Amateur Stitch Fixin

in #hive-127911last year

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share how the little man and I are working on patching up some clothes!


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Amateur Stitch Fixin

I've recently gotten into trying to do some basic sewing and repairing of our clothes and various things around the house. This helps do a few things for us, it saves us a little bit of money because when you don't need to buy something, these days it's important to just not buy it! I'm taking that concept to heart for sure with these types of things.

The other added benefit for it all, which is far more important in the long run, is that it teaches my son to be more independent and be able to think and do things for himself as he gets older! I have made it a point to expose him to all kinds of things in his young life so far, so that we can have him develop a deep and rich experience with all kinds of things in the world. This should likely help him as he gets older. I don't know many kids his age these days or even when I was a kid and growing up, that could do some of these things like a bit of stitching!


Now don't get me wrong, I know these things look like absolute garbage hahaha. I'm not going to deny that the stitches are terrible but for me, right now it's about getting some exposure to doing the stitching and seeing what I can do and figure out. It's the process in the beginning! Just get a bunch of them done as you can and worry about the beauty of it later, at least that's what I'm telling myself! :D


They are more of a utility stitch than anything. They are closing up a hole that's been bothering me on the leg of my pair of jeans lol so I had to close it up! It was a little tough to walk around when it was drafty lol made my leg cold. The seam could definitely get a lot of work done to it to improve it but it's held up through a wash or two so I think it should hopefully be okay for a bit!


This one here was a better job for me lol it was for sure a smaller stitch though so it's understandable that it behaved better. I wanted to go around through my couple pairs of jeans that were needing some love after over a decade of use for some of them, so I had to spend some time in a lot of different spots. Sadly one of my pairs of jeans had a hole in the butt, right along the seam of the pocket! I'm not nearly skilled enough to be able to manage that so I am going to use that pair of jeans as scrap so I can cut them and use them for future patches.


One of the things that I'm trying to get better at figuring out is when to use a single thread and when to use a double thread. I've messed up a few and had to cut it and start over because I was using one that seemed like it wasn't strong enough with a single thread. Using the double seems like it works well for jeans so I'm going to stick with that one for now!


I'm not going to lie and say that there wasn't some frustration and arguing going on when we were stitching these things but we got through it and I think my son got a good amount of personal education from the time! I was letting him to his fair share of the stitches so that he can get used to it. I'm glad that he didn't get poked while we were doing this lol he didn't fully understand how sharp and dangerous the sewing needles are! To be expected for his age which is fine but he was excited to do some sewing. We have some more sewing to do and I'm wondering if it will go well, I have a patch that I need to apply on the next round!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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learning is a process, You get better at the things you do. Doing a good patchwork can save your clothe annd money.

Well good for you! I think it’s awesome what you are instilling in your son. I’m the same way. I think it’s so important to teach them as many skills as possible so they can be ready for independence and not have to depend on others or pay large amounts of money to someone else to do it.

I’m glad you can now wear your jeans and not be cold. 😄

Yeah for sure we need to teach the kiddos as much as we can! It all comes in handy at some point, even for brief reference. A lot of what makes a generation hardy is being able to do all kinds of different things.

It was much appreciated not to get the crazy breeze on my leg LOL

I totally agree! Gaining as much skill and knowledge as possible will set them up well for their future. 😉

Lol! Glad to hear it ~

The way things are going today, the way we are seeing everything has become more expensive, so it is better that such things are repaired and used some more time. In this way save man money too. And time passes.

Yeah for sure! It's a lot better to save money and do these things on our own!

@cmplxty well done! 👍

Cheers thanks!

You're welcome

First, I like your style of parenting. Carrying these little ones along at a young age helps them grow to be independent and responsible too.

Well looking at what you both did, I will say you both did a great job. I stitched my jeans something ago and even though I didn't like the idea, it came out nice. These days our jeans are ripped so anyone who sees it will think it is the style of the jean😂

These days I think it’s so important to show the kids all of these different things because I don’t think many are doing that from my experience.

Haha I hear you on the ripped jeans. For me it’s foolish! I would rather be comfortable and warm with jeans that are whole than try to be cool with jeans that are ripped lol. Hopefully we can get poorly patched jeans to be a style LOL

Hi @cmplxty, what a great idea, I will keep it in mind for my repairs.

Ya it’s good to try!