This is a post to share my joy with you all and to introduce you to my new partner at the studio! For a long time I had been dealing with my sewing issues either on my own in an amateurish but heartful way or by asking the help of professionals that either didn't quite match my standards or just costed me way too much money. After a lot of thought I decided to get some help and after some even more thought I found the perfect match. It took about a month for this beauty to arrive to Greece, but a few weeks ago I welcomed her to our place.
Oh, this moment of unboxing!
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Juki TL-2300 Sumato, my first ever sewing machine. She is one of the simplest machines. Straight-stitch sewing, semi-professional, heavy duty but portable. Since my space is very small and I deal with many projects at the same time and not all of them are fabric related, that was really important for me. She uses industrial needles and can sew from lightweight to thick fabrics and leather.
I am not sure if it is clear already, but I love my Juki!
The first project to start knowing each other was curtains for the studio. Under the benches, as you can see at the background, I store all my equipment for natural dyeing and candle making and although I like having everything on hand, I also appreciate the clear look of having it all hidden behind the curtains and at the same time still on hand.
I wish I knew exactly what I was doing, haha! Truth is that I made a lot of mistakes, most of them saved by the professional stitching of Juki.
Ripping the fabric in pieces as in the image above is veeery satisfying! A bit stressful the first time you do it, but soooo good :)
I spent a lot of time measuring, only to find out later that there was an easier way :) And everyone that sews knows that the way I put my pins is absolutely wrong. I know that now and I am learning so much every time. Videos at internet help, this community here helps and I am very lucky to have a friend that is willing to give me some lessons and she is a professional so I know I will be learning a lot these following weeks.
The reason I didn't have a sewing machine till recently is because I believe that we shouldn't do everything on our own and working with someone as a team is beautiful. But being able to undertake a project from scratch to the end is beautiful as well and gives you so much more freedom. Not to mention all the clothes I have already mended :)
But like all things it takes time!
Anyway, that was a great practice and the result was very satisfying. Can't wait for the place to be ready and to show it to you! The whole studio looks so much in order now and when your space is clear and calm, definitely helps you work better, at least in my case, although I tend to chaos more than I would like to admit :)
Happy crafting everyone and thanks so much for reading :)
If you would like to know more about me this is my introduction post.