Rhubarb Jam
I made and posted about Rhubarb Umeboshi Paste Season the other day. The rhubarb plants in my front yard are doing well. However, the strong wind and rain damaged the rhubarb flower. Unfortunately, I can't do much about it, but it's disheartening to see my plants in the garden damaged like this.
Anyway, I harvested big, thick stems from the rhubarb plants and made jam and extra umeboshi paste. The process of making rhubarb jam is not complicated. I think it's pretty simple and easy. I added extra lemon juice and sugar this time because the jam was too soft. After adding more lemon and sugar, cooking it, and putting it in the fridge overnight, the jam became very firm and tasty.
The Recipe and Ingredients are here:
Rhubarb Jam & Umeboshi Paste Dressing
The smell of rhubarb is always fresh. I used yellow sugar this time instead of brown sugar. The taste was a bit lighter than when using brown sugar. Soon, the rhubarb season will be over.
If I use yellow sugar, the jam looks yellowish. The smell is sour and sweet. Rhubarb fiber is very soft and juicy.
After overnight refrigeration, I had it with yogurt and fruit. I am thinking about making banana bread with this rhubarb jam someday soon.
Japanese 日本語
先日はルバーブ梅干しペーストの季節です という記事を投稿しました。庭先のルバーブはよく育っていますが、残念ながらルバーブの花が強い雨風に耐えられずにダメになっていました。こんなふうにダメになってしまう庭の植物を見るのは、いつもなんともいえず悲しい気持ちになります。
ルバーブ ジャム&梅干しペーストドレッシング
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