[ENG-ESP] Bechamel sauce recipe with ham! // Receta de salsa bechamel con jamon!

in #hive-1205863 years ago

Hello friends of Foodies! I hope you are excellently well :) today I come with a recipe for a sauce that is my workhorse, since it always saves me when I have pasta and I don't feel like doing something very elaborate to accompany it. It was the first recipe I learned in my life! It is the recipe for bechamel sauce, or white sauce as we call it here in Argentina. It is very simple and I am going to share the step by step.

Hola amigos de Foodies! espero que se encuentren excelentemente bien :) el dia de hoy vengo con una receta de una salsa que es mi caballito de batalla, ya que siempre me salva cuando tengo pastas y no tengo ganas de hacer algo muy elaborado para acompañarlos. Fue la primer receta que aprendi en mi vida! Es la receta de la salsa bechamel, o la salsa blanca como le decimos aca en Argentina. Es muy simple y voy a compartirles el paso a paso.




Well, we will mainly start by cooking the pasta al dente. In this case, they were ravioli stuffed with chard that my mother made ♥ another day I'll share the recipe because it's also super easy to make. The pasta must be al dente, once the water has boiled, place the ravioli and leave them for only 5 minutes, when they begin to float. We strain them and reserve. The cooking will end inside the bechamel sauce.

Bueno, principalemente comenzaremos cociendo la pasta al dente. En éste caso eran raviolones rellenos con acelga que hizo mi madre ♥ otro dia les comparto la receta porque tambien es super facil de hacer. La pasta debe estar al dente, una vez que el agua hirvio colocamos los ravioles y los dejamos tan solo 5 minutos, cuando estos comiencen a flotar. Los colamos y reservamos. La coccion terminara dentro de la salsa bechamel.





We will start by heating a frying pan and placing a piece of butter, approximately 15 gr per person. When it begins to melt immediately we place a spoon of flour on it, same amount 15 gr. When the butter melts with the help of a wooden spoon we will begin to integrate the flour. You will see that a kind of paste is formed. Meanwhile you are going to incorporate 150ml of milk in the form of a thread, ideally it should be hot or lukewarm to prevent lumps from forming.

Comenzaremos calentando una sarten y colocando un trozo de manteca, unos 15 gr aproximadamente por persona. Cuando esta comience a derretirse inmediatamente colocamos una cuchara de harina sobre este, misma cantidad 15 gr. Cuando la manteca se derrita con la ayuda de una cuchara de madera comenzaremos a integrar la harina. Veras que se forma una especie de pasta. Mientras tanto vas a incorporar en forma de hilo 150ml de leche, lo ideal es que este caliente o tibia para evitar que se formen grumos.




It is very important that you constantly incorporate all the ingredients with the help of the spoon, and you will see how little by little a sauce will form! If you see that you incorporated all the milk and it is very thick, simply add a little more, nothing will happen. The ideal texture must be found by you. When you consider that it is already as you want, you are going to roll up some slices of ham and you are going to cut them into strips.

Es muy importante que constantemente incorpores todos los ingredientes con ayuda de la cuchara, y veras como poco a poco se formara una salsa! si ves que incorporaste toda la leche y quedo muy espesa simplemente agrega un poco mas, no va a pasar nada. La textura ideal la debes encontrar tu. Cuando consideres que ya esta como tu quieres vas a enrollar unas fetas de jamon y las vas a cortar en tiras.



We are nearing the end, your bechamel sauce in theory is ready! but we are going to add the ham, pieces of cheese, a heaping tablespoon of cream cheese and just now we are going to season. Salt, pepper and nutmeg are ideal.

Ya estamos llegando al final, tu salsa bechamel en teoria ya esta lista! pero vamos a agregarle el jamon, trozos de queso, una cucharada colmada de queso crema y recien ahora vamos a condimentar. Sal, pimienta y nuez moscada son los ideales.



We are going to incorporate the al dente ravioli that we had reserved and we are going to leave them in the sauce for 5 minutes so that they finish cooking!

Vamos a incorporar los ravioles al dente que teniamos reservados y los vamos a dejar en la salsa por 5 minutos para que se terminen de cocer!



and that's it! you already have your plate of pasta filled with a homemade bechamel sauce ♥ to the sauce you can add all the ingredients you want since it is a kind of "base sauce" I also use it in pie fillings with vegetables to form a good bond

¡y eso es! ya tienes tu plato de pasta relleno con una salsa bechamel casera ♥ a la salsa le puedes agregar todos los ingredientes que quieras ya que es una especie de "salsa base" tambien la uso en rellenos de tartas con vegetales para formar un buen ligue

I hope that this recipe is to your liking and that the post is well explained,
you can leave me a comment for anything.
Thanks for reading me! a kiss and a hug, heypuch ♥

Espero que esta receta sea de tu agrado y que el post este bien explicado, cualquier cosa puedes dejarme un comentario. Gracias por leerme! un beso y un abrazo, heypuch ♥
todas las fotos son de mi autoria

Never eaten something like this
But I'm sure it would be very delicious cos you said you added 150ml of milk