Develop Your Ideas and Turn them Into Money

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Do you know that the idea of making money has been inbuilt in man since time immemorial? Even during the days of our forefathers, it has been just that as the days and centuries goes by, what the ages know it for is remodernized and given a new name, but still it refers to the same thing.

Dating back to the ages, we can relate it to making gains or a change in something to get what we actually need at that point in time, which can be attributed to trade by barter. It was still under the same concept until it was remodernized and called IDEAS OF MAKING MONEY.

Inasmuch as we are born differently, in a different way, with different skin colors and everything a bit different from others, to an extent we all have a center of attraction that is living comfortably. The science of living comfortably is fabricated under the concept of making money. Whether white, black, or any other color, making money is for all, irrespective of the different demands and driving forces behind it.

Making Money is Independent of Variables

For any variable at all that exists, making money is independent of them all. Be it black, white, or purple, lol. Seeing that many people have different ideologies about those making money, which they might relate to luck, education background, or even economic conditions, irrespective of what ideologies about making money are held by different people, the ever-so-sure truth is that making money is independent of any of those ideas mentioned above or any idea that exists at all.

The only core difference is that there are undoubtedly external factors that might facilitate making money at a particular level or proportion. The bottom line to it all is having the right mindset and attitude for work and being disciplined in spending and planning. But attributing making money to being based on skin color is such a baseless idea in that making money is independent of any variable at all. There are people who were born poor without even an iron spoon, or more accurately, a silver spoon, and still they finally became billionaires.

Being Empty on the Outside Doesn't Mean same thing on the Inside

A story was once told, though it is more biblical, which has its summary to connote that: It is only the faith of a mustard seed that can move the mountain. This statement is figurative and at the same time something much more worth beholding on the outside, in that the mustard seed per se is one of the smallest and shortest seeds ever, but when it is planted, it gives such a mighty outlook that one can't believe that it is still the same seed.

To an extent, those that make much more money don't look like it on the outside, as what is real about them is not what people see but what they can't see. The determination, the zeal, the thinking and rethinking, and the very hard work put in are the real things that people on the outside might not see.

The only thing that shows that one is empty on both inside and out is the showcase of the above-mentioned attributes. If anyone, be it a businessman or a hustler, lacks the above-mentioned attributes, even if the person has already started a business and is doing well in the meantime, there is a greater chance that he will go bankrupt. Seeing that nothing good comes easy, it is necessary that the qualities that not only attract goodness but also maintain it be kept in the right proportion and level.

Watch-outs that can develop one's idea, turning it into Financial Success


Allowing creativity and innovation to appease you the most is a great sign that one is heading in the right direction in developing his or her ideas that will turn into financial success. Great people are those who have great and innovative minds. To a much greater extent, what worries great minds isn't just about the problem but rather brainstorming to solve it so that comfort and pleasure are derived from what could have left an ill mark. The pleasurable aspect of this is that they actually save the cost of the problem that befell them and, at the tail end, transform it into money. To back up this, this idea was what transpired during the time of COVID-19, when instead of thinking much of the problem, the label behind the production of the vaccine took precautions that would make them not contract it, brainstormed and came up with the solution to COVID, and at the tail end, made millions.


Position and reposition your minds to be open to learning and unlearning. Life has generally taught each and every one of us a lesson, and if we were allowed to have a say on our life journey, volumes of books would be written, but most of the misfortunes that we have documented on our life journey stories came because we were either misinformed or not informed at all. So repositioning our minds to always be eager to receive information will help a lot. If someone isn't informed, they are deformed. Being always eager to learn and hear information gives one the edge in changing the norms and directions of things that aren't productive.


Always be eager to take advantage of technology and digital platforms. There are ideas that solely depend on what technology can offer to make them productive and help the developer have financial success. Using the right key makes the right door open, so if one notices that what will transform his or her ideas into financial success is technology, then it is unnecessary to try other ways than embracing the technology that will birth the reality of the idea into a money-making idea.

Thanks for stopping by, friends. Be blessed.

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