[ESP-ENG] Boxer Design for Boys, special gift /// Diseño de Boxer para Niños, un regalo especial

in #hive-1279112 years ago

Bienvenidos a mi blog!

Welcome to my blog!

Hola mis queridos amigos y blogueros entusiastas y emprendedores, una nueva semana, nuevos retos y desafios, nuevas oporttunidades, les cuento que luego de una semana muy agitada y con muchos proyectos en mente pero sin poderlos realizar ya que fue una semana de reposo pero ya me siento muy bien y con muchas ganas de seguir hacia adelante.

Desde que comencé a utilizar las máquina siempre me sentí atraida por el mundo de la lencería y a ropa intima, aunque aun no soy experta, cada dia trato de aprender nuevas tecnicas y mejorar.

El dia de ayer domingo se celebro en mi pais Venezuela, el Dia del niño y quise hacerle a mi hijo menor unos Boxer con una tela que me encantó

Hello my dear friends and enthusiastic and enterprising bloggers, a new week, new challenges and challenges, new opportunities, I tell you that after a very hectic week and with many projects in mind but without being able to realize them because it was a week of rest but I feel very well and eager to move forward.

Since I started using the machine I always felt attracted to the world of lingerie and intimate apparel, although I am not yet an expert, every day I try to learn new techniques and improve.

Yesterday Sunday was celebrated in my country Venezuela, the Day of the child and I wanted to make my youngest son a Boxer with a fabric that I loved.


Aunque a ciencia cierta no necesito un Dia especial para hacer un regalo, hoy fue diferente, te muestro a continuación el paso a paso de este bello proyecto.

Although I certainly don't need a special day to make a gift, today was different, I show you below the step by step of this beautiful project.

En unas hojas recicladas realizamos el patron, en este caso sera talla 8-10

On some recycled sheets we made the pattern, in this case it will be size 8-10.


Como se muestra en la imagen, son tres piezas

As shown in the picture, there are three parts


Con todos los materiales necesarios, ademas nos armamos de paciencia y creatividad

With all the necessary materials, we are also armed with patience and creativity.


Cuando fui a la tienda de telas a comprar quede enganchada con esta, me gusto mucho cuando la vi 😍

When I went to the fabric store to buy I was hooked on this one, I really liked it when I saw it 😍.

Disponemos el patron sobre la tela, sujetamos con alfileres y cortamos

We place the pattern on the fabric, pin it and cut it.

Vamos a cortar 2 piezas de cada una y del refuerzo son 4

We are going to cut 2 pieces of each and the reinforcement is 4


Nos disponemos a coser en la maquina, uniendo todas las piezas

We are ready to sew on the machine, joining all the pieces together.


Deberia quedar asi, por ultimo vamos a coser el refuerzo

It should look like this, finally we are going to sew the reinforcement.


Tomamos la pieza delantera y el refuerzo y los enfrentamos, sujetamos con alfileres

We take the front piece and the reinforcement and face them, pin them together.

Cosemos con mucho cuidado, siempre dandole la forma curva

We sew very carefully, always giving it a curved shape.


Ahora vamos a coser del lado contrario, en este caso te debe quedar como especie de bolsita, sujetamos con alfileres para que esta pieza no se mueva.

Now we are going to sew on the opposite side, in this case it should look like a kind of bag, we fasten with pins so that this piece does not move.

Quedando de esta manera, una costura escondida

Thus, a hidden seam is left behind

Seguidamente vamos a unir con la recta la parte de abajo y cosemos el ruedo puede ser con recta o zig zag

Next, we will join the bottom part with the straight line and sew the hem with a straight or zig zag stitch.

Por ultimo vamos a colocar la pretina, yo prefiero colocar sesgo de la misma tela y me ahorro el elastico, ademas queda muy lindo de esta forma combinada.

Finally we are going to place the waistband, I prefer to place bias binding of the same fabric and I save the elastic, besides it looks very nice this way combined.





Experimentar en este ramo de la costura me ha traído buenos beneficios.

Experimenting in this field of sewing has brought me good benefits.

Hasta aquí mi publicación por el día de hoy, espero sea de tu agrado, inmensamente agradecida por la oportunidad de interactuar cada día con personas tan maravillosas como tú, bendiciones.

  • Todas las fotografías aquí presentadas son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi teléfono Blu Studio X10
  • Mi idioma natal es el español, realice la traducción con ayuda de Deepl.com

So far my publication for today, I hope you like it, immensely grateful for the opportunity to interact every day with people as wonderful as you, blessings.

  • All the photographs presented here are of my authorship, taken with my Blu Studio X10 phone.
  • My native language is Spanish, I made the translation with the help of Deepl.com.

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great job! you did great! 😀

Thank you very much for your comment, receive my hug.

Beautiful @leslieq78 thanks for always putting up amazing content ☺️

You have sewn this very much beautifully, I would really like to learn how to create pattern for lingerie.


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With your lovely explanation the process looks much easier than I anticipated. I have some jersey scraps left over from bigger projects, perhaps I could use them for such a pant (when I have more free time) Thank you for sharing this

Oh thank you, I always try to explain as simple as possible so that everyone dares to do it, I appreciate your comment, thank you very much.