porque un sofá no hallaba,
siempre donde se sentaba,
dejaba todo mojado,
por su cuerpo hidratado.
He cried a drop of water because he could not find a sofa, always where he sat the drop of water left everything wet by his hydrated body.
A la zarigüeya se le ocurrió,
envolver a la gota en un papel marrón,
así cuando se sentará,
el papel absorbería el agua
y no mojaría nada.
The opossum came up with the idea of wrapping the drop of water in brown paper, so that when it sat down, the paper would absorb the water and it wouldn't get wet.
Pero no funcionó,
el papel se mojó,
también se rompió,
Y el sofá nuevamente,
muy mojado quedó.
But the possum's idea didn't work and the paper got wet, it also broke and the sofa was again very wet.
Ante esta situación,
la zarigüeya un regalo le dio,
un sofá le elaboró,
con plástico de verde color
y así todos felices fueron hoy.
Faced with this situation, the possum gave him a gift, a sofa she made for him, with green plastic and so they were all happy today.
Stopmotion y cuento original de
Margarita Palomino