Time to get the veggie garden going!
So you have seen my two large compost heaps busy doing the relay. Now it is time to prepare the above area to become the veggie garden.
One of my concerns is keeping the children and soccer balls(footballs) and the like out of the veggies!
In order to do that, a fence needs to be built! I have also begun removing the hardy grass in that section so I can prepare the earth for the crops. I will most likely be building some raised beds as well, but clearing the same space still goes hand in hand.
This was the start of clearing the grass as well as making a little path that takes me to the compost heap. Again, this will protect the veggies and make a path to dump kitchen scraps without getting full of dirt.
Build a Fence!
Get some wood!
I collect wood all the time wherever people might be throwing it out. For projects like this!
Mark out the cuts!
Cut some sharp stakes. These will become my vertical poles to sink into the soil.
I asked @aimeludick to give me a hand with taking pictures of me working so enjoy the camera roll!
"When the hammer falls!"
Having sunk in the poles a bit, I inspect my work. There is still plenty to do here. The poles must go a full 3rd of their length into the ground.
But it is time for refreshments!
@aimeludick also gave me a hand in hammering. It is good for her to get a little experience in these practical things! How else do we learn?
Finally I stopped here at the end of the day. As you work you have to compact the dirt around your poles. Then let them stand a while some more.
I came back to my posts a few days after this, each day whacking it a bit deeper and compacting dirt again around the stakes.
This slow and steady approach should mean that I will have a sturdy fence to protect my garden!
More updates will come soon!