How to Minimise the Rate of Grammatical Errors when Writing an article on Hive Blockchain

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Some time ago, here on Hive Blockchain, precisely in the Leofinance community, I was reading through the prerequisites an article must have before it can be upvoted, and among the points in there, I saw grammatical errors. Fair enough, I didn't look into much of this because I just felt that it wasn't much more about me because I regularly do make some errors, not necessarily because I don't know the real truth about the errors I might have made but because I didn't take cognizance of the points I am about to talk about here in this article.

Making some grammatical errors while writing an article isn't something that isn't doable, but on the same plane, it is something that one can overcome too. Taking my mind back to the days when I was finalizing my day in school as I was handling some writings about my project work, I was in the midst of a rush so I could see my supervisor for the day because my supervisor literally doesn't have much of our time and any day he seems to have, we all did everything possible to reach him. And for me, in the process, I spelled my name wrong, and this was done unintentionally solely because I was in a rush and he dictated it right away without even taking a glance at the work. To worsen it all, he was even far away from the work, but boom, the unbelievable happened, and he rejected the work, saying that if I couldn't spell my name right, how sure am I that I did the work rightly? And to cut a long story short, I was bounced out of his office, and the rest is history.

The reason behind this brief story is because I was trying to justify the fact that some of the errors we make aren't because we don't or can't do them right but because we don't take into consideration the following points, which I am about to discuss right below this article.

The Way Out


Proof Read Your Work

To an extent, most people look away from this because they think it isn't that necessary, judging from the fact that they knew how careful they were when they were writing the article, and as such, they feel too confident that no errors or blunders when it comes to grammar were committed when they were writing. The reason why people feel too confident and less moved to proofread their written article is because they fail to understand that there is a difference between

Having some ideas and points in mind and writing them out One might have some ideas and points in mind, and how to convey them and make them understandable becomes an issue. As such, they write from their mind but without their eyes to detect some of these simple errors.

Suffice to say that the more reason behind some grammatical errors on articles published here on hive is because most of the writers don't proofread their work nor even glance through them a bit so as to detect some of these simple errors, they just write it on a first level and publish the article maybe because they wan't to beat time not doing that one can't beat time but rather can measure up with what time presents.


Adding Grammar Correction Extensions

This is mostly for those who use there PCs to write articles. I got to know this when I asked a friend a question about content writing, and he told me this point. Most of the time, we don't have the time to sit down and proofread our work, maybe because we are in a hurry or another idea of an article just came to us while we were writing the first article, so we just rush to write and publish the very first article while we go into the second article that just came.

To meet up with this, it is necessary that for those using PCs, it is of great essence to help both yourself and the writer by adding extensions on your PCs that quickly detect errors, quickly highlight them, and give one the best-suited word to correct that wrong one.

An extension like GRAMMERLY and QUILBOT is not far from being settled as an extension that quickly detects errors, highlights them, and suggests the right word, and when one presses it, it automatically corrects it, giving it the right shape and conformity that it deserves.


Be Down in Your Mind While Writing

This point has to be more of an individual one, as some people tend to misplace and leave this far away from the corridors of skills necessary to be acquired while writing an article.

While one is writing an article under tension, there is a greater chance that the writer is set to commit some grammatical blunders that the said writer couldn't believe he could commit while writing any article at all.

One of the advantages of writing with a calm and peaceful mindset is that instead of feeling much pressure to think out the right word that best befits the line of a sentence in a paragraph in that article, the pressure is drastically reduced, such that the right words flow so easily and calmly.


Keep Your Liquid Behind

This sounds quite funny, but it is true. The liquid mentioned above may be in the form of water, juice, prepared coffee, or what have you, according to what one wants. Having any of these liquids helps revitalize one and increase the focus rate.

When one's focus rate is reduced or out of pace, there are bound to be errors not worth making, and these errors can undoubtedly ruin the whole of what the article is saying, as the article might be talking about an advantage at the beginning, but because the writer becomes out of focus, the writer might start to write about the disadvantage at the tail or middle end of the article.

It is necessary that one maintain focus and keep cool while writing. In the process of taking any of these liquids, one is cooling off at the same time, and everything is working out well and near perfection.

It is not just about writing; it is also about making sense in your write-ups by not allowing errors to ruin a wonderfully prepared article. Thanks for stopping by, friends. Be blessed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha




Read how this all have started with Toruk

Thanks boss.