Hola comunidad de hivediy! Y artesanos ✨💕 como todos los meses les traigo una nueva edición decorando mi bullet journal /agenda del mes haciendo un collage para decorar cada página 📄 , este mes llegó bastante rápido la verdad , y viene cargado de algunas fechas importantes como mi cumpleaños 🎂 🥳 y el de mi hermano, 🎈 y como siempre me pasa en mi cumpleaños usualmente me dan minis crisis existenciales de ¿Que estoy haciendo con mi vida señor? 🫠Jajajs no sé si a ustedes les pasa , sobre todo porque estoy transitando los ultimos años de los 20's, y siempre vienen conflictos mentales que abren y cierran nuevas etapas.Pero este mes queria que tuviera un aire positivo y bonito pero también recordándome un poco a mi infancia, y registrando entre algunas carpetas viejas encontré muchas stickers de esos que traian las libretas antes para decorar los cuadernos y me trajo muchos recuerdos, yo la verdad los guardaba y los dejaba para usarlos en algo importante después,pero a la final no los terminaba usando 😅, asi que para este mes decidí decorar con estos y asi apelar al factor nostalgia.
🩷 Hojas ponchadas blancas
🩷 Reglas
🩷 Tijeras
🩷 Stickers
🩷 Papeles decorativos
🩷 Pega blanca
🩷 Bolígrafos de colores
🩷 Estilográfo negro
🩷 Pintura blanca
Manos a la obra
English Version📝💕📝💕📝💕📝💕📝💕📝💕📝💕📝💕📝
Hello hivediy community! And artisans ✨💕 like every month I bring you a new edition decorating my bullet journal / planner of the month making a collage to decorate each page 📄 , this month it arrived quite quickly, the truth is, and it comes loaded with some dates important ones like my birthday 🎂 🥳 and my brother's, 🎈 and as always happens to me on my birthday I usually have mini existential crises of What am I doing? doing with my life sir? 🫠Hahaha I don't know if it happens to you, especially because I'm going through the last years of my 20's, and always There are mental conflicts that open and close new stages. But this month I wanted it to have a positive and beautiful air but also reminding me of a little to my childhood, and searching through some old folders I found many stickers of those that notebooks used to have to decorate the notebooks and I It brought back a lot of memories, I actually kept them and left them to use them for something important later, but in the end I didn't end up using them 😅, so for This month I decided to decorate with these and appeal to the nostalgia factor.
🩷 White punched paper
🩷 Rulers
🩷 Scissors
🩷 Stickers
🩷 Decorative papers
🩷 White glue
🩷 Colored pens
🩷 Black pen
🩷 White paint
Let's get to work
**#1 As always I make my journal sheet format, on the white sheet it is approximately half of a card-sized sheet and I punched holes in it for the hoops, and I made the calendar format with boxes for each day of the month, the square is about 10.7 cm x 10.5 cm, with squares of approximately 1.5cm x 2cm for the day's rectangle, and I took out the stickers that I had saved, which by the way are from the kiut notebooks that they were too beautiful.
**#2 With scraps of decorative papers that I had I started to put together the collage, for this month I chose pink and purple tones, I also recycled a Separator cardboard that the notebooks of various people had. First I organized the collage to see how the clippings looked best, then I decided how I wanted I glued the collage using white school glue.
**#3 Since September starts on a Sunday I left the first line empty, only putting Sunday, but this made me have to add another row of days for complete the month and one more day for the 30th, completing those boxes with a black stylograph, I added the days of the weeks (but I I liked it because it was interspersed with the design), I placed some star drawings on the sides with highlighters, and decorated with the stikers that I had, I used flowers, butterflies and a series of lip designs 💋 a little flower and a 3D heart. For the back of the sheet, When decorating, I decided to use the ring notebook dividers again, which have lines to write a note, and I took out two rectangles to create a space to write down the goals and tasks of the month, and it turned out quite functional, I also added an oval for decorating.
**#4 I put some decorative paper cutouts for titles, and added the decorative stickers, to accompany the titles and some empty spaces, I also used a large sticker to decorate the corner, as these stickers take a long time to secure well I glued them with glue white too, To give it a better finish I made some little circles to fill in the to-do list in purple marker and a dot white, which makes it look more finished, I also made some hearts for the other to-do list, I added the titles of the month And also the shopping one, with a purple marker and alternating with a Stylograph and some white dots, I also put a little message in the oval.
Pd: no diré septiembre sorprendeme porque ya llevo dos apagones en 48 hrs😳 así qué, que no me sorprenda.
🩷**Bueno y este es el resultado, gracias por acompañarme un nuevo mes 😊 y gracias por leer este post **🩷
Fotos tomadas en mi equipo Redmi note 12 editadas en Pics art y gif realizado en app creador de GIFs, texto traducido en Google traductor.
And soon to finish, place the final details on the main page, finishing the decoration of the calendar and placing the titles, with a marker and Stylus, giving white shadows, added some anniversary stickers 🎂 to mark the dates, to give more details to the collages that were made White hearts, and also some others with markers, also add a motivational phrase in Portuguese that is something that I'm doing it every month, this month it's "It's time to look for everything that you said it would be" what does it mean in "It's time to try to do everything you said you would be" or something like that, which I thought was pretty accurate to put into words order of ideas and actions to achieve all those objectives or goals that have been left behind during the year or even over time and we have not given all the necessary attention, or to rethink things.
PS: I won't say September surprises me because I've already had two blackouts in 48 hours😳 so don't let it surprise me.
🩷**Well, this is the result, thanks for joining me for another month 😊 and thanks for reading this post **🩷
Photos taken on my Redmi note 12 device edited in Pics art and gif made in GIF creator app, text translated in Google translator.