Hardworking outshines Talent: Rely not on Talents only add Hardwork

in #hive-1221082 years ago


To my great educationists in the community, to the @admins and the members of the community, a very good morning from this part of the world. Hope we are having a nice time cause I am at the moment.

Talent from my own end can simply be called a gift. Being a gift in the sense that it just came naturally and on the tail end, makes one superhuman compared to others. To an extent, gifts or talents are not worked for, its just a blessing or favour that compliments ones living. Too many talents exist in individuals both discovered and not discovered yet. These talents sometimes speaks out but the bearer doesn't catch up the sound makes and the handwriting on the wall. The talents we are blessed with each and every one of us is enough to solve the whole problems in the world but because of lack of manifestation of such,we feel open and vulnerable to sometimes we should have handled.

From my own perspective, hard work is the extra effort applied on talent given. Hard work employs one's use of generally all perspective of survival been channeled to talent. To some extent it takes time,its stressful,worth giving up on,but its the driving force to an exceptional living. Employing hardwok to talent is the wise use of talent, without hardwork been employed then talent is useless.


To everybody in the world, embedded in his or her inner spirit is talent waiting to be manifested. These talents if employed and channeled in the right perspective are the answers to some peoples prayer because the right manifestation of talent solves problems.
Drawing from a picture painted in the bible about servants been given with talents which varies based on the strength and individual performance. These servants been given these talents worked more on it, employed another effort to the talent not withstanding that the talent to an extent was enough but putting in more was where hard work comes into play. At the tail end, when the master that gave the talents came asking for the talents given, to the servant that didn't put in hard work, was thrown out to the place of darkness.
To an extent, what is seen being manifested isn't talent but a product if hardwork.


Truth be told that too many talents and purposes of each talent are left undiscovered and not used both in the right aspect and in true strength. Sometimes one might be talented but doesn't know as it doesn't come in a manner that the bearer understands but sometimes sends signals which the bearer might not interpret at such given time.

Some times the showcase of talents come with what one finds ease in doing. For one that loves drawing or painting and finds it easy in doing such is opening one to have an understanding or to be in the sphere of knowing that in that area is where he or she is called upon but most at time deaf ears is been paid as we thinks its not worth spending life on doing.

Rightful decision as to what life calls upon is still another way to scout out talents buried. Not being in the right state of mind, not being positive and letting the inner man speak on its capabilities as to how and what its up to is a downgrading and awful way to let talent off guard.

In all these spheres, hard work crowns it all.