Trying to make a piñata (ESP/ENG)

in #hive-1305602 years ago

Buen día a todos; tengo varios días trabajando una manualidad, que aclaro antes de todo, no soy muy experta pero creo que nunca está de más aprender algo nuevo.🤡


Les cuento que viendo que mi madre hace unas piñatas muy bonitas, decidí aprender a hacerlas, y pués puse manos a la obra. Me fijé en los materiales que debía utilizar y comencé mi proyecto. Materiales: Un globo grande Engrudo hecho solo con 1taza y 1/3 de agua y 1/3 de harina de trigo.(se diluye la harina en el agua y se lleva a fuego por 5minutos, sin dejar de revolver). Un pincel. Tijera. Retazos de papeles viejos de revistas o periodicos. Cartulina o cartón. Cartulina metalizada. Papel crepé de varios colores (yo tenía amarillo, morado, azul, blanco y verde). Cintas de papel de colores.
I tell you that seeing that my mother makes very nice piñatas, I decided to learn how to make them, and so I got down to work. I looked at the materials I had to use and started my project. Materials: A large balloon Paste made only with 1 cup and 1/3 of water and 1/3 of wheat flour (dilute the flour in the water and put it on fire for 5 minutes, stirring constantly). A brush. Scissors. Scraps of old paper from magazines or newspapers. Cardboard or cardboard. Metallic cardboard. Crepe paper of various colors (I had yellow, purple, blue, white and green). Colored paper ribbons.

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Acà les muestro la mesa de la cocina dispuesta a aguantar todo lo que trabajo sobre ella.😁

Here I show you the kitchen table ready to support everything I work on it😁

Una vez que reunì mis materiales, hice el engrudo e inflè mi globo de forma prudente pues hay que evitar que estalle. Ya tenìa mis hojas viejas y tomè el pincel y a pegar papeles se ha dicho.
Once I gathered my materials, I made the paste and inflated my balloon in a prudent way because I had to avoid bursting it. I already had my old sheets of paper and I took the paintbrush and started gluing papers.

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Forré el globo con aproximadamente 4 capas, y lo dejé secar por 24 horas. Confieso que no fue sino hasta tres dìas despues que volvì a retomar la tarea ya que tenía trabajo en la escuela. En esos días antes de tomar el globo seco corté las tiras de papel crepé de tal forma que cuando comenzara a cubrir el globo de crepé tuviera suficientes tiras para hacerlo. Pero antes hice varios conos de cartulina y se los pequé al globo, ayudándome con tirro y pega blanaca. Luego al llegar el momento comencé a cubrir mi globo, la parte central la puse en blanco y los conos con diferentes colores.
I lined the balloon with about 4 layers, and let it dry for 24 hours. I confess that it wasn't until three days later that I returned to the task since I had school work to do. In those days before I took the dried balloon I cut the crepe paper strips so that when I started to cover the balloon with crepe I had enough strips to do it. But before that I made several cardboard cones and glued them to the balloon, helping me with some tyro and white glue. Then when the time came I started to cover my balloon, the central part I put it in white and the cones with different colors.

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Como siempre se me olvidó tomar fotos a los conos, me acordé de tomarlas cuando ya había pegado los conos.

As I always forgot to take pictures of the cones, I remembered to take them when I had already glued the cones.

Antes de culminar de cubrir el cuerpo del globo dejé una abertura para poder introducir las chucherías.Una vez que forré el cuerpo del globo, comencé con los conos,y luego coloqué el cono central que decidí que fuese sin forrar utilizando cartulina metalizada.
Before I finished covering the body of the balloon, I left an opening to insert the baubles. Once I lined the body of the balloon, I started with the cones, and then I placed the central cone, which I decided to leave unlined using metallic cardboard.

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Al comenzar a forrar los conos pegué las cintas de colores en las puntas.
When I started to line the cones I glued the colored ribbons on the ends.

Finalmente y despues de muchos dìas sin tiempo para terminar mi proyecto de piñata, lo terminè, confesando que tiene detalles por mejorar, pero consciente de la experiencia que ya tengo por haberme atrevido a hacerla. Me despido deseando que lees haya gustado mi trabajo.
Finally and after many days without time to finish my piñata project, I finished it, confessing that it has some details to improve, but aware of the experience I already have for having dared to make it.I say goodbye wishing you liked my work.

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The thank you image was made in Canva. The dividers used were created in Creative Cloud

gracias una vez mas por leerme (2).gif


Que bueno que te hayas atrevido, ha quedado muy linda. Esta piñata me recuerda a las fiestas de la vencidad del chavo jaja.

Saludos Dayana

Sii, ese diseño lo hice pensando en las piñatas mexicanas. Gracias por tu comentario.

We made piñatas in my junior high school Spanish class. My partner and I made ours to look like a Ninja Turtle. :D I think we used paper cups to make the feet and hands.

Hacer una piñata requiere una gran cantidad de tiempo y dedicación, de verdad quedó muy bien 💖💖💖💖

Ciertamente, sobre todo si se quiere no se le vean detalles, hay que hacerlas con mucho amor y paciencia.Gracias por tu comentario.

This is the stuff that is hung from a tree and then someone gets blindfolded and tries to hit it open right?

I've seen it in movies but I don't know why it's not a game here in Africa.. It sure looks like fun though, especially with all the candy and toys.

You should definitely come join us tomorrow for #creative-sunday at the Hive Learners community to share more posts like this. I also will be nominating this post for some upvotes from them.

Here's a link to read more about #creative-sunday, and don't worry about the verification part for now. You can do that later in the week after participating tomorrow.

Yes, you fill it with candy and toys, hang it wherever you can and lay down and hit it with a stick. It is usually done at children's birthdays. But they make them for different occasions. Thanks for commenting.

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I just looked up on Wikipedia what piñata means. Actually, I think I've seen something like this in the movies. But I can't remember which country it was about. 🤔 And you didn't fill your piñata with candy? 😀
Hi @dayanamerelia, just passing by to remind you that engagement and communication with other users with comments under their posts is a crucial part of the life on this platform.

Hi, yes normally piñatas are filled with candy, knick-knacks and small toys. The piñatas are originally from Mexico, they have an origin that goes back to the customs of the native peoples, but over time the people of Latin America have taken them as customs in their celebrations. I will fill this piñata next week, I will take it to the closing of my students' project.
Certainly I must comment, it is something I am aware of, I apologize if I have not done it regularly, but in fact I had about two months without doing anything in Hive, until 15 days ago.
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Muy lindo
