On having the right tools for the job...!

in #hive-1679222 years ago

I recently got sidetracked into taking down the fence surrounding the once was veg plot in the lower field of my land....


This wasn't an urgent task, but it just got the point where that damned fence, in various stages of disrepair, was getting more and more irritating both aesthetically and practically because it's so much harder strimming up to the edges of the fence (eight edges if you think about it) rather than it just not being there.

So I decided it just had to come down before I strim again....

This meant cutting through the three small pieces of wire on each post that had been used to secure (or in some cases 'secure') the fence to said posts.


And there were a lot of posts...Probably around 60 in all - so that was 180 snips in total.

As I said above, I got sidetracked into this - I just sort of decided one afternoon last week I wanted to start on it, and so initially started using the cutters on the pliers I had to hand.

This was fine on the more loosely tied wires - either because of age loosening them or because of initial slackness, I could easily get the pliers right the way into the base for cutting, but on the tighter (better!) connections this was an effort and this meant spending quite some time forcing the pliers through the make the cut.

Eventually I gave up, after about 6 posts, settling for having done something and resolved to buy some proper wire cutters, and the next morning I evolved to using these....


The difference was AMAZING - I mean I sort of knew it would be, using a tool specifically designed for a task JUST LIKE THIS - snipping fencing wire!

With this tool it just made it easier to get a corner into the tiniest gap on on tightest wires and snip, snip, snip, less than one minute per post (I still had to contend with pulling the fencing and post out of the tall grass in places, and the bottom wire could be difficult to see).

It also cam in handy for cutting the actual fencing - where it was wrapped around the last post it just wasn't worth saving the last little bits at each end.

Made my money back already on this tool...

These wire cutters cost me 12 EU, which I personally think is a real bargain for some nice ergonomic wire cutters - they cut through relatively thick wire no problemo (2MM easy) have a large head but with corners that make it easy to get into tight areas and cushioned handle on relatively long arms, with great leverage.

The difference in time using these compared to my pliers was at least ONE HOUR - and factoring in an hourly rate of, well, say 12 EU, I've already made my money back in time terms!

Final thoughts...

Don't start a job until you have the right tools!

If you do so you're just wasting your time!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Having the right tools makes a massive difference. I've struggled on with the wrong ones and either wasted time, damaged something or hurt myself. Sometimes you don't even realise there is a different tool.

Especially when they're relatively cheap like wire cutters, a no brainer, but it also makes sense to hire in professionals for jobs with tools you just wouldn't use that often!

Yes, this has its own logic, but sometimes emergency work requires ingenuity and you will have to look for options on how to replace the missing tool, or part with the help of improvised means, or. in the shortest possible time. So, when I was looking for a main water supply to connect my house, the excavator broke it at seven o'clock in the evening, when the companies selling polyethylene parts for pipelines and pipes were already closed. I had to resolve the issue at my own discretion, but by one in the morning the gap was fixed and water was supplied to my house)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah in those situations, fair enough, needs must!

Yes, situations are different and it is impossible to bring everything under one template and one slogan, but, ideally, you are absolutely right).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The right tool makes all the difference. I struggled for years with cheap inappropriate tools and it wasn't until I started buying the right tools for the job that I realised how easy some things were!

Damn right...

I once knew a man who had all the right tools but no clue how to use them. They sat there doing nothing and he felt manly despite not even knowing how to hang a picture frame.

It seems you're nothing like that fellow. May I ask if there's a tool/equipment community on hive that you're aware of?

Becca 💗

If there is I bet its run by the fine G-Dawg, @galenkp. He has the best tools. I have a few and bodge everything with them :OD

I'll check it out. I mean, I'd like to show off the three tools I have: Nail file, tweezers and tea strainer. 🙃

You definitely cant do without tweezers!

Thanks for the shout out mate.

You are the man who has all the right tools!

FFS, I had to rewrite that several times and the final version still should well dodgy 🤣

Haha, I know right? When did tool take on such connotations? 🤪

I know! Damn the complications of words!!

They can be good though, I know a few swear ones I put to good use. 😊

So true! Some holds for setting up a workspace and learning the tricks to speed up repetitive tasks! Automate when you can etc.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Yeah a good workspace would be awesome!

I’m happy to trade mine for your land ✌️

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I think I'll stick with the land!

So I decided it just had to come down before I strim again...

More strimming? I think this time you definitely need my help; you know, offering good advice like, you missed a bit over there, and my particular favourite, come on, put your back into it.

Don't start a job until you have the right tools!

My grandfather said this a lot. He was a wise man. He would also have shook his head at you if you told him you'd used the pliers.

I have a small set of bolt cutters which were his...They'd make light work of that wire. Should I bring them so you can work faster or should I just bring my good advice? 😎

Becca 💗

Both, bring both for sure!


the Right Toolsis the difference

That is pretty awesome. I have a pair of wire cutters that have a double action feature so you don't have to apply as much pressure to get the same amount of force. It really saves on your hand when you are cutting a lot of stuff.

Like this:


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh wow they're a step up from what I've got... nice!