Hello guys it's been a long time hope you're holding on strong and good, I miss you guys but I'm back, had stressful weeks in school so I had to take a little break.
Today I'm making a ball gown for my little cousin so let's see how it goes make sure you give it a try.
get your measurements ready (shoulder, bust, half length, full length, Waist)
fold your material into two unequal parts.
from the top of the material Mark your half length downwards about 10 inches.
from the top of the material Mark about 6 inches downwards, that's for your bust measurement.
the top of the material such as your shoulder point so measure inward your shoulder measurement.
at the bust point measure your bust measurements / 4
at the point which you Mark the half length take your waist measurements / 4
-where you took your shoulder measurement subtract 2 inches inwards and 2 inches downwards at the centerpoint to give you the neck
- that will serve as the front part of the blouse. Cut it out.
- place the front part on another folder part of the material include two inches zipper allowance and cut out the back.
- cut out your lining for it turn it up and make it neat.
the downside of the gown will be the flare, I'm sure you guys recall how to cut a flare if you don't refer to my previous works to see how you can go about that.
attach hardness to the flare.
cover it up with a lining, join
it up to the upper part of your material which you had prepared already you're almost there.for styling purpose I caught a small flare to add to the gown.
- fix your zip.
- to pimp the dress I carved out designs on the lace and gumed them to the plane parts of the gown using uhu gum.
Our dress is ready!!
Thanks for stopping by 😊