Slim Pickings | 4 October, 2024 @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2517 | Prompt: fashionable cowboy (vaquero de moda)

in #hive-1611556 days ago


Jeanine's pulse raced as the horn blasted through the front door. She turned to her mother. "Don't just stand there. Shut the door. I don't want him to think I'm anxious. He'll be knocking any minute. Find my shoes!"

Mrs. Cramer shook her head in dismay. After reading the advertisement for the high school dance, Jeanine wouldn't listen to her suggestion. Instead, Mrs. Cramer spent countless hours in the past two days approving several pairs of high heels. All this ruckus, she thought, after Jeanine swore she wasn't interested in attending.

I guess the right boy hadn't asked, she chuckled to herself, not realizing Jeanine's dilemma.

Straightaway, Jeanine bolted upstairs. She hurriedly dressed. Remembering her friends taunts last week, her decision to attend forced her to accept Cody's invitation. It was either him or being labeled as "a social misfit".

The moment Mrs. Cramer opened the door and greeted Cody, she knew her daughter would have a miserable night. Smiling, she reached behind the couch and handed Cody a cotton tote, then whispered instructions.

Mrs. Cramer admired Cody's attire which enhanced his already handsome face. They shared a smile before Jeanine's grand entrance.

It didn't take her but a moment to scour Cody from head to toe, her disdain evident.

"Why would you embarrass me like this wearing that cowboy outfit? I wish I'd...." She turned to stare at her mother not expecting her to interrupt.

"Now you two youngsters run along before you miss all the fun."

Jeanine tried not to notice her mother's stern glance admonishing her rudeness toward Cody. Sulking, Jeanine hesitated. Heaving her shoulders, she jerked the shoes from her mother's hand.

On route to the dance, thoughts of being out of place with her "hillbilly-dressed escort", as she named his outfit, swirled. As if the shiny cowboy boots with the spurs weren't enough, Cody's hat resembled that out of a western movie, was twice as large, and curled upward.

Casting several glances in his direction, she'd held back as long as she could as a sneer crossed her lips. "What style were you going for tonight, Cowboy Bill?"

"Fashionable cowboy. You like it? I hope we win the best-dressed competition?" ignoring Jeanine's jab. Dressed up and escorting the most beautiful girl in the school, the night was perfect.

"I seriously doubt it,"* she countered, rolling her eyes. "I'd bet on the opposite." I won't be able to show my face on Monday," she murmured, then turned to stare blankly out the window.

The excitement of the event filtered to the outside as they arrived.

Speechless, Jeanine watched as all couples were dressed in western attire. And their outfits matched. Laughter ensued, with petticoats raised and legs showing the most fashionable boots she'd ever seen in a variety of colors.

"What the heck?" she blurted with a frown.

Cody grinned. "Wait here a moment." He returned from the car and presented her with her own pair of fashionable cowgirl boots in her favorite color.

"How did you know?" Jeanine wasn't about to admit her mistake and surprise.

Mothers always know best." He knelt and swiftly removed her heels and slipped on the boots.

I'll never forget this magical night, she declared silently looking deep into Cody's smokey eyes before being twirled around and led into a Cotton-Eyed Joe line dance, of which she was about to learn.


For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of 6 october 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2517: fashionable cowboy.


! [Poca cosa]


A Jeanine se le aceleró el pulso cuando el claxon sonó en la puerta principal. Se volvió hacia su madre. «*No te quedes ahí. Cierra la puerta. No quiero que piense que estoy ansiosa. Llamará en cualquier momento. Encuentra mis zapatos!»

La Sra. Cramer sacudió la cabeza consternada. Después de leer el anuncio del baile del instituto, Jeanine no quiso escuchar su sugerencia. En lugar de eso, la señora Cramer había pasado incontables horas en los dos últimos días aprobando varios pares de zapatos de tacón. Todo este jaleo, pensó, después de que Jeanine jurara que no estaba interesada en asistir.

Supongo que el chico adecuado no había preguntado, se rió entre dientes, sin darse cuenta del dilema de Jeanine.

Enseguida, Jeanine salió corriendo escaleras arriba. Se vistió a toda prisa. Recordando las burlas de sus amigos la semana pasada, su decisión de asistir la obligó a aceptar la invitación de Cody. Era él o ser etiquetada como «inadaptada social».

En el momento en que la Sra. Cramer abrió la puerta y saludó a Cody, supo que su hija tendría una noche miserable. Sonriendo, metió la mano detrás del sofá y le entregó a Cody una bolsa de algodón, luego le susurró instrucciones.

La señora Cramer admiró el atuendo de Cody, que realzaba su ya de por sí apuesto rostro. Compartieron una sonrisa antes de la gran entrada de Jeanine.

No tardó más que un momento en recorrer a Cody de pies a cabeza, con evidente desdén.

"¿Por qué me avergüenzas así llevando ese traje de vaquero? Ojalá me hubiera.... « Se volvió para mirar a su madre sin esperar que la interrumpiera.

«Ahora vosotros dos, jovencitos, largaos antes de que os perdáis toda la diversión».

Jeanine trató de no notar la mirada severa de su madre que la reprendía por su grosería hacia Cody. Enfurruñada, Jeanine vaciló. Levantando los hombros, le quitó los zapatos a su madre de un tirón.

De camino al baile, se le agolpaban los pensamientos de estar fuera de lugar con su «acompañante vestido de paleto», como ella bautizó su atuendo. Por si las relucientes botas de vaquero con espuelas no fueran suficientes, el sombrero de Cody parecía sacado de una película del oeste, era el doble de grande y se enroscaba hacia arriba.

Lanzando varias miradas en su dirección, se contuvo todo lo que pudo mientras una mueca cruzaba sus labios. «¿Qué estilo querías esta noche, Cowboy Bill?»

«Vaquero a la moda». ¿Te gusta? Espero que ganemos el concurso de los mejor vestidos...» ignorando el pinchazo de Jeanine. Bien vestido y acompañando a la chica más guapa del instituto, la noche era perfecta.

«Lo dudo mucho «, replicó ella, poniendo los ojos en blanco. Yo apostaría por lo contrario «. “No podré dar la cara el lunes ”*, murmuró, y luego se volvió para mirar fijamente por la ventana.

La emoción del acontecimiento se filtró al exterior cuando llegaron.

Sin palabras, Jeanine vio cómo todas las parejas se vestían con atuendos occidentales. Y sus trajes iban a juego. Siguieron las risas, con las enaguas levantadas y las piernas mostrando las botas más a la moda que jamás había visto en una variedad de colores.

"¿Qué demonios?, soltó frunciendo el ceño.

Cody sonrió. «Espera aquí un momento». Volvió del coche y le entregó su propio par de botas vaqueras a la moda en su color favorito.

"¿Cómo lo sabías? Jeanine no estaba dispuesta a admitir su error y su sorpresa.

Las madres siempre saben más « Se arrodilló y rápidamente le quitó los tacones y le calzó las botas.

Nunca olvidaré esta noche mágica, declaró en silencio mirando profundamente los ojos ahumados de Cody antes de ser girada y conducida a un baile en línea de Cotton-Eyed Joe, del que estaba a punto de aprender.


Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la publicación de @daily.prompt de 6 october 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2517: fashionable cowboy.


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.



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b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
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f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.




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“Well, well, who knew that the guy who looked like he was straight out of a cowboy movie would turn out to be the life of the party? What an unexpected twist!”

I'm sure she learned that you shouldn't always judge a book by its cover, let alone a guy by his clothes.



Uses: 27/32

Yes, sir ree...But she'll never admit it. If only she'd paid attention to the school function criteria, she wouldn't have stressed and dressed appropriately. Good thing urban cowboy was handy.

Thanks so much for your visit and insightful thoughts on the story. I appreciate it and your engagement. Take care.


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The dressing at first doesn't really look appealing now look at the results, quick conclusions sometimes are not really right because the next minute can never be ascertained.

Hasty judgments are sometimes inadequate to assess the personality of a person correctly. Thanks for your visit. Take care.

Your welcome


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It is a delightful story. Very human. If only mothers could so easily see how to solve their daughters' adolescent dilemmas. It never worked for me, no matter how hard I tried :))

Really clever, warm, and nicely constructed. I enjoyed reading this. I'm glad I stopped by.

That is so true of mothers when it comes to matters of the heart that issues are not so easily resolved. It never was with me either. that may be doable, especially when you understand the situation at hand.

I remember once crying my fool head off when my dad brought home moccasins for me to wear to school. I refused to go (that's another story). Anyway, the next day my mom convinced my dad to buy me a shiny new pair of Oxfords. Where the money came from when funds were sparse they never told. But I was a happy camper.

I enjoyed writing this story and am pleased you found it enjoyable. Thanks so much for your visit, manual curation, and support.

Take care.

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A story very well told, thank goodness for her mother's thoughtfulness, Jeanine would have felt so out of place.

Her mother was a gem and tolerant of her daughter's quick temper and attitude. She was on point with those cowgirl boots having read the school's advertisement of the type of social event that was taking place. An informed mom is a lifesaver.

I appreciate you taking time to stop by and view my story. Take care.

Cody is such a gentleman! 😁

Isn't he though. A diamond in the rough. She should be thankful he was available. Sometimes one never knows how a situation will resolve itself satisfactorily. Thanks so much for your visit and view of my story. I appreciate it. Apologies for the late response, but was out of town. Take care.


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Sweet tales of a beautiful lady and the cowboy , you can always be yourself and still become the life of the party !!!Nice one from the cowboy..originality worked for him

That's the best and only way to be...yourself. Some people are so busy imitating others that they miss out on the enjoyment and contentment of being themselves. The character in my story had so much fun that she forgot why she was upset in the first place.

I appreciate your visit and lovely compliment for my story. Thanks for your support and engagement. I truly apologize for the late response, but just returning from vacation. Take care.


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