat to fix it at no labor cost, just the materials. But they've never done epoxy coating (and I have) so I certainly wasn't going to trust them with that.... At first I thought maybe I was being too nit-picky, but I had others look as well. Some of these parts are so rough, couldn't even roll a toolbox, chair, or anything else across it easily, and will of course make it even more difficult to clean sawdust, dirt, metal shavings etc. off of it.. Nope, I tried to give it a couple weeks of thought to cool off, but my slight OCD not able to tolerate it and will have to fix.

I don't blame you, I'd have done the same for the reasons you mention. It sucks that things like this take the shine off what should have been a cool moment.

I'm sure you'll get it sorted and it'll be awesome.

OOoooohhhh ! You fell for it, work that promises not to take long on the day you planned to relax and do something fun !


Sounds like it turned out to be quite the job. I also know there is some satisfaction in getting something done that needs doing. You just have to try not to listen to the "needs doing" voices on fun days. They'll drag you in every time !

Sorry about the thumb.

My thumb appriates your gentle and caring thoughts as it's feeling a little hard done by. It wants special treatment but it's going to have to cowboy up and get back to normal operations. I actually think it might be broken, but I'm hoping not.

Yep, the old, it won't take long but ended up taking all day vibe huh? I'm not sure if I learned my lesson, but I'm closer to learning it at least. It was good to get the thing done though.

Maybe you should at least put the "shoulds" on hold for the next couple of weeks while there is time to have endless fun. Who knows when there will be that much time for fun again after the new job starts.

I hope your thumb is not broken. Must have been quite a whack ! I know it's a girly thing to do, but sometimes if I need to hammer a nail, I start it by holding the nail with some needle nose pliers or something similar, just in case my aim and landing are not quite as on target as they should be. 😄

Maybe you should at least put the "shoulds" on hold for the next couple of weeks while there is time to have endless fun. Who knows when there will be that much time for fun again after the new job starts.

Good advice...Let me consult my other personalities, and my thumb...


...Ok, I'm back, they all said yes.

if I need to hammer a nail, I start it by holding the nail with some needle nose pliers or something similar

This is smart, but if my mates saw this...Well, it'd go badly. 😂

You get points for saying needle nose pliers though. ✅

New profile image? One of your paintings?

ha ha.... I admitted it was a girly thing to do ! Heyyyy.. .this girl has quite a few tools. I had to spread them out a bit recently though, because all of them in one big tool box got too heavy for me to safely lift. 🙂

Yes, new image, yes, my painting. Someone else owns the original now though.

I'm glad your other personalities and your thumb were in agreement about fun time having priority.

I guess having a smashed up thumb has some sort of man badge attached... eh?

You did, I'll give you points for that, owning it. And yes, one must be able to lift and move one's tool box.

I guess having a smashed up thumb has some sort of man badge attached... eh?

You know what they say...Chicks dig scars. 😂

You mean you didn't know that a pro can get a smashed thumb 😂? I don't think anyone is immune to that little mishap!

I hope you will enjoy your drive :)

Damn thumb just jumped in the way!

The sandwich sounds amazing. The fighting with the blinds not so much. Hope you are able to get a good price for them after that pain and effort.

Ahh well now you can definitely head up to the hills XD

I deserve that drive right?

I actually went culling tonight, had a small mishap and hurt my back (again) and am not paying the price. Nothing pain killers can't fix though I suppose.

Oh noes D: well there's painkillers and there's pushing it, how far can you safely push it and should you?

I'll admit to pushing the limit too much today. I'm paying the price.

Ahh oops :S old injury? Them and getting old sucks. Sounds like a take it easy for a bit then.

Not so much an old injury, more a condition. I'm ok though, tough as nails. Kinda.

Ahh poor bugger :S well hope it's playing up less for you so you can head out to the hills now.

No hills...I'm running errands, posting packages to my nephew, grocery shopping, spending way too much in Macpac and having lunch. Not a bad day. It's easy on the back though.

Salvaging something used, always tends to be painful taking it down, not sure why perhaps it was that thumb got in the way...

Productive day when you sit back and relax knowing it was done properly.

I think the thumb was feeling out. The other one was helping to wield the hammer like Thor himself and this one was just sort of sitting around doing nothing, leaning on the post. I think it felt left out and wanted to get involved so jumped in the way of the hammer. The result didn't turn out so well for the thumb.

Now not thinking about the tired arm swinging the hammer, jealous thumb got the attention!


Well I guess learning that it hurts to hit your thumb with the hammer was totally worth the work😅 and if anything you might manage to go for a walk on another day.. but yes I can totally relate, sometimes there is just too many ideas of what to do with your time, and you cant do it all at once (another lesson learned?:)

The thumb went rogue, took on a life of its own and jumped in the way of the hammer. It learned a lesson. So did I.

First of all, how is the finger? I had a few run ins with that too. I am yet to find anything that hurts as much as smashing your finger and stubbing your toe. Christ... you feel that ish even in your heart. It is good to know that you made those discoveries though. Cheers mate.

My thumb has made a remarkable, and full, recovery. I was only talking to it a couple of hours ago, asking after its well being and it told me all is well and that it'll be ready for action as per usual.

Oh da da da dear, you're gonna have a colourful nail in a few days that might fall off, totally worth a post! I'm sorry that happened, I know it hurts like a bitch. I haven't done it recently but I've done it enough in my lifetime - it's like riding a bicycle and being flung over the handle bars, you never quite forget how much it hurts.

It sucks that you didn't get to go on that drive, but getting the stuff done in prep for the new construction is pretty epic so I think foregoing the drive was worth it.

I'm busy making pizza for my ravenous offspring and we will glutton that down and then the rest of the day for me is work stuff. Not overly exciting. Looking forward to pics of your spring garden, but gotta get through winter first.

My thumb is ok, Cleo kissed it better.

Pizza huh? Sounds good. Me likey pizza. I had boring fish and vegetables for dinner. Was ok, but shit. You know? Not as good as pizza. Even my good thumb didn't like it!

P.s. Boring fish isn't a type of fish. It's a boring dinner that included fish. Just clarifying.

I haven't smashed my fingers with a hammer in a long time, but, I won't forget what that feels like! Having someone close a car door on it comes close. I really hate to choose which is worst. It was a kid, so you can't even get mad.

It is always good when a lesson is involved. :)

A nice autumn drive does sound enticing, but, come spring you will be reaping those rewards of work put in. I think you earned a few donuts today and you probably have a little extra time to find some good ones. I use the term find loosely. I am pretty sure you know exactly where those good donuts live.

I had a great day, horsing around. Today promised a little fun looking at a few RVs as there is an Expo going on at the Convention Center. Most of it will be outside, which is perfect. It is a beautiful day. Dinner is already put together, and life is good.

I hope you get that drive in!

Horsing around and RV's? Seems like a decent day indeed. Thumbs up! But not the thumb that got cruelly crushed to smithereens by the hammer; that one is resting.

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😂😂🤣🤣😂 there is always this humour in your posts and sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or just tell you "Sorry" sometimes. The way your posts come across, you are so tough that you don't even swell so much on the pains and hurts.

I don't know how I would feel if I ever smash a hammer on my thumb. Ah. I hit the base of the bed with my last time on my left leg while pacing as I was writing. I still haven't been the same with that pain.

I bet curried egg, lettuce and mayonnaise sandwiches hits differently and ease the pain. 😍🥰

Happy new week sir.

I have spent a lot of my life being very intense and serious due to necessity. I like bringing some humour to my posts. Makes me happy.

Not just you, it makes me happy and I read your posts just at the right time when I needed it hahaha.

It reminds me, some years ago one weekend. We were members of one organic agriculture farm 1 hour driving from our place. Was a very nice place but away from a residential area. We used to go on weekends to help and harvest many different kinds of fresh vegetables. At that time we were harvesting vegetables in October which was the last week of the year. the Norwegian autumn weather was windy and rainy the farm was the muddy temperature was around 4c. we were picking brussels sprouts and the plants were full of dirt I had a sharp knife to chop the tops of plants. Instead of chopping the plant, I chopped my little figure and realized when I saw the brussels sprouts were red. the nearby town was around 30 minutes from driving and Sunday everything is closed here. only the thing I did was tightly hold a towel around my finger to stop the blood. after 1 hour I got the help and it took around 22 days to heal my finger But anyway we enjoyed the organic and healthy veggies. I lost the sensation of my little finger that's all.

Hmm, that sounds like a lot to go through for some brussel sprouts! You're lucky the damage wasn't worse I guess, it could have gone far worse I think.

I'm fortunate that my thumb isn't too painful. It's not feeling the best if course, but I'll survive. 😊

if you do not mind, Can I suggest you something for your thumb 1/2 tsp of turmeric+1/2 tsp mustard oil+ pinch of salt if you have some alum cristal 2 pinch of alum powder mix together and apply on the affected part of the nail. It will heal very fast.😊

Thanks for your suggestion.

I didn't actually hit the nail, I hit the back of the thumb, at the second joint almost at the base of the hand. The hammer glanced off the cold chisel I was intending to hit and struck there. I'm not sure that mixture you suggest willl help in this case? I think it's broken.

ooh! hope it recovers soon. Take care

the damage was worse at that time/period. I should possibly lose my finger but not. thank god.

It seems a lucky day for you; losing a finger isn't a good thing. Obviously. I'm glad you didn't have to lose it.