Happy and blessed Wednesday afternoon to all of you creative friends. I'm here again to share with you my crochet projects. This time I am showing you another mini rug, number 8 in this series of small rugs that I have been making for a few weeks now. I've been interspersing this project with some others that come up as I go along, so that the process doesn't become tedious or monotonous.
The pattern I show you below seemed very beautiful to me from the beginning, but when I saw the knitted result I was fascinated. The pattern is very nice because it has a flower shape in the center that forms as we knit. Each petal is formed with groups of high stitches that are increasing or decreasing to give it shape.
It is actually a small design, consisting of only 8 turns. However, I believe that with some adjustments to the pattern in the area of the petals, a slightly larger tapestry can be achieved. I would particularly love to knit a placemat with this pattern, but for that I have to add a few extra rows to make it bigger, being very careful not to lose the original design of the central flower.
I thought it was ideal to weave this mini rug in yellow, as it makes this color stand out the flower design. However, I think that making a set in white would look great to place them on bedside tables or any other space in the house.
I still have no idea how many rugs I plan to weave, but I'm sure it will be many because I'm liking more and more this activity because I learn a lot about pattern design. I hope that soon I can be designing my own patterns with simple, but also very cute designs. For now I say goodbye until a next opportunity. Greetings and blessings.
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
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Uso traductor Deepl