"Rice Cooker Japanese-style Vegetable Pilaf 炊飯ジャーでベ野菜ピラフ”

in #hive-1205863 years ago


"Rice Cooker Japanese-Style Vegetable Pilaf"

Pilaf (ピラフ) is originally an Asian or Middle Eastern rice dish and it's a popular food in Japan. It's a worldwide famous rice dish I guess. Usually, using chicken stock and a butter base and cooking with a frying pan. I use a frying pan as well but I also use a rice cooker because it's very easy to cook. When I am making a side dish or soup, the rice cooker is cooking pilaf for me! I love my rice cooker very much!

People eat pilaf in any dish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Also, people put pilaf in lunch boxes too. If you make rice balls with pilaf it's called "pilaf onigiri(ピラフおにぎり)" that would be super delicious. You can wrap seaweed around pilaf onigiri. You can buy pilaf in many kinds of stores including convenience stores. Also, many restaurants and cafes serve pilaf. I made vegetable pilaf this time but if you use shrimp, bacon, or ham that would be nice too!





・Rice two cups (for two people)
・Carrots 1
・Corn half-size (I used half of a can of corn this time)
・Chicken stock 2-3 tablespoons (Or more if you like a thicker taste)
・Butter 10-20g ( If you like a thicker taste add more)
・Salt and pepper to taste

Scrambled egg topping

・Ketchup 2-3 tablespoons
・Eggs 2
・Oil to taste


・米 2合(2人分)
・にんじん 1本
・とうもろこし 半分(今回は缶のコーンを半分使用しました)
・コンソメ 小さじ2ー3(濃いめが好きな方はもう少し入れてください)
・バター 10gー20g (濃いめが好きな方はもう少し入れてください)
・塩こしょう 少々


・ケチャップ 大さじ2ー3
・卵 2個
・油 少々
(Cooking time is about 30 minutes including the preparation time. 調理時間は準備時間も含めて約30分。)


  1. Wash the rice.
  2. Pour water up to water level 1. (Usually pour water up to water level 2 for 2 cups but for this case, I will add vegetables and stuff that is going to reach the water level 2).
    1. 米をとぐ。
    2. 水をメモリ1まで入れる。(後から入れる野菜などで、2合分のメモリ2になるように調整します。)


  1. Cut carrots.
  2. Add corn and carrots to the rice in the rice cooker.
  3. Add chicken stock, butter, pepper, and salt to the corn and carrots.
  4. Mix well.
    1. にんじんを切る。
    2. とうもろこしとにんじんを米の上にのせる。
    3. コンソメ、バター、塩こしょうをとうもろこしとにんじんの上にのせる。
    4. よく混ぜる。


  1. Set the rice cooker on auto. (Make sure that water level is 2 if not, carefully add a little water.)
  2. After cooking, add butter if you like.
  3. Mix well.
    1. ジャーに釜をセットして自動焚きにする。(水レベルがメモリ2のところになるように再度チェック。もし足りなければ少しだけ水を足してメモリ2にしてください。)
    2. 炊き上がったら、バターを足したい方はここで足す。
    3. よく混ぜる。

It looks the same as cooking with a frying pan. It's so easy!

I ate it with salad, stir-fried snap peas, and butternut squash soup.

If you want to add scrambled eggs on top of the pilaf...

  1. Break eggs into a small bowl and mix them well.
  2. Heat the frying pan and pour oil into it.
  3. Pour eggs gently and cook them for a while at medium heat.
    1. 卵を割ってボールに入れよく混ぜる。
    2. フライパンを温めて油をひく。
    3. 卵をそっと流し入れ、中火でスクランブルエッグを作る。

I had pilaf with scrambled egg and ketchup topping with a green salad and orange juice for my lunch the next day.

About Pilaf ピラフについて:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilaf

My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1