Tears- Pixelart day 7 DIY animation [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1586945 months ago



Hi I'm thisnewgirl and this is my personal challenge to draw 1 pixelart daily, we continue on day #7

Today was full of rain and so was my creativity, a bit melancholic, this pixelart was inspired by a recent reel in which someone was talking about crying, in a very poetic way, and well there is beauty in everything, so in the tears too .... I could talk long and hard about how this triggers references to the tarot, but I better focus on what was the process of this illustration so let's get to it !

El dia de hoy estuvo repleto de lluvia y asi estuvo mi creatividad, un tanto melancolica, este pixelart fue inspirado por un reel reciente en el que alguien hablaba sobre llorar, de manera muy poetica, y pues hay belleza en todo, asi que en las lagrimas tambien.... podria hablar largo y tendido sobre como esto desencadena referencias al tarot, pero mejor me enfoco en lo que fue el proceso de esta ilustracion asi que vayamos a ello ! dia # 7



Ehhhh as the days go by is more difficult to think about what to do, and how to do it, what colors to use or what exactly to animate... so for the lineart I only started with the head, with lines I placed where the nose and mouth would be and this time (because the joke of practicing often is to learn from mistakes) I remembered to make the eyes in a separate layer, this way I can work the lines of the eyes without worrying that when trying to erase quickly I erase some other line that does not correspond.

Ehhhh a medida pasan los dias es mas dificil pensar en que hacer, y como llevarlo a cabo, que colores usar o que exactamente animar.. asi que para el lineart solo comence con la cabeza, con rayas ubique en donde estaria la nariz y la boca y esta vez (porque el chiste de practicar seguido es aprender de los errores) recorde hacer los ojos en una capa aparte, de esta manera puedo trabajar las lineas de los mismos sin preocuparme de que al intentar borrar rapido borre alguna otra linea que no corresponde.


first eyes

Yes, they are not the best in the world but it is my base, the location of where the eyes will be and where they will be looking, this is done in another layer, in this layer I plan to apply color all at once and experiment beyond what I am used to, usually I see pixelart where the colors of the eyes sometimes are spots of colors that seen from far away makes sense and gives the sensation that it is an eye that is there.

Si, no son lo mejor del mundo pero es mi base, la ubicacion de donde los ojos estaran y hacia donde estaran observando, esto esta hecho en otra capa, en esta capa pienso aplicar de una vez color y experimentar mas alla de lo que estoy acostumbrada, usualmente veo pixelarts en donde los colores de los ojos a veces son manchas de colores que visto de lejos tiene sentido y da la sensacion de que es un ojo el que esta alli.



base color for the face and eye coloring.

In a new layer under the lineart I started to color what would be the base color of the face, in a blue tone, then, creating a top layer I started to color and draw what would really be the eyes.

En una nueva capa debajo del lineart comence a colorear lo que seria el color base del rostro, en un tono azul, luego, creando una capa superior comence colorear y dibujar lo que realmente serian los ojos

Ehhh... yeah, that's kind of what the technique looks like, you can understand that there are two eyes but I don't know if I love this technique I feel it's ... complicated and even more a waste of time at least for me, between choosing the color gradient I'm going to use and positioning them properly and make sense in some way... it's just too much... of course it makes the lines look much more softened by not being so sharp and defined but I think I prefer my way.

Ehhh... si, algo asi se ve la tecnica, puedes entender que hay dos ojos pero no se si me encante esta tecnica siento que es ... complicada y mas aun una perdida de tiempo al menos para mi, entre elegir el degrade de colores que voy a usar y posicionarlos adecuadamente y que hagan sentido de alguna manera... es simplemente demasiado... claro hace que las lineas se vean mucho mas suavizadas al no ser tan cortantes y definidas pero creo que prefiero mi modo.



Hair base lights and shadows


changed the eyes and finished the hair, base color for body and placements of shadows and lights ...

This is the fastest way at least for me to make eyes... the other technique I like the way it looks but I don't love the two hours I spent coloring two pairs of eyes... so I feel a little conflicted... maybe I'm trying to find a middle point between the two styles, because the first version I like it but it feels messy... I don't know if it's just me. not to mention how laborious it is.

Esta es la manera al menos para mi mas rapida de hacer ojos... la otra tecnica me gusta como se ve pero no me encantan las dos horas que pase coloreando dos pares de ojos la verdad... asi que me siento un poco conflictuada.. quiza trate de encontrar un punto medio entre los dos estilos, porque la primer a version me gusta pero lo siento desordenado.. no se si solo son cosas mias. ni hablar de lo trabajoso que es.


body done.


now the decorations and details





for the background I used a gradient in dark and light blue, then I added some small pixels like shining and twinkling stars, a moon, and in the front, I made several bushes with different colors to give a feeling of distance/closeness of the bushes.

para el fondo utilice un degradado en azul oscuro y claro, luego a;adi unos peque;os pixeles como estrellas brillando y titilando, una luna, y en el frontal, hice varios arbustos con distintos colores para dar sensacion de lejania/ cercania de los mismos.


color palette


frames for the animation : total of 40 frames for dialogue box, tears and stars.


Thanks for reading, if you like what I do leave a like ! comment what you would like to see me pixelate next time

Gracias por leer, si te gusta lo que hago deja un like ! comenta que te gustaria ver que pixelara la proxima vez.

dont forget to check my last posts:

Vampire Bat: https://peakd.com/hive-158694/@thisnewgirl/splinterlands-art-contest-week-295-or-vampire-bat-pixelart

slp animation.gif

Light healer: https://peakd.com/hive-131131/@thisnewgirl/light-healer-animation-pixelart-day-5-engesp


Cat girl: https://peakd.com/hive-158694/@thisnewgirl/cat-girl-pixelart-animation-step-by-step-engesp

cat girl.gif

Roof girl: https://peakd.com/hive-158694/@thisnewgirl/roof-girl-pixelart-step-by-step-engesp-day-4

roof girl.gif

Aurora: https://peakd.com/hive-158694/@thisnewgirl/aurora-pixelart-animation-step-by-step-engesp


Forgotten bones: https://peakd.com/hive-158694/@thisnewgirl/forgotten-bones-pixelart-animation-step-by-step-engesp


You can find me on:

instagram as:

and in Showroom as :


