Hello my beautiful people of this community, I wanted to come back here to show you a nice painting that I wanted to make, I am not very good at painting but I try, I like to recreate drawings, without more to say let's start.
- Pincel.
- Pintura.
- Lápiz.
- Hoja blanca o cartulina.
- Brush.
- Paint.
- Pencil.
- White sheet or cardboard.
Paso 1: Comencé dibujando las ramas poco a poco unas grandes y pequeñas, luego quise dibujar a los pájaros, algo más romántico, me hizo acordar a la película de Río, más o menos quise recrear.
Step 1: I started drawing the branches little by little, some big and some small, then I wanted to draw the birds, something more romantic, it reminded me of the movie Rio, more or less I wanted to recreate.
Paso 2: Ahora con Pintura negra vamos a pintar los pájaros con mucho cuidado, sin salirse de las lineas, ara las ramas mezclamos pintura negra y verde para que queden oscuras.
Step 2: Now with black paint we are going to paint the birds very carefully, without going out of the lines, for the branches we mix black and green paint to make them dark.
Paso 3: Con un pincel que no tenga tanto pelo vamos a ir pintando lo que seria los corazones, luego Con el pincel hacemos las flores de color amarillo y con el color rojo lo aplicamos en la parte de abajo.
Step 3: With a brush that does not have so much hair we are going to paint what would be the hearts, then with the brush we make the yellow flowers and with the red color we apply it at the bottom.
This was the final result, I look amazing, I am new in this world of painting but I know that with the help of all of you who will support me I will get better and learn from each one, I hope you liked it as much as me and see you in a next blog.