Basil Gluten-Free Pasta
I'm growing two types of basil in my garden. One is sweet basil, and the other is cinnamon basil. I often grow sweet basil, but this is the first time I've tried growing cinnamon basil.
Basil has great benefits for our health. It boosts immune function, helps with anxiety and insomnia, aids in skin conditions, maintains blood pressure, supports diabetes management, improves bone health, and more. Wow... I knew basil was good for our health, but I never expected it to have so many benefits. I love the smell so much; it makes me feel relaxed.
I picked most of the basil from the planters in my garden, but I left some with flowers to see if I could harvest seeds.
I decided to make basil paste and pasta this time. The garlic smell made me feel good.
30g basil leaves
30-40g olive oil
3 cloves of garlic
Salt to taste
Gluten-free pasta for 2 people
Pepper to taste
1 pack vegetable stock
Parmesan cheese to taste
Some scallops and shrimp (optional: bacon and walnuts)
Use a mixer for the garlic and basil. Add olive oil and salt.
Boil the pasta. Heat a pan and pour in some olive oil. Cook the scallops and shrimp, then add salt and pepper. Add the boiled pasta to the pan.
Add the basil paste and parmesan cheese. Cook and mix well. Done! I love the smell of garlic and basil. Bon appétit!
I also made coleslaw salad as a side dish. I love sitting in a window seat where I can see the sunset.
The shrimp coated with basil paste created such a tasty flavour.
Japanese 日本語
バジルの葉 30g
オリーブオイル 30-40g
にんにく3 かけ
塩 少々
グルテンフリーのパスタ 2人分
こしょう 少々
野菜だし 1パック
パルメザンチーズ 少々
ホタテとえび 適量 (ベーコンやくるみを入れても良い)
Thank you for reading!