Harvest Crown

in #hive-1305603 years ago

August snuck up on me with the scent of apples in the air, grey cloud covers, and rain that nature was in desperate need of after the drought months before. I have to admit I was slightly worried after seeing everything green and living slowly turning golden and lifeless from the touch of the persistent heat. While it was nice sometimes to fantasize about how the north suddenly had traded spots with someplace blessed with warmer, more sunny weather, seeing those warmer places being on fire was terrifying to witness. Have we crossed the threshold beyond the repair? With just a spark it all can turn into ashes. We are not prepared for what is coming or how quickly it will. I am grateful for the rain we have now. May it rain every day. May the greenness bleed back into my world.

We should not have taken our habitat for granted, but we did. I can’t know for sure what the future will bring, but I know this much. I wish to try and live my life in as close balance with nature as I possibly can and to witness as much of the beauty of our habitat as I can while I can. I don’t know about you, but I think we have less time than we think we have. I hope I am wrong.

I am such a pessimist, am I not? xD Now, now. What I am trying to say is this. Let’s appreciate what we have while we have it! While I was enjoying the walk the other day, I noticed all the beautiful flowers August brings. Such bright colors! They made my heart sing, and the idea of a harvest crown was born.

What the hell is a harvest crown? Is it some sort of tradition? Not really. Not yet! Flower crown tradition does, however, exist in Latvian culture, but usually, they are created for Midsummer’s celebrations, and there are even special, magical ways of making them. I did not make one for myself this year. It did not feel right then. Yet the ferns had something else in mind for me! The golden colors taking them over, struck the inspiration for the crown unlike any other I had ever worn. In my mind, it all came to a full circle as August brings not only the bright colors in flowers but also the harvest from my garden.

So the harvest crown might be something that could become a tradition for me from now on. As a celebration of all the things coming full circle, if it makes sense. The beautiful dance of life and death in nature.

But how to create one? Can you? Of course!

I wandered in nature and around the garden to seek the flowers that spoke to me the most. I was amazed by the variety, the composition, and the bouquet of scents they created together.

I took three quite thin and straight branches and tied them together creating a base of the crown measuring the necessary size slightly bigger than my head. Why slightly bigger? As you add the plant material around the base, it makes the final diameter of your crown smaller. So that is something to keep in mind.

The way I attached flowers was by adding them in small batches. Fastening a small batch around the base with a thread, then adding the next little batch on top of the thread and fastening that, and repeat until it came full circle.

Just look at that crown! Isn’t it magnificent? Needless to say, I was so happy to wear it.

There is beauty surrounding us. Are you seeking it?

Song of the day: Massive Attack - Dissolved Girl


Omg! how sweet you are! I would love to put a little crown full of flowers in my hair, it's so sweet and romantic, it's ideal when we want to take pictures for something special, even monetize them, because they could be used for beautiful poems. And speaking of poems, your publication is a poem full of tenderness.

I did not know that it is a tradition in some countries, I am super grateful and honored for your beautiful publication and that beautiful sharing with us, especially that you have taught us how to do it ourselves.

Aww! Thank you so much for your kind words @equipodelta! You should definitely try this, the feeling while wearing crown such as this one is truly magical. It unlocks something deep within you and you just can't help but smile while it is on your head. I am happy to share and perhaps I will write more about Midsummer's traditions we have here in Latvia in future. They are truly unique and still alive here. Passed down generation to generation.

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Thank you so much!

Finally! More pictures of you :)

I thought she was a man.

OK, not really. Lol.

Now I can hibernate for the next 3 years! :P Well. I dunno. The crown was too pretty not to wear it for pictures.

Looks like you enjoyed the experience. Daily selfies from now on?

Ha! No freaking way! xD I am way too shy for that.

You can call it self-absorption therapy :)

If you start a duck-face community, I will partake :P


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There are so many songs that comes to mind this time... hopefully you are polishing your Polish ;-)

Song of the Grey:

- "Mogło być nic", Kwiat Jabłoni

Oh my Polish needs a lot of polishing, I am not sure if I am not losing the essence of this beautiful, poetic song while translating. But if I understand correctly it talks about being grateful for what we have since the sun does not have to rise tomorrow.

Aww, there were such cute rats in the video. I know a lot of people find them disgusting, but I love them, one of the best pets I have ever had. Super intelligent too.

A harvest crown probably wouldn't suit me very well but I'd rock it anyway. :)

I am sure our old fathers thought the same as you which is why their Midsummer's crowns were made out of Oaktree leaves, but hey, I believe the flower or harvest crowns would suit everyone even you there at the land down under. I would love to see you rocking that crown or maybe Faith too! ^^

Hmm, now you mention it oak tree leaves sounds a more suitable style for my harvest crown. I'd still wear the other though, if oak leaves weren't available. I'd rock it out down here in Australia and be the envy of everyone!


Oh you have no idea! Wear that and even strangers will stop you in the middle of the road. Happened to me when I was walking home from my adventure xD

Maybe we should start a Hive Harvest Crown challenge. Would be lovely see what beautiful flowers people can find around the globe and make into crowns.

I'd be famous! Not that I want to be, but if the crown fits...😇

Harvest crown challenge! Could be interesting.

Hive Harvest Crown challenge.. sounds like.. A ...CHALLENGE! ^^
Aaaand you know me, can't pass up a good challenge!


That's super cool. I'm impressed, you're really creative. I've only seen a harvest crown in the movies. That looks perfect for a summer or fall festival or something. Nice one!

Nature is truly inspiring me to create a lot. It is usually where I will turn when I feel drained. Perhaps, you should try and make one yourself? It is so fun to source the materials from nature you have around and no crown is identical. It lifts the mood instantly as you put it on your head and makes you smile a lot more too.

Nature definitely has a rejuvenating effect.

Maybe I'll make a crown out of nettles, I have tons of them in the backyard.
Lmao, that's a terrible idea, but could you imagine? Lol


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I adore these things! The first time I saw a bunch of Latvians wearing flower crowns and singing, I was in love. I'm sure those were probably the more traditional type and this is something different, but it's the same general concept. There's something viscerally exciting about it to me. If I stop and think why, I guess the first thing I think of is that it looks and feels so real and authentic to life. So much of what we do to change our appearance is made by us, sold to ourselves... part of the ever-churning capitalist machine. Does that mean I hate make-up and dresses and jewelry and all that? Well no, not really, those things can be nice in moderation too. I just really, really love seeing humans decorate themselves with the nature around them. I think it's beautiful.

I think I am on the same page as you are about the end times. At the very least we are reading the same book. Everywhere you look now there is someone screaming about how it is the end, how it is too late, how the fires and the melting won't stop and will only get worse and how we'll all be killing each other for food soon... and of course even worse than them are those with the optimistic view, who insist that none of this is happening, everything will be fine...

Everyone and everything dies. For all the arrogance that humans have to destroy everything they touch, still others have arrogance that anyone or anything will grieve alongside them. There are we, the ones who behold the beauty which will predecease us, and we have killed it and ourselves, and that is it. The Universe, with or without life on Earth, with or without conscious observation, will ostensibly continue on its chaotic path toward nothingness. Or maybe that's our arrogance too, believing we've cracked the parameters of the Universe, while It has some different plans for itself once we're long-gone.

Either way, nothing really matters. I wouldn't call this a pessimistic perspective; I think anyone who would isn't paying much attention. Embracing the inherent inconsequentiality of all things means that while everyone else is panicking in the face of the inevitable end, I get to live now and observe whatever beauty I can, while I can, and there's a whole lot of it in this post. Thank you for sharing!

I love the flower crown traditions too. They are part of our pagan roots, they are in our songs and folklore. It is believed that the flower crown protects the wearer from evil. And usually it is made out of nine different flowers, that you find out in the wild meadows. For men, the crown usually is made out of oak leaves as it symbolizes strength. So be strong as an oak :) I just love how pagan we were, everything is connected to nature and elements since they directly affected the life of the old. It makes perfect sense to me that we would have decorated ourselves with beautiful things from nature too. We used to live in closeness with nature, in balance, carefully listening and seeking what it was telling us, at it's mercy. Nature was our God essentially. What the hell happened to us?

It is funny how we are even arrogant to think that we will continue on in some other form after all this shit. Honestly, I am not sure we deserve anything more. We are just another variable of the chaos and when we stop existing that will be it for us and well earned nothingness sounds just about right. We could have had it all yet we simply chose to be assholes that consume and destroy everything in our path just because we love our comfort and we don't give a shit about anything else.

Haha, maybe we will witness our glorious end! How cool is that though?
