Learning to clear chemtrails and make rain with a cloudbuster ⛈

in #hive-1223152 years ago


In this article I will looking at what cloudbusting means and also showing you how to build your own device for under $100 which will amongst other things disperse chemtrail smogs and HAARP radiation over a 45 mile radius while normalising rainfall patterns in drought stricken areas.

Why now?

I learned a few days ago that our village mayor intends to limit our water supply this summer, which even at this time of year they are saying is at dangerously low levels. Last summer they gave us a few weeks of water cuts (just to get us accustomed to the idea) and had it not been for the children's swimming pool, our garden would have suffered. This year they are talking about turning the canal off for the entire summer, which would basically make growing food impossible, for us and the 1000s of other people who rely on it.


This is exactly what they want of course, to stop us producing our own food and make us reliant on the system. And not for one moment do I believe this lack of rain is natural. On the contrary, it is a direct result of covert weather engineering programs which seed the sky with chemicals to achieve desired results. So it was only logical that I sit down and figure out the answer to the problem, which in truth I always knew at the back of my head. I just hadn't found the motivation to get to this particular subject until now. Many thanks to Mr Mayor for providing that which was required.

The Cloudbuster


For the last two days I have been looking at the work of Wilhelm Reich who was the first to coin the term 'cloud buster' in the 1950s with a machine which doesn't exactly 'control' the weather, but rather harmonises it so that rain is produced when rain is needed, while sunshine is produced when sunshine is needed. It clears smog and dangerous frequencies, bringing balance to the environment around it.

I have also been looking at the work of James Trevor Constable who developed Reich's ideas further, implementing his designs on boats, cars & planes. But it wasn't until I came across the work of Orgonite pioneer Don Croft yesterday that I knew for sure what I was going to build next.

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How does it work?

You may imagine there to be some kind of complex mechanism inside of those pipes but in fact they are empty and the simplest way to put this is that they are resonance tubes, like the pipes of an organ. By facing the sky with one side open they were found to interact with the weather, producing what Reich referred to as Orgone energy which can be categorised as negative or positive, one being good for us, the other bad.

Just to be clear, Wilhelm Reich's cloudbuster creates an energetic "Draw" (or Pull) in the atmosphere, drawing the beneficial Orgone frequencies down to ground level, whereas Constable's device with its two way mirror at the bottom of the tube seems to create a "Push" effect on the atmosphere, concentrating the atmosphere's Orgone energy and moisture into a rolling waveform ahead of the moving devices until it reaches a sufficient concentration to precipitate out of the atmosphere in the form of rain.


Unseen dangers

It is important to note that Reich's system was found to be dangerous for the operators who would sometimes get cancer or become paralysed due to the build-up of negative Orgone energy in their body.

He was able to solve this problem to a certain extent by using flowing water in pipes around the mechanism which would carry the negative Orgone away but this solution seems complicated to me and there may still be unknown dangers for the operator.

James DeMeo in his article SO, YOU WANT TO BUILD A CLOUDBUSTER? states:

Cloudbusting requires more of the people who engage in it than the mere "desire" to "get involved", or to "make rain", or the mere mechanical ability to assemble a few pipes and wave them about in the air. For safe and effective operations to occur, the operator must firstly have a high degree of personal health, and secondly to know exactly what they are doing, and why. They must have a good working knowledge of the cloudbusting techniques and methods which have been worked out over the last 35 years. They must be educated in basic climatology and atmospheric dynamics. Additionally, and most importantly, the cloudbuster operator must not possess any significant degree of biophysical, emotional armoring. They must be emotionally fluid, with a capacity for full bioenergetic contact with the natural environment. They must possess the capability of perceptively understanding the unspoken language of the living, which is energetically expressed in the atmosphere and landscape.

As a qualified drone operator I am by 'chance' already educated in basic climatology and atmospheric dynamics. But I have children who are not, and they like to touch things, so I chose to focus mostly on the safer work of Constable, described in his book Loom of the Future. None of his techniques it should be pointed out involve the use of chemicals like our modern weather control systems.


I really like what Trevor was doing but even he confessed that making rain was like making love to an unpredictable woman! In other words, this is something we don't fully understand yet and precaution should be taken. It was for this reason I preferred Don Croft's design in the end which sits upright in the garden as a permanent feature, with no need for an operator.


Orgonite: the missing ingredient

Inspired by the work of Karl Welz who was the original inventor of orgonite, Croft was the first person to implement the use of an orgonite base which holds the tubes in place. Orgonite is a combination of different metals, crystals and sometimes copper coils set in resin, ideally with some strong intention in there too. By adding this positive Orgone generator he has been able to make the device much safer for those handling it, but does point out that if one touches the copper tubes during operation it is advisable to touch the orgonite base immediately after, to 'discharge' any negative Orgone energy.

The design for Don Croft's most popular device, described in his own words, can be found here with exact instructions on how to build it.

You basically need this lot.

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In a nutshell what we have here is six copper tubes with double terminated quartz crystals in the ends, set in resin containing metal shavings in a bucket, with wooden spacers for copper tubes to add stability.


These are indeed amazing looking and I can see how I would have a lot of fun creating something like this.


However, I am not convinced that copper is necessary, demonstrated clearly by both Reich and Constable. It is also expensive and will be the reason many of you don't build this.

So I kept looking and eventually came across someone called Mitch the Orgone donor, who describes one particular device which caught my eye.

The Induction Chembuster

Mitch has an amazing website which amongst other things contains clear instructions on how to build something he calls The Induction Chembuster, described half way down this page.


While he is still essentially making an orgonite base the key difference is the aluminium tubes. He also doesn't put the quartz crystals directly in the tubes but rather leaves them completely empty, distributing quartz pieces & selenite throughout the resin. At the base of the bucket he adds a special mix of metal powders, shungite powder, iron & aluminium shavings.

He claims it to be just as effective as Croft's original cloudbuster, but half the cost. Which is exactly what I was looking for and this is what I will be making.

The following images are from his personal design 'Mitch's Chembuster' which he believes to be the most effective.


The succor punch is single terminated quartz with a copper wire placed around it in a very particular way. Connected to a 9V battery it produces a 15 Hz pulse of scalar waves, basically making your device even more effective.

While I don't intend to make this one (bit too expensive) these images show clearly how one can make their own layered creations within the resin, improvising on that which has come before.

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All the information required to build the three devices described above can be found on this page. Thank you to the man known as Mitch, whose YouTube page can be found here along with a useful list of FAQs here.

As shown in the image right at the top of this post, you can also use Mitch's device placed at an angle, directed toward a specific area of interest. Though like I mentioned, just be sure to operate it in a safe manner by discharging your body with the orgonite after touching the tubes.


After setting up your device you may wish to look to the sky expecting an increase in UFOs which are said to be attracted to these because they utilise the same Orgone energy to power their craft! But don't look too hard because this subject may just have pushed Reich over the edge into a world of paranoia, described in the article Wilhelm Reich's Contact With Space by Robert Scott Martin.


I think what Reich was not understanding is that these devices are also amplifiers of thought, which is of course just a vibration. So feelings of paranoia within the operator will be pushed into the Ether, creating more of that which he fears the most. Hence DeMeo's warning, which came years after Reich's death.

Interesting to note that Constable also became obsessed with UFOs, believing them to be "sky creatures" (not unlike the recent Hollywood film NOPE which makes a mockery of this idea) making me wonder if he wasn't on to something with this statement? Constable died in 2016. His biog can be found here.

Despite his paranoias Wilhelm Reich remains the original designer of this technology and was unquestionably a great man. It should be noted that the US government likely murdered him in prison after destroying every single book they could find of his.

Thank goodness his work was not lost completely into the black hole known as accurate unbiased history!


Final thoughts

Like many people in the modern version of this movement Mitch the Orgone donor appears to have a large focus on 'gifting', the action of building a device specifically to hide it near your local 5G tower and leave it there forever. Apparently people everywhere are starting to do this now, which is so amazing to learn!

Indeed, rather than ripping the towers down, which is obviously just an act of violence attracting towards it more of the same, now we have a peaceful solution. Albeit expensive. But if you value the health of your local community and all of you are in agreement on the negative effects of the cell phone tower overlooking your village, you can club together and minimise the cost, creating a permanent solution which still permits for those fast internet speeds everyone seems to love.


I started out a few days ago with the intention to make rain but realise now I am dealing with something so much more exciting than this alone!

Over on Orgonise Africa where you can buy many amazing related products if you are feeling rich, they list the effects of cloudbusters as follows:

  • increased rainfall in drought areas

  • increased plantgrowth

  • increased animal fertility and health

  • reduced pollution including chemtrails

  • general improvement of the ambient etheric energy field with a multitude of mental and health effects

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I love everything about Orgonise Africa except their prices 👆

No worries. It is better to build your own, infusing it with a non profit-based intention.

So it is with great excitement and clear intention that I set out once more on a creative journey which will be documented for you here in my usual manner, in order that you can see the process behind construction and the subsequent effects of the device.

Please be aware there are other systems in development as we speak, which may be even simpler than the ones I have described here. Yannick Van Doorne is currently adapting the lesser known methods of Constable with great effect and believes he has found a way to control the type of weather he gets through clockwise or anticlockwise movement of this turntable.

The title of this video, made at the peak of the last year's heatwave is "Where is this heatwave?"

I seriously love what Yannick is doing here, always with a little smile, and I want to remind you in this moment that he has knowledge and skills which seem ahead of the rest. His antenna (which I bought and adapted with a larger copper tube some months ago) is basically a small Orgone generator suspended off the ground with a double ended spiral instead of a double terminated quartz crystal.


My version also includes fibonacci spirals, seen here on the first day I erected it, perhaps even interacting with that wonderful cloud?


But even with this in mind I want first to build an induction chembuster as described by Mitch the orgone donor.

My device will be installed in our garden and this summer we will have rain while the rest of the country is having a heatwave.

When I leave this region I will gift the device to our nearest 5G tower (around 3miles from here over a hill) which will immediately improve of health of the 1000s of people living in the village beneath it.

And when enough of us start playing this game, we really can change the world!

Love & Light everyone ⛈


All 'art' pictures were made my me and the midjourney bot on Discord.

And for those of you wondering what has happened to my earth battery experiment I am sorry to say it came to an end when we built a bunk bed for the children last week (to avoid the spiral vortex described in a previous post) and somehow the earth battery device was damaged in the process.


While I suspect it would work again if I just spent an hour or two playing with the connections (and ideally soldering them!) I don't actually feel like doing this.


And the way we feel is key to our success in things, so I will just stay focused on that which makes me feel good for now.

But you can rest assured, I will be coming back to my more electrical experiments later in the year when it isn't snowing outside.


Fingers crossed global warming will kick in at some point ;)


cool i had a friend who made one too. I didn't really believe in it myself. But I think it's great that several are working on it. success with it

Your friend is ahead of the crowd! From my perspective there is no debate about if this works or not. The only debate I can see is how to make it safe for the operator, who must in fact be a certain kind of person. And a bit like it is for many other types of 'magic' (natural processes or technology we don't understand), belief is the very important first step. Keep following this blog in the summer and you will see how we have rain while the rest of the country has a drought...

I'm blown away by this Sam. Appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge especially during this time where more and more information seems to be hidden or lost.

Indeed it is getting harder to find the truth, but as long as us 'hivers' stick together and keep on sharing what we are able to dig up, we will be fine ;)

All the best to you and thanks very much for the message!


Watch out for the rain cuddlekitten. It's going to be torrential!


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


As always, what a brillant analysis and complete source of informations, will need to go through that multiple times ^^ !

I came across these two links recently and couldn't help but think of your earth battery experiences, you tell me :D



Have a good weekend in perspective ✌️

Hello there!

Many thanks for you words here.

Was not aware you were in France till moments ago when checking out your blog. I believe some congratulations in order with your new house & land on the way. Looks like you're going to have a lot of fun based on the images of the garden in winter.

I was particularly interested in the cross section image of the permaculture mound. Would very much like to try this with a magnetised electroculture cable in the middle.

Nice find with the bacteria/H2 energy production. I don't see much similarity with the earth battery which is more about the movement of electrons between a cathode and anode, but that's not to say I don't like it! I wonder how achievable it would be to re-create the described experiments at home?

Late hello @samstonehill !

Yeah, the plans for the house are launched, although it will probably not be before summer :) But at this stage we're really patient haha ! Needless to say, your articles on the subject of electroculture have been and continue to be a great inspiration to me, I can't wait to try and put it into practice !

Yes, I realized that it was different, but I thought that as it revolved around the same ideas (and not principles) I said to myself that "ça amène de l'eau au moulin" as we say in French ^^

I hope you and the family are doing well ✌️

Love how the French are so poetic with their words! Puts us English to shame.

Best wishes to you my friend. Don't forget to join the electroculture community when you start posting on the subject yourself ;)

Love how the French are so poetic with their words! Puts us English to shame.

Hahaha, from my French point of you, English can be so poetic too !

I will for sure ;)

Take good care and a great thanks again for sharing your experiments here !!

Just a weekend ago, there was this workshop happening that I would have loved to do if it wasn´t to my son´s birthday.
someone pointed me out in the direction of Mitch´s work a few months ago.
amazing how everything is so related and connected. you have reignited in me the will to build one of those.
but prioritizing, it will come after a power tower ; )
take care.

Excellent stuff indeed!

Though it doesn't much surprise me to be honest as it feels a lot like you and I are walking a similar path right now. And that's not to say that the rest of us are on a different path. We just appear to be on a similar wrung of the ladder ;)

Did you watch Yannick's video above? Pretty amazing what he is up to with his new device. This must surely be my next project, if I can get some more info from him...

Would like to have attended your local lecture. Looks amazing! Never see things like that around here. And in English too?

For now I must rely on my intuition while sitting at this computer, but I feel pretty happy about what I need to buy/manifest during the coming weeks. And, as DeMeo mentioned, I am clear on the why & how.

Looking forward to the UFOs, which by the way, I have already photographed in this region. Here are three flying in formation over the hills, shot shortly before Esteban's birth.


Perhaps they like springtime and I should keep my eyes peeled when the blossoms start in a month?

We seem to vibrate at the same frequency, totally.
and the other day, I watched an old video of you from like 9 years ago and find out that even though we were still unaware of one another our paths seem to be very similar over time.
just like these energy lines leaving a cemetery and criss crossing as they head in the same direction.
Beautiful photo. reminds me a lot of the almond orchards in Mallorca with the Sierra de Tramuntana as a backdrop.
I am in a contact with this guy to see if I can bring him over to Portugal for a workshop here.
love Yannick´s spinning saucer !