DIY headband with Macrame and Crochet - easy to make at home! 😀 [ENG][ESP]

in #hive-1279112 years ago

Hi Hiveians! Yesterday I finished making a headband out of Macrame and Crochet. This took me about 6 hours to finish but I took my time to enjoy it listening to music playlists of some of my favorite singers on my computer.

The video above was my very first video on YouTube and the first with my voice, I edited it with Kdenlive, voice recording with Audacity and the images were processed through Gimp and Sketch. I hope you guys enjoyed it. 😊

¡Hola amigos! Ayer terminé de hacer una diadema de Macramé y Crochet. Me tomó alrededor de 6 horas terminarlo, pero me tomé mi tiempo para disfrutarlo escuchando listas de reproducción de música de algunos de mis cantantes favoritos en mi computadora.

El video de arriba fue mi primer video en YouTube y el primero con mi voz, lo edité con Kdenlive, la grabación de voz con Audacity y las imágenes fueron procesadas a través de Gimp y Sketch. Espero que lo hayan disfrutado, chicos. 😊

Lately I've been growing a lot more hair on my head and when the wind hits me, my hair gets all over my face and after awhile it gets disturbing. That's why I've made myself a headband to fix that. This headband is also great as a gift for friends and family, you can sell it, or just keep it for yourself like I did. Let's get started! 😀

Últimamente me ha estado creciendo mucho más cabello en la cabeza y cuando me golpea el viento, el cabello me cubre toda la cara y después de un tiempo se vuelve molesto. Por eso me he hecho una diadema para arreglar eso. Esta diadema también es excelente como regalo para amigos y familiares, puedes venderla o simplemente quedártela como hice yo. ¡Empecemos! 😀


If you'd like to see how I made the Macrame technique for the headband, I made a tutorial on that about how I made a keychain with the same technique and you can check it out here.

Si quieres ver como hice la tecnica de Macrame para la diadema, hice un tutorial sobre eso de como hice un llavero con la misma tecnica y lo puedes ver aqui.

This headband idea was inspired by @jonalyn2020 who commented on that post requesting I could make a headband too:

La idea de esta diadema fue inspirada por @jonalyn2020, quien comentó en esa publicación y me pidió que yo también hiciera una diadema:


Thanks to Jonalyn for putting this kind comment and now it has come to life!
(I also made the bracelet she suggested but that's a topic for another post) 🙂

¡Gracias a Jonalyn por poner este amable comentario y ahora ha cobrado vida!
(También hice la pulsera que me sugirió pero eso es tema para otro publicación) 🙂

Materials used:

  • Take a piece of wool yarn about 462cm long and use the measuring tape to measure it

  • Metal headband

  • A 3.75mm Crochet hook

  • White wool for the flower

  • Clear nail polish

  • Scissors

  • A lighter

(If you'd like the color of your wool to be different, feel free to use the color of your choice) 😊

Materiales usados:

  • Toma una lana rosa de unos 462cm de largo y use la cinta métrica para medir la lana

  • Diadema metálica

  • Un ganchillo de 3.75mm

  • Lana blanca para la flor

  • Esmalte de uñas transparente

  • Tijeras

  • Un mechero

(Si desea que el color de su lana sea diferente, no dude en usar el color de su elección) 😊


First, we take the measuring tape to measure the pink wool to 462cm long so we can do the Macrame on the metal headband. When you've reached the end, it should look something like this:

Primero, cogemos la cinta métrica para medir la lana rosa a 462cm de largo para poder hacer el Macramé en la diadema de metal. Cuando hayas llegado al final, debería verse algo como esto:


Then, cut off the excess yarn at the end and slightly burn the yarn at the ends with a lighter so it doesn't fray. If you're younger, then it's better to ask some adults to do that for you. Then apply some clear nail polish to the ends of the headband so your ears don't itch when you put it on.

While the clear nail polish is drying, you can take your Crochet hook and crochet a flower with the white wool or the color of your choice. When you're done, you can use the ends of the excess yarn remaining on your flower and tie it onto the headband with a tight double knot.

Use a lighter to slightly burn the ends of the knot and apply the clear nail polish.

Luego, corta el exceso de lana en el extremo y quema ligeramente el lana en los extremos con un encendedor para que no se deshilache. Si eres más joven, entonces es mejor pedirle a algunos adultos que lo hagan por ti. Luego aplica un poco de esmalte de uñas transparente en los extremos de la diadema para que no te piquen las orejas cuando te la pongas.

Mientras se seca el esmalte transparente, puedes tomar tu ganchillo y tejer una flor con la lana blanca o del color que prefieras. Cuando termines, puedes usar los extremos del lana sobrante que queda en tu flor y atarlo a la diadema con un nudo doble apretado.

Use un encendedor para quemar ligeramente los extremos del nudo y aplique el esmalte de uñas transparente.

Now we are finished! Here are the results:

¡Ahora hemos terminado! Aquí están los resultados:


Thank you for viewing this post, I hope you enjoyed it and enjoy the rest of your day! 😀

¡Gracias por ver esta publicación, espero que la hayas disfrutado y disfrutes el resto de tu día! 😀

Translated in Google Translate

Traducido en Google Translate



This is a cute way to dress up a headband. Thanks for sharing the video. I’m glad @jonalyn2020 inspired you to do this project :)

Thank you so much @crosheille! This was a very fun experience and I'm glad that you enjoyed the video. 😀

You're welcome ~ 😉

You really did well. And its very nice when i see ladies with skills.. I love knitting.. i can make hair net and bag. I can even make bags using beads..

Thank you! Wow that's cool, I've never tried making bags before, besides sometimes I like to customize them with paint and other materials hehe. How do you make them with pure beads? That's amazing, you've got talent! 😀

Yeah. Thanks dear.
A friend of mine thought me.. It wasn't easy though but I was consistent till I learnt it. I would show you the bag one day. Just remind me..!

Ohh my. Thank you so much @jadeaca for following what I commented before. This wonderful headband with macrame is great for girls like you. Your so sweet dear. 😍😘 God bless you. Keep sharing your projects here.

Thank you Jonalyn, I really enjoy doing this and whenever you have another idea, I'm glad to try it. 😊 Needleworking is very fun and I would like to continue my hobbies, god bless you too and I wish you a great day. 😀

It's my pleasure to give you some insights. 😘

It looks very nice. Just today I made a Macramé pulcera, I haven't done it for a long time.

This knot you show us was the first one I learned to make but I hadn't practiced it for years.

In those colors it looked special @jadeaca

Thank you for your kind words! Oh yes the Macrame bracelet is very fun to make too. My sister and I like to sell them at pools and the beach. Sometimes I show my sister how to tie the knots and do Macrame on her own and she says she finds it very fun to pick up new hobbies and choose the colors hehe. 😊

Bendiciones @leidimarc! 😀