Creating a Holozing Inspired Forest Bike: A Creative Journey!

in #hive-1311319 months ago

Hello Holozing community

Excited to be here again with you, and share with you my new project related to the new revelations that the account @holozing brings us in their post [More Starter items reveal!]( holozing/more-starter-items-reveal) among is accessory:

Do you know what else is difficult? Reach faraway places through rugged terrain to find wild creatures. This will be easier and faster with your own Alpha-themed Holozing Bike that will match perfectly with the rest of your Healer class gear!


This is a great bicycle accessory so that our creature can get to different places faster. When I saw this post I took on the task of making an accessory for this one, similar to materials of the same nature, since it is inspired by the forest.

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On the other hand, increase my delegation, since the first time I delegated 20 hp, since my Hivepower was little, as I receive rewards I increase my power, the last time I increased it to 60 Hp, this time I will increase it 80 Hp As my hivepower increases, I will also do so in my delegation.

I like creations, challenges, when I saw that bicycle in the holozing post, the idea came to me of creating a bicycle, but making it in a different way with the materials I had on hand. It was a great job, but it took me hours to prepare since I had to wait for the glue to do its job, so it was a little complicated to do.


I liked this bicycle, its model of those latest generation mountain bikes that the account shows us, I made it sporty but the one used here uses the following materials:

  • Pieces of wood.
  • Silicone
  • Two CDs.
  • Wick thread
  • A round plastic piece.
    Start by taking measurements to cut the pieces of wood, to be able to shape the bicycle to the small scale size of a bicycle.

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After I had all the cuts made, I started assembling my bike without glue, making a sketch with the pieces of wood, to make sure everything was right.

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When checking, I glued each piece, be patient because I had to wait on each piece for the glue to do its job, then once I had the pieces glued I glued the wheels.

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When I had my two wheels ready, one of the fundamental parts of the bicycle came, which is the crown and its chain, although it cost me a little but I was able to make it fit perfectly.

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Then to make it stand up, I glued it to the cardboard, with glue.

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This is how my Bicycle accessory turned out for the Forest thing.

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I hope you like my work

Hola comunidad Holozing

Entusiamado estar aqui nuevamente con ustedes, y compartir con ustedes mi nuevo proyecto relacionado a las nuevas revelaciones que nos trae la cuenta @holozing en su post More Starter items reveal! entre se encuentra accesorio:

¿Sabes qué más es difícil? Llegar a lugares lejanos a través de terrenos accidentados para encontrar criaturas salvajes. ¡Esto será más fácil y rápido con tu propia Bicicleta Holozing con temática Alfa que combinará perfectamente con el resto de tu equipo de clase de sanador!


Esta es un gran accesorio una bicicleta para que nuestro criatura puedan llegar mas rapido a diferentes lugares, al ver este post me di a la tarea de realizar un accesorio a este, parecido con materiales de la misma naturaleza, ya que va inspirado para lo del bosque.

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Por otra parte, aumentar mi delegacion, ya que la primera vez delegue 20 hp, ya que mi Hivepower era poco, a medida que voy recibiendo recompensas voy aumentando mi poder, la ultima vez la aumente a 60 Hp, esta vez la aumentare 80 Hp, a medidad que mis hivepower vaya aumentando tambien lo hare en mi delegacion.

Me gusta las creaciones, los retos, cuando vi esa bicicleta en el post de holozing, me vino a la idea de crear una bicicleta, pero hacerla a una forma diferentes con los materiales que tenia a la mano. Fue un gran trabajo, pero me llevo horas de elaboracion ya que debia esperar que la pega hicira su trabajo, entonces fue un poco complicado hacerla.


Esta biciclieta me gusto su modelo de esas montañeras de ultima generacion la que nos muestra la cuenta, yo lo realice deportiva pero de la que se utiliza aqui, esta utilice los siguientes materiales:

  • Trozos de madera.
  • Silicona
  • Dos cd.
  • Hilo pabilo
  • Una pieza plasrica redonda.
    Inicie tomando las medidas para cortar los trozos de madera, para poder darle forma a la bicicleta llevar el tamaño de escala pequeña de una bicicleta.

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Luego que tenia todos los cortes hecho, empeze armar mi bicicleta sin pegamento, hacer un bosquejo con los trozos de madera, para observar ue todos estuviera bien.

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Al verificar, fui pegando cada pieza, tener paciencia porque debia esperar en cada pieza que la pega hiciera su funcion, luego al tener la piezas pegadas fui pegando la ruedas.

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Al tenrr lista mis dos ruedas, venia unas de las piezas fundamentales de la bicicleta que es la corona y su cadena, auqi me costo un poco pero pude que quedara a la perfeccion.

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Luego para quede levantada, la pegue al carton, con pega.

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Asi quedo mi accesorio de Bicicleta para lo del Bosque.

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Espero te guste mi trabajo


A recycled version of the bicycle. I like the creativity of the final result

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It is a nice and beautiful bicycle,

Thank you friend, your comments motivate me to continue with my art.