When I first moved from an apartment to this land, I was incredibly motivated and enthusiastic about gardening. I’m still motivated, but I’ve become a bit less so over the years, which is a good thing. I had a bit of pressure when I started. Growing vegetables on my own isn’t easy. At that time, I wanted to grow many different types of vegetables. Nowadays, I focus on simple and easy ones that are easy to take care of, pick, and cook. I’ve tried growing some herbs as well.
Peas are super simple and tough vegetables to grow in my garden. This land has muddy and rocky soil, so it’s not easy to grow delicate vegetables.
I love growing fruit in my garden, although it’s not always easy. After a major pruning, my blueberry bushes weren’t doing well, but this year they seem to have recovered. Unfortunately, the cherries and grapes are not doing well this year.
The blueberries and green peas are almost done for the year. I enjoyed eating them with my dog. He loves eating blueberries with me and goes blueberry picking with me every morning.
Japanese 日本語
Thank you for reading!