Feliz domingo familiar!! Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes este metodo que para mi resulto MARAVILLOSO😍 definitivamente amé el resultado, y de hbaer sabido que esto se podia hacer, no habria botado tantas gomas en mis telefonos anteriores, porque si, TODAAAAAS se ponen asi amarillas, y la verdad no se ven nada lindas 😂 pero aqui les muestro una solucion, que ademas de ser muy facil rs super economica tambien!! De hecho creo que cada mes lo pintare de un color diferente😂😂 muchos le llamaran pobreza jaja de no comprar una goma mas, yo lo llamo aprovechar mos recursos jaja y es que la solucion para pintar nuestras gomas es el PAPEL CREPÉ
Happy family Sunday! Today I want to share with you this method that for me was WONDERFUL😍 I definitely loved the result, and if I had known that this could be done, I would not have thrown away so many rubber bands on my previous phones, because yes, they ALL get yellow like this, and the truth is they do not look pretty 😂 but here I show you a solution, which besides being very easy rs super economical too! In fact I think that every month I will paint it a different color😂😂 many will call it poverty haha not to buy one more rubber, I call it take advantage of our resources haha and is that the solution to paint our rubber is the PAPER CREPÉ.
Si señores, algo muy facil de encontrar quizas en tu pais le llamen de otra forma pero aca te muestro la foto para que tengas la referencia, vas a necesitar👇👇
Yes gentlemen, something very easy to find maybe in your country they call it differently but here I show you the picture so you have the reference, you will need👇👇👇
💜 Papel Crepé
💜 1 Tijera
💜 1 Recipiente de tu preferencia
💜 Crepe paper
💜 1 Scissors
💜 1 Container of your choice
Okey lo primero que voy a recomendarles es que usen un recipiente que no pueda mancharse, o que si lo hace, no haya mucho que lamentar jeje como yo no estaba segura de que manchara el recipiente o no, usé esta bandeja de aluminio que es muy economica tambien.
Okay the first thing I'm going to recommend is to use a container that can not stain, or if it does, there is not much to regret hehe as I was not sure if it would stain the container or not, I used this aluminum tray that is very economical too.
Lo primero que haremos es medir cuanta agua necesitamos oara que nuestro recipiente este casi lleno, y llevamos el agua a calentar, debe estar BIEN CALIENTE, Mientras tanto vamos cortando en tiras nuestro papel y lo agregamos al recipiente
The first thing we will do is to measure how much water we need so that our container is almost full, and we take the water to heat, it must be HOT, meanwhile we cut our paper into strips and add it to the container.
Una vez que el agua esta caliente, lo agregamos al recipiente e introducimos nuestra goma y por encima le colocamos un poco mas de papel
Once the water is hot, we add it to the container and introduce our rubber and place a little more paper on top.
Vamos a dejar la goma ahi unos 20 minutos y luego con ayuda de algun tenedor o palillo lo sacaremos del agua morada (en este caso yo elegí este color, tu puedes elegir el que quieras obvio jeje) lo sacamos de ahi y llevamos a un chorro de agua por unos 5 minutos mas y este es el resultado😍😍👇👇
We will leave the gum there for about 20 minutes and then with the help of a fork or toothpick we will take it out of the purple water (in this case I chose this color, you can choose the one you want obviously hehe) we take it out of there and take it to a stream of water for about 5 minutes more and this is the result😍😍👇👇👇
Como ven fue super FACIL y el resultado es bellisimo😍 espero que puedan desempolvar todas esas gomas y les saquen provecho pintandolas de su color favorito💜💜
As you can see it was super EASY and the result is beautiful😍 I hope you can dust off all those rubber bands and get the most out of them by painting them in your favorite color💜💜
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi redmi 9
La portada la edité en PicsArt
All photos were taken with my redmi 9.
The cover was edited in PicsArt