[ENG-ESP] --- Repair of a vacuum cleaner purchased second-hand --- Reparación de una aspiradora comprada de segunda mano

in #hive-1290173 years ago


For this post I'm going to talk about buying a used vacuum cleaner on a person-to-person resale site. When I contacted the seller of this vacuum cleaner he gave me an appointment in the parking lot of a supermarket. This type of date never bodes well. I suspected that for the price of $ 10 I was not going to have a device in good condition. The purpose of this purchase was to have spare parts in case of breakdown or breakage for my vacuum cleaner which is the same model as the one shown in the photo. I wait for the seller, he arrives 10 minutes late, he leaves his car and opens his trunk, I look at the vacuum cleaner and I see that he has served enough, he apparently hasn't sucked up dust either. plaster or large corosive dust. The stainless steel tank is perfect, all the time I ask him the question by looking him in the eyes (does your vacuum cleaner work well?) He replies that yes by looking away, he tells me that if I had problems with that I do not hesitate to contact him, obviously this Mr did not tell me everything about this vacuum cleaner. Actually I wanted it for a piece and nothing else for me was not really a problem for me.
I go home and plug it in, put two paper filters in it and surprise it purrs perfectly and is as efficient as the one I bought new I finish my cleaning and put it away.
Two days later I take it back to vacuum the floor which was a bit dusty and surprised during my cleaning the vacuum cleaner stops, I think at first that it has unplugged a bit like when we vacuumed at the end of the race and that the cable is a little tight. I see that not all is well, it is still connected to the mains. By turning it it starts and I understand that my cable is cut somewhere. After analyzing the cable I realize that it is cut in the sheath and that the only way to repair it is to dismantle it all. I told myself that the task could be simple, two wires to connect a phase and a neutral take 10 min, in fact, no, it took 2 hours. ($ 180 new vacuum cleaner) now I have two one for each floor. The difficulty was that I did not have the appropriate terminals (which I bought) and the star screwdriver that I borrowed.

Para esta publicación, voy a hablar sobre la compra de una aspiradora usada en un sitio de reventa de persona a persona. Cuando me comuniqué con el vendedor de esta aspiradora, me dio una cita en el estacionamiento de un supermercado. Este tipo de cita nunca es un buen augurio. Sospeché que por el precio de $ 10 no iba a tener un dispositivo en buenas condiciones. El propósito de esta compra era tener repuestos en caso de avería o rotura de mi aspiradora que es del mismo modelo que la que se muestra en la foto. Espero al vendedor, llega 10 minutos tarde, sale de su auto y abre su baúl, miro la aspiradora y veo que ha servido suficiente, al parecer tampoco aspiró polvo, yeso ni polvo corosivo grande. El tanque de acero inoxidable está perfecto, todo el tiempo le hago la pregunta mirándolo a los ojos (¿funciona bien tu aspiradora?) Él responde que sí mirando para otro lado, me dice que si tengo problemas con eso lo hago. No dudes en contactar con él, obviamente este señor no me contó todo sobre esta aspiradora. En realidad lo quería para una pieza y nada más para mí no era realmente un problema para mí.
Me voy a casa y lo enchufo, le meto dos filtros de papel y sorpresa que ronronea perfectamente y es tan eficiente como el que compré nuevo termino mi limpieza y lo guardo.
Dos días después lo llevo de nuevo a aspirar el piso que estaba un poco polvoriento y sorprendido durante mi limpieza el aspirador se detiene, creo que al principio se ha desenchufado un poco como cuando aspiramos al final de carrera y que el cable está un poco apretado. Veo que no todo está bien, todavía está conectado a la red. Al girarlo, comienza y entiendo que mi cable está cortado en alguna parte. Después de analizar el cable me doy cuenta de que está cortado en la funda y que la única forma de repararlo es desmontarlo todo. Me dije que la tarea podía ser sencilla, dos cables para conectar una fase y un neutro tardan 10 min, de hecho no, tardo 2 horas. ($ 180 aspirador nuevo) ahora tengo dos uno para cada piso. La dificultad era que no tenía los terminales adecuados (que compré) y el destornillador estrella que pedí prestado.










Original photos @Cyboule


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