Germany has become quite wintry, with temperatures dropping below 10 degrees. Mornings and evenings are especially cold, and my daughter, upon waking, walks into our tiled kitchen barefoot 😱
We can't go to get socks while my partner is still sleeping in the bedroom, so I end up letting my daughter wear my knitted wool socks, which I thought they are quite oversized for her ... but she wears. (By the way, my feet are 25 cm long or 39 in EU size, and like my grandmother and mother, I have large feet, and so does my daughter as Japanese)
Seeing my daughter wearing my socks gave me an idea: why not knit more wool socks to expand my collection?
Up until now, I've knitted socks using patterned yarns and gradient yarns like Schoppel's Zauberball, but I've decided to try a different approach. Next, I plan to knit socks using solid-colored yarn with patterns.
The other day, I saw the German version of "52 Weeks of Socks: Beautiful Patterns for Year-round Knitting" recommended on Amazon. It was a bit pricey, so I hesitated, but then I found there is original English version, which was cheaper ... I ended up making an impulse purchase. Amazon really got me.
The book is expected to arrive next week, just as I finish knitting my current gradient socks. I plan to go shopping for solid-colored sock yarn early next week.
Once the new book arrives and I start one. I'll post an update.
Knitting this time of year is a great indoor activity, and socks are ideal because they aren't a large project, handy to carry anywhere, they can be finished relatively quickly, and they're extremely practical.
Why not try knitting socks yourself? Have a nice weekend 🧦
ドイツは気温が10度以下になって、ずいぶん冬らしくなってきました。朝晩は特に寒いのですが、子供は朝起きるとタイル張りのキッチンに裸足で出てきます 😱 寝室では相方が寝ているので、どかどか靴下を取りに行くわけにもいかず、私の毛糸の靴下を履かせるとぶかぶかながら履いています・・・。ちなみの私の足は25センチで、祖母も母もデカ足、子供も足が大きいのです。
先日『52 Weeks of Socks: Beautiful Patterns for Year-round Knitting』という本のドイツ語版がAmazonで推薦され、やや高かったので迷っていたら、英語の原著があって安いではないか・・・。衝動買いしてしまいました。Amazonの思うつぼですね。来週には届く予定で、ちょうど今編んでいるグラデーションソックスが仕上がる頃です。来週早速単色の靴下毛糸を見に行こうと思います。