Keeping It Going!

in #hive-1406352 years ago


Hello good people of Hive Garden! How is everyone doing? I've been good, just the same old, same old. Work, family, and of course Hive;) Actually there has been a big change, both of my sons have started school. My oldest 2nd grade, and my youngest has started Pre-K. It has been hard on him, but he is starting to get used to it, and even getting in trouble. Little bugger. LOL. Overall things are steady, and consistent, which is nothing to complain about at all. I am very grateful for where I am at, including to be here on Hive, which is something I tell people about everyday. Some listen. Most, well you all know that story. But it wont stop me from trying. I love to share my hobby's here, and putting in the effort in doing so. Not much to show at the moment, but lets take a look on what has changed since my last update.

I have harvested the few Jalapenos. I am sure they will at least make for a nice dinner. Just sprinkle some salt on them, good to go. Or maybe my wife will just make some Tacos;)

The Glass Corn on the side is really starting to reach to the sky! I have never grew corn before, so not so sure if they are a bit under fed, but they are churning out some nice looking ears.

The corn on this side are untouched from the Aphids, like a few of the ears in the garden patch have. Another thing about this side is it is close to the water well, and they require less watering.

But with the wall being there, the sun hits different, and each corn is at different stages of development.

Now the corn on the other side are very mature, and will be ready in the next couple weeks. Give or take a few days.

But like I said earlier, the Aphids are really going to town on this side. This is due to the ants. I knew they where here at the start of this garden, but forgot about them farming Aphids, which I am positive this is the case. However it is only a few ears, and that is an acceptable loss.

I went ahead, and picked one of the ears that was heavily damaged, and look how beautiful these are! It makes me think of glass marbles. It is going to be cool to see how they look mature, and ready. I wonder what colors will I see?

The Serrano's will be ready soon as well. I know I got to up my pepper game next season!

The Habanero is starting to produce! This plant has been struggling all season, but now finally coming around after adding that top dressing of Bloom fertilizer.

The Cherry Tomatoes are still churning out a handful every week, but I think it is coming to an end after the ones here are finished.

I have been getting 3-5 Beefsteaks every week as well, I have to say there is no better tomatoes then one that has been freshly picked!

So to redeem myself from the Squash mishap, I am going to see how these fair out the rest of the season. We have our sunnier days ahead of us, at least until the end of September, so we will see. One thing that will not be an issue is frost. So worst case scenario they do not grow as big as they should. Won't know if I don't try. Have you ever had an yellow watermelon?

One thing that I will have is the room for the melons. At the start of this grow I was naïve on how much room they need. Even though it worked out. But it sure would of not hurt to have more room. Now that October is approaching us, I really wish I would of tried my hand at pumpkins. Next year is 100% certain on that! Well that is all for now, hopefully come next week I will have some yellow watermelon peaking its head out of a Solo Cup, so stay tuned. It isn't over yet;)



Melons, pumpkins and squash do not like being transplanted.. you might want to reconsider the Solo cup idea

Oh shit like autos huh? Good looking!

ohoho that is so cute. I love your plants buddy. Greetings

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I can't believe how incredible your corn worked out - I must get on it this year as I always give up due to the lack of water, but if you can do it in California surely I can too!!!! Hive is so inpsiring!!!!

Yay, jalapenos. That's oone crop I'm doing lots more of this year for sure!!!! I just love them, and since I've figured out how to do the hot sauce I need even more!

It does help that we have a well here that pumps out of the ground. There is an underground river here, and you don't have to drill deep to get water. But I do wonder how long that will last with all the row crops here.

And yeah I never can get enough spice in my life :)

Haha, spice is the best - well, the hot chilli kind that's for 100 percent!

Having a well is amazing. It is a worry though with agriculture - time to look at other methods. I did here recently that in Russia there's a LOT of backyard farmers that feed into the whole food supply chain rather than big monocultures. That's the way forward I think. We're going to have to make some big changes and I'm sooo worried about drought coming back here as we went through eight years of a bad one when I was in my 20's and it really traumatised a lot of us.

It is true. Here where I live they grow 80% of the world’s lettuce, and a good portion is destroyed in order to not flood the market. With all these corporations buying farms, and living far away from them, they do not care what damage they are doing.

I love it, I want to see when the yellow watermelon is ready, I have only seen that kind of watermelon 2 times in my life. It is not very common here.
The corn plants look very healthy, here when we plant them the pest usually eats a lot of leaves and usually has a lot of worms.

It does seem there are a lot of spots on the corn plant where pests can thrive. Makes sense. Thanks for stopping by!