Hello Hive friends, I hope everyone is well, I want to share with all of you a creation, a super cute and simple blouse, and I want to share it with all of you, a super simple tutorial, where I want you can learn, so let's get started.
-1 Metro de Tela del color preferencial.
-Paso 1: Tomaremos una medida de referencia nuestra que nos quede super bien, la cual tomaremos y cortaremos, luego con una medida de una manga la cortamos y esto será parte de nuestra camisa, y aquí tenemos nuestras piezas para armar la camisa.
-1 Meter of fabric of the preferred color.
-Step 1: We will take a reference measurement that fits us super well, which we will take and cut, then with a measure of a sleeve we cut it and this will be part of our shirt, and here we have our pieces to assemble the shirt.
-Paso 2: Procedemos a juntar hombro con hombro, y cosemos cuidadosamente, luego cosemos las mangas a la camisa, y coseremos una elástica por dentro así arrucharemos la manga para que obtenga este modelo sencillo pero lindo.
-Step 2: We proceed to join shoulder to shoulder, and sew carefully, then we sew the sleeves to the shirt, and we sew an elastic on the inside so we will ruffle the sleeve to get this simple but cute model.
-Paso 3: Procedemos a tomar el ruedo de la manga, y coseremos. Cosemos una tira, la cual introduciremos por los dos agujeros que dejaremos en medio de la camisa por la parte de adentro, con un palito de altura, de esta manera culminamos nuestra camisa, espero que les haya gustado.
-Step 3: We proceed to take the hem of the sleeve, and sew. We sew a strip, which we will introduce through the two holes that we will leave in the middle of the shirt on the inside, with a height stick, in this way we finish our shirt, I hope you liked it.
This is my final result, I hope you like it very much, blessings to all.
All photos are of my authorship and edited with canva.