Hello, hivers and garden lovers!
In my first greenhouse post, I wrote about getting the tomato plants started, and transplanting a few of the paste tomato plants into the big pots in the greenhouse. The next step for me was to finish cleaning out the front corner of the greenhouse so I could put a few more big pots in that area for tomato plants. This is the corner where the winter pond fish tank was all winter.
It didn't take too much effort to get it cleaned up and prepared for more pots. I also rearranged the pavers on the floor in the corner.
After getting the corner cleaned up, I brought 2 more big pots into the greenhouse. After that,I decided to transplant my last 2 Amish Paste tomato plants into the big pots. The plants are still pretty small, but I wanted to get that done.
I also transplanted 4 of the biggest tomato plants into different small pots to give their roots more growing room. Those plants will be planted outside in the garden at the end of May when the nights don't get so cold. Here's all the small tomato plants that I have.
Last, but not least, a picture of my helper.
That's all I have for this post, thanks for checking it out!