It's been raining almost everyday for the last two weeks. And proper rain at that, big heavy drops. Now everything feels more alive, the air is fresher and the earth itself smells sweeter. Before this, it hadn't rain since December, so everyone, myself included, was starting to get concerned, as the days were heating up and the land was just getting drier and drier. But by the time I got back from live Pirates, the rain had arrived.
Today I walked pass the river, as I had some work on, over in that direction. I could hear it, before I could see it. The sound of the water now gushing, compared to the gentle flow you could hear, a few weeks back. It made me so happy to hear the river sound so full and alive.
This now means, that there will be enough water to swim in during the hot summer days. As I only live 10 minutes away, I envisage my girls and me, spending a lot of time down there.
It will certainly make the hot weather more bearable. Give me a river, any day over a clorinated swimming pool.
I had arranged for a friend to come and pick my up, just past the river, as I made my way to the workshop that I was holding. I didn't want to get caught out in the rain, with all of my materials. As you can see from the above picture, there were a lot of rain clouds about. Which made me really happy.
Today I held a Cunt Crafting workshop, at the local alternative midwifery school. I've held ones before, for the students. But this time it was for Birth Keepers, who were visiting for the annual midwives Rock event. An event that showcases what the school has to offer and celebrates traditional midwifery and birth.
I always feel really honoured, when I'm asked to host a workshop there. Today I had 7 participants and it went really well. The workshop has a little but of structure to it. I talk about the word Cunt. How it is seen as a very derogatory term by some, when in actual fact, the cu and ku terms represent and describe the feminine and Goddess in quite a few different countries. For example Kunda Saharan in North Africa. And the Hindu Goddess Cunti Devi.
In Sumeria (Ancient Iraq), Cuneiform is one of the earliest known forms of writing and it translates as the sign of the cunta or Queen.
Then we do a little exercise. Each person has three pieces of paper, one where they will write down a title word, like Goddess or Madam. Then a descriptive word, like beautiful or voluptuous. Followed by the word they use for their Yoni or Cunt.
Those words are placed in three different containers, mixed up and then everyone takes one from each and that is their alter Ego for the workshop. I got Goddess, Powerful, Chi Chi today.
The rest of the workshop I leave open for whatever conversation comes up as we craft our cunts. But it usually always centers around, birth ,menstrual cycles and the wonderful world of all things Yoni related. Today was no different.