Hello welcome to my blog my dear friends hivers, I am very happy to share again with you since I had several days with problems with my PC, but thank God it has been fixed. As we are already in the Christmas season I wanted to share with you this nice decoration to a notebook with Christmas motif for my nephew, he was asked in high school for a class project, it can also serve to decorate a card or anything else. Let's get started.
- Cuaderno, el cual se va a decorar.
- Foami, colores varios.
- Lentejuelas doradas.
- Barra de silicon.
- Tijera.
- Lápiz.
- Regla.
- Notebook, which is to be decorated.
- Foami, various colors.
- Gold sequins.
- Silicone stick.
- Scissors.
- Pencil.
- Ruler.
Paso 1:
- Comienzo a forrar el cuaderno, recorto un trozo de foami azul a la medida del largo del cuaderno y 5 cm de ancho, luego pegamos con silicon caliente en todo el lomo de nuestro cuaderno. Después marcamos y recortamos el de foami verde, para forrar el cuaderno completo pegándolo con silicon.
Step 1:
- I start lining the notebook, I cut a piece of blue foami to the length of the notebook and 5 cm wide, then we glue with hot silicone all over the spine of our notebook. Then we mark and cut out the green foami, to cover the whole notebook by gluing it with silicone.
Paso 2:
- Dibujo y recorto en un papel de reciclaje el muñeco de nieve para la decoración del cuaderno, luego lo plasmo en el foami blanco. Seguimos recortando el muñeco por partes en papel, para que se nos haga mas fácil plasmarlo en el foami, recortando así el gorro, la bufanda, la nariz, los ojos, y botones del muñeco.
Step 2:
- I draw and cut out the snowman for the decoration of the notebook on recycled paper, then I shape it on the white foami. We continue cutting the snowman by parts in paper, to make it easier to shape it in the foami, cutting the hat, the scarf, the nose, the eyes, and buttons of the snowman.
Paso 3:
- Ahora comienzo armar mi muñeco de nieve pegando pieza por pieza en el lugar que corresponde, luego recorto y pego 2 tiras de foami plateado en forma de pequeñas ondas, y pego debajo del muñeco, luego para terminar con mi decoración pego varias lentejuelas alrededor del muñeco.
Step 3:
- Now I start assembling my snowman gluing piece by piece in the right place, then I cut and glue 2 strips of silver foami in the form of small waves, and glue under the snowman, then to finish with my decoration I glue several sequins around the snowman.
Este es mi resultado final, nos vemos en el próximo blog.
This is my final result, see you in the next blog.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría y editadas con Canva.
All the photos were taken by me and edited with Canva.