Hello everyone, it has been days since I came here. I have missed everyone and I'm happy I'm back here. I hope you all are okay and I honestly cannot wait to go through the beautiful works you all have done.
I made a post a while back about the Ellie set and i went on to say i got an order for it from that one i posted soooo here it is. I am to make a few but i recently finished this only so i thought i should share it.
This order is not something i really expected since this person has always been so nonchalant about my work so making a bulk order really meant a whole lot to me
This post is not really about how I made this or how happy it made me. I just want to make an honest post about how I felt or how I was feeling at the time. Most people forget that we artists are still humans and it is not very rosy everyday when we come up to work.
Recently it has been very overwhelming for me especially with work,i have not been doing anything new or different just the same routines but it has been feeling like a whole lot lately and honestly it has reduced my workflow
Orders that take days now take weeks to complete, I have lost the vibe to create any type of design. It may feel like nothing right now but an artist losing the vibe or motivation to create art is actually very devastating. I have not done anything. I just sit and stare for long hours with no will to work or design.
Recently it has gotten better but I just had to come here and share it since a lot of designers only show the good part of creating new pieces.
I went back to work last week and workflow has been slow and somehow i managed to finish up this piece and i said oh well i need to share this piece because for some reason it did not reflect how i felt although the time i was making it.
Making this set made me feel at peace and somehow made me start gaining back my love for my work
Dont quote me wrong i love crocheting and it brings me so much peace and pure happiness but once in a very long while i lose my creativity and just wander in the empty space in my head wondering what to make or how to make it.
Maintaining a good working spirit is not something every artist can brag about. Most times what pushes you is discipline and responsibility to your clients
Im happy this feeling is going away and i can finally go back to working effectively
Things i used to make this:
*4.0mm hook fort the skirt
*5.0 mm for the the loop
*darning needle for the loop
*5 ball of 40g yarn
PS: the images above belong to me and were taken with my mobile device