Hello Hive.
Welcome to another episode of needlework Monday, I hope we are all doing fine and making good use of our time. Besides its good to eat well and stay healthy, a clear mind is more creative than a clouded one, let's try as much as possible to let go of the things weighing us down so that we can live a happy and productive lives.
Like most people around here have been lamenting about the hot weather these days, the sun literarily burns our skin and we try to avoid coming out during the mid parts of the afternoon.
Even inside the house, the roofs are made of zinc and gets very hot.
Its difficult to stay calm in a hot weather.
I was in need of more simpler clothing's for comfort and to reduce how hot I feel.
A camisole was a good idea, and I searched the house for pieces of fabrics to make one.
I wanted to make a matching short for this, but the stress of making the camisole alone made me postpone that.
Look at house I worked with no power supply, after cutting the fabric I had to make coal fire and use an old spoiled iron place it on the charcoal then use the absorbed heat to do the ironing part that was required.
And because I was using a velvet fabric that was super stretchy I had to use a paper stay to hold keep it from stretching while working, this I did by ironing the stay into the fabric using this local devices method to iron.
Here is my pattern
And the sewing process.
This should keep away excessive heat and I hope I can go through the stress to make a short.
The weather is hot and there is no power supply, yet we have to live through it.
Thank you for checking out my blog..
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