Hello everyone, hope you doing great today. So did you know you could put together a pair of pants in like 30 minutes?
I'm sure your surprise ok let's go to work I would love for you guys to try this out time yourself and you know drop your feedback.
food your material into two unequal parts as usual.
Mark from the top of the material to your desired length.
from the top of the material marked in inches to get your crotch length.
from that crotch length point add extra 3 inches to get your thighs measurements point.
you will be using the top most part of the material for your waist measurement.
for your waist take 1 inches in word and Mark your waist measurement / 4
at the Crotch point divide your hip measurement by 4 include allowance of two to three inches.
take a full measurement of your hip on the material plus the allowance included / 2 to get the center of the pants.
your result after dividing by 2 is the centre of your trouser so at the Thai point measure from the beginning to where you had to your points after dividing e.g
(14/2=7) so 7 is the centerto get your thighs measurement. Divide by 4, place half of whatever you get on your centre point and Mark at both ends.
I know that seems a little complicated I wish to show you a video of it would have the opportunity.
use a straight ruler and Mark join all the map to point. Run down to the end of the material like shown below.
that's the front, quickly fold into 2 again place the front part of it on the material to get the back part but in this case, you will be adding 1 inches all through except for the waist and the crotch point.
for the crotch point to be adding two inches.
for the West you subtract two inches from the front part and had two inches to the backpart. Elevate the front part by 2 inches so it will give you a slant
quickly join it all up fix a bun and a zipper and your pair of pants is ready.