During the month of June, our garden underwent many transformations.
At the beginning of the month with @outlinez we harvested the garlic and then I learned to braid it for easier drying and storage. Now at the end of the month we harvested the onion and I already have experience with braiding it and I did it much faster. The difference between onion and garlic braiding is that with the onion, twine or sesal is woven into the braid itself.
This month we have an abundance of cucumbers that are so delicious! We eat them straight with the skin - without peeling them because we do not spray any preparations in our garden.
Our broccoli grows, but is constantly attacked by all kinds of bugs. As I said, we do not spray with chemicals, we prepare our own liquid fertilizer from nettles and stone flour, but I am not sure if they will survive all the attacks.
Corn sown together with pumpkins and beans grow very well.
This month we collected lavender, Crimean tea, I also started picking Echinacea.
We have an abundance of herbs such as mint, immortelle and thyme.
During this month we picked raspberries, blackcurrants and others.
Most of the tomatoes became tall plants that had very few flowers to bear fruit. However, there are several plants, of another variety, that have already tied tomatoes. The varieties are Medellinа and Pink Dar.
We pick zucchini:
This year the peach has a lot of fruit. I made a great homemade jam from the fruit for my family.