Ahead of Christmas, crochet star. // Adelantándome a la navidad, estrella en crochet. (Es/En)

in #hive-1279112 months ago

Hola, hola mis queridos amigos de @NedleWorkMonday, les deseo un feliz y bendecido día, dicen que nunca es tarde cuando la dicha llega, más yo digo nunca es temprano para comenzar a adornar, cada año me propongo a confeccionar adornos para el árbol y llega diciembre y es poco lo que logro tejer, así que este año decidí comenzar temprano.

Hello, hello my dear friends of @NedleWorkMonday, I wish you a happy and blessed day, they say it's never too late when happiness comes, but I say it's never too early to start decorating, every year I set out to make ornaments for the tree and December comes and there is little I manage to knit, so this year I decided to start early.

Hoy escuché la tan famosa canción navideña “Mi alegre parrandón” y me trago muchos recuerdos de mi niñez, recordé que en esta temporada era la feria parroquial de mi comunidad por el santo patrono y junto con ello se comenzaba a decorar la casa de la abuela, si quizás piensen que era muy temprano, pero en casa de mi abuela las primeras hallacas (comida típica de navidad) se comían en agosto, dándole así la bienvenida a la navidad en nuestra familia.

Today I heard the famous Christmas song "Mi alegre parrandon” and I swallowed many memories of my childhood, I remembered that in this season was the parish fair of my community for the patron saint and along with it began to decorate the grandmother's house, if you may think it was too early, but in my grandmother's house the first hallacas (typical Christmas food) were eaten in August, thus welcoming Christmas in our family.

Sin saber porque razón esa tradición se fue perdiendo en toda la familia, y en mi casa en particular terminamos decorando ya casi el 20 de diciembre, más este año quiero hacer algunos cambios y recuperar parte de esas tradiciones, siempre he soñado con decorar mi árbol con la mayoría de sus adornos en crochet y es por ello que hoy me levanté con ese deseo de hacer mi sueño realidad, así que sin más manos a crear.

Without knowing why that tradition was lost in the whole family, and in my house in particular we ended up decorating almost on December 20, but this year I want to make some changes and recover part of those traditions, I have always dreamed of decorating my tree with most of its ornaments in crochet and that is why today I woke up with the desire to make my dream come true, so without further hands to create.

Para darle vida a mi sueño comencé tejiendo estrellas de navidad, para ello tejí 10 puntos bajos sobre un anillo mágico.

To give life to my dream I started knitting Christmas stars, for this I knit 10 single crochet stitches over a magic ring.

2ª vuelta: seguido tejí 3 cadenetas que tomaré como 1 punto alto y tejí otro punto alto, seguido tejí 3 cadenetas, y seguí tejiendo grupos de 2 puntos altos punto sobre punto y 3 cadenetas de separación, obteniendo así las 5 puntas para mi estrella.

2nd row: followed by knitting 3 chains which I will take as 1 high stitch and knit another high stitch, followed by knitting 3 chains, and continued knitting groups of 2 high stitches stitch over stitch and 3 separating chains, thus obtaining the 5 points for my star.

3ª Vuelta: en esta tejí 1 punto bajo en sobre cada punto alto de la vuelta anterior y sobre los bucles tejí 1 punto medio alto, 1 punto alto, 4 cadenetas, 1 punto alto y 1 punto medio alto.

3rd Row: in this row I knit 1 single crochet over each double crochet of the previous row and over the loops I knit 1 stockinette stitch, 1 double crochet, 4 chains, 1 double crochet and 1 double crochet.

4ª Vuelta: esta será mi última vuelta y la que le dará el brillo a mi proyecto, comencé tejiendo dos cadenetas , (a) 1 punto bajo en cada punto del motivo de la vuelta anterior, seguido tejí dentro del bucle “1 punto bajo, 4 cadenetas cerradas en la primera cadeneta, 1 punto alto, 1 punto alto doble, 6 cadenetas cerradas en la primera, 8 cadenetas cerradas en la primera, 6 cadenetas cerradas en la primera, 1 punto alto doble, 1 punto alto, 4 cadenetas cerradas en la primera, 1 punto bajo”, seguido tejí 1 punto bajo sobre cada punto, 1 cadeneta y repetir desde (a).

4th Row: this will be my last round and the one that will give the shine to my project, I started by knitting two chain stitches , (a) 1 single crochet in each stitch of the previous round's motif, followed by knitting inside the loop “1 single crochet, 4 chains closed on the first chain stitch, 1 single crochet high, 1 double crochet high, 6 closed chains in the first, 8 closed chains in the first, 6 closed chains in the first, 1 double crochet high, 1 crochet high, 4 closed chains in the first, 1 single crochet “, followed by knit 1 single crochet over each stitch, 1 chain and repeat from (a).

Nota: para el colgante del árbol en una dela s puntos tejí 20 cadenetas en vez de 8.

Note: for the tree pendant in one of the stitches I knit 20 chains instead of 8.

Esta fue una excelente terapia de relajación, tejiendo estas estrellas, escuchando villancicos y parrandas navideñas, cada estrella la tejí en 45 minutos ininterrumpidos, pues estuve tejiendo de a ratos primero mientras esperaba en mi cita de control médico, otro rato mientras me trasladaba en la ruta de trasporte y por último en casa mientras cocinaba y esperaba una visita, así que entre todo mi día fue gratamente provechoso, bienvenida la navidad.

This was an excellent relaxation therapy, knitting these stars, listening to Christmas carols and parrandas, each star I knitted in 45 minutes uninterrupted, because I was knitting at times first while waiting for my medical control appointment, another time while I was moving on the transport route and finally at home while cooking and waiting for a visit, so all in all my day was pleasantly rewarding, welcome Christmas.

Contenido original / Original content.

Imágenes tomadas por / Images taken by @gladymar1973

Dispositivo / Device Celular Infinix Smart 8

Portada editada en / Cover published in Canvas.

Banner creados por mí en / Banner created by me in Canvas.

La traducción fue a través de / The translation was done through www.DeepL.com,Translator
(versión gratuita) / .


It's good to start early to achieve a good result, I love these decorating crochet you made, they are so beautiful.

True dear, on other occasions I have not been able to do it for lack of time, so this time it will not happen, hehe.
Thanks for your comments

This is great

Thanks for your comments

The earlier the better. Last Christmas, I also wanted to crochet somethings but I never had the time to do that. Looks like I would follow your approach and start crocheting some of the things I have in mind before December.

Your work look every neat and beautiful. I love it. This is perfect for Christmas decor.

Keep up the good work.

That's how it's happened to me several times, I think I'll have time later and when I come to see, we are already ending the year and I haven't even started, hehe, I'm glad you're encouraged to get ahead of Christmas too.
Happy afternoon and thanks for commenting

Wow, you even prepare for it, is nice to have a early start than no chance at the end, please keep in a safe place because it so beautiful, I love it so much, I wish I can crochet I would have made the same style, thanks for sharing.

Greetings dear friend, I'm glad you liked it and it's never too late to learn if you have someone who can help you, and well better start early and not complain about lack of time later hehe, thanks for reading and commenting.
Happy day to you