In The Kitchen With Kat-Sourdough Crepes!

in #hive-1205862 years ago

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Last week when I started seriously thinking about what I wanted to do for Easter dinner, I got hit with a bit of inspiration while sitting in my cozy nook next to the woodstove.

We are in the season of our lives as a family where things are just bananas busy. The hubs runs an entire youth small bore shooting program at our local gun range every Friday night, he is also a 4H shooting sports leader. My son is on a competitive shotgun skeet and trap team and in varsity track. My daughter competes in FFA, 4-H, and has a show steer that she shows.

And you all know that I don't sit around much either, especially with it being spring on the farm.

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So, it was as I sat in the nook, sipping mango passionfruit tea, that I found my mind wondering what to craft for Easter dinner.

I wanted to do something fun. Yet, I didn't want to be bogged down all day in the kitchen crafting a traditional Easter or Passover meal. Because I am still a bit tired from being so sick this winter.

Anyway, inspiration struck me as I remembered I hadn't fed my sourdough starter yet that morning, CREPES!

I love crepes! My mom used to make the most buttery, luscious peach-filled crepes topped with homemade amaretto whipped cream. I still have dreams about those things.

Anyway, I started wondering what a sourdough crepe would taste like, and started scribbling in my notebook. The Easter Crepe Bar idea was hatched!


Sunday at around noon found me whisking some dry ingredients in a bowl and adding the wet ingredients to the fray. Crepe batter has to have a runniness to it, it's important for the batter to run around the pan like scrambled eggs so that you get a uniform, level floppy crepe.

And I almost felt like I know what I am talking about when I wrote that above paragraph.


Because here's the thing, I am no crepe expert. I do love eating them, and one time I made a batch of chicken and mushroom stuffed savory crepes that have survived in family lore, but the thing is, all I really care about is that food tastes good (and is sustainable and good for you most of the time). You are not going to find gatekeeping or cuisine hubris in these parts for sure.


Anyway, as I threw a slab of butter into my little nonstick skillet (and realized I should probably acquire a proper crepe pan at some point), my mug broke into the biggest anticipatory smile. Soon I would be noshing on a buttery, chewy crepe of crepetasticness!


And what was even greater was just over my shoulder my daughter was getting out all the toppings for the crepe bar and my son was slicing fresh strawberries. It was a scene of family domestic chore bliss!

Even though I must admit I felt a fly of annoyance when my son asked me forty-two times how I wanted the strawberries sliced. Like seriously cockroach? Slice the dang things however you want....he had the gall to ask me if I wanted the sliced vertically or horizontally lol! Good times!


As the crepes stacked up on the plate I had warming in the oven, I could feel the excitement to devour them build in the kitchen. Since I had a respectable stack cooked, I told everyone to start crafting their crepes, and they didn't disappoint:




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My son stuffed peanut butter on the inside of his crepe before rolling it up and loading it with all the toppings. We had hot fudge, chocolate syrup, caramel, powdered sugar, whipped cream, fake maple syrup, organic real maple syrup, sliced strawberries, it was an impressive amount of crepe accourtrements.


Things got even more fun when the hubs started attacking the children with the canned whip cream. I rarely buy the stuff, and I am sure you can understand why....


After I cooked the last crepe, it was time for me to put together mine. Most of the time I am a bit of a topping minimalist. When it comes to crepes, my absolute favorite way to eat them is slathered with butter, drizzled with real maple syrup, lightly dusted with powdered sugar, and because it was a special occasion, I added three little rosettes of whipped cream.


Then, it was the moment of truth, taste test time. I did notice there was a lot of satisfied grunting coming from the kitchen table, and as soon as I took my first bite I understood why.

Sourdough crepes are freaking amazing!

There is a slight tang at the end of each bite, and not an overpowering one either! As we were doing sweet crepes, the recipe has a bit of sugar in it, so you got all the things, buttery, little bits of crispness, tang from the sourdough, and a hint of sweet from the sugar. The silky flavors of the maple syrup and whipped cream joined in the taste bud dance and I am not ashamed to say I ate TWO crepes, because holy yum!

And even though most of my house (and pets) got accessorized with more whipped cream than I would have liked, I have to say that the Sourdough Crepe Bar Easter Dinner Experiment was a resounding success!

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Sourdough Crepes

1 cup sourdough starter discard
6 TBSP melted butter
3 duck eggs (or 4 large chicken eggs)
1 cup all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups milk
4 TBSP water
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup granulated sugar
butter for skillet

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, and salt. Then add sourdough starter discard, melted butter, eggs, milk, water, and vanilla. Whisk everything together until batter is well-combined. It is supposed to be pretty runny.

Heat a 8-10 inch skillet on medium high. Toss in a slice of butter, like a couple of teaspoons. Once the butter is melted and bubbly, add 1/4 cup of crepe batter to the hot skillet. I use a ladle for this job. Swirl the batter around the pan and let it cook for 60-90 seconds before flipping and cooking 30-60 seconds more.

Place crepes on a plate in a warm oven so they stay warm while you cook the other.

Serve with your favorite toppings!

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's whipped cream encrusted iPhone.


Me here after eating my salad because I already had pizza yesterday and I am trying to eat healthier it is not a good idea. But it looks so good

Oh no! I didn't mean to crepe sabotage you! LOL! Thank you so much and I hope you are still on the healthy eating track!


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Damn, thanks for making me hungry hun!

I never made anything sourdough as I mentioned before, but you sure make it look very appealing to try :)


Oh, I think you would so get up to kitchen mischief with a sourdough starter, I have had such a blast the last few months with mine!

And I hope you got something to eat, lol!

Thanks for making me smile😊

frickin YUM!!! That looks amazing and delish.




Thanks @jimmy.adames LOL!🤣


I love crepes! The chocolate drizzle made the dish much more scrumptious. Loved it!

Thanks! Chocolate does really make everything better lol! I love crepes too, hope you found some to snack on.😊

Another recipe for my wife, she's going to wonder what all these sheets of paper are all about... Best of all, crepes are unleavened, perfect for this week!

LOL! My kids and the hubs devoured this one, and they were perfect for this week due to the whole unleavened aspect, hope you all enjoy them as much as we did!

I really like sweet and soft food like these crepes. you serve perfectly

Thank you so much😊 I love food that is sweet and soft too like crepes!

Never heard of sourdough starter before but it sounds great. I printed the recipe so I can give them a try when I get some sourdough starter.

Sourdough crepes was a new one for me too, but a tasty, successful experiment indeed! Thanks for stopping by @rcaine

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Those crepes look delicious. I haven't had any in a long time (before the pandemic) so I might have to go find some time to buy some outside. I don't really feel like cooking recently.

Thank you so much! They really did turn out super good! And I hope you went and found yourself some crepes or something else tasty😊


That sourdough of yours, I have to start that one ... You left me simply no choice.

LOL! Thanks! That starter has gotten such a workout this winter I swear! And yes, you so need one! The pups love a little spoon full of the stuff from time to time😁

Believe it or not, I have never had crepes before. I keep meaning to try them, but there is just something that usually holds me back. I think most commonly it is something that looks more appealing to me on the menu. They always look really tasty when I see people talk about them.

WHOA! I hope you get to try some soon, both sweet and savory crepes are super yummy!

And that killed me when you said there was probably something more appealing on the menu, they are just thin pancakey things, but they are oh, so good! I hope you get to eat a crepe or twenty soon!

Thanks, I appreciate it. I am usually more of a steak and eggs or omelette or corned beef hash kind of guy. If I am eating at home I will have pancakes, french toast, or waffles every so often. Of course I did visit the Pancake Pantry in Nashville and that was just a given I had to get pancakes.

I like how people can turn some crepes into art with all the topings and flavours added on top of it. Really nice ☺️

Thank you! And yes, the kids went all out in their artistic crepe garnishment, it was pretty awesome!

Well that just checks off all the boxes for a wicked and yummy indulgent breakfast. Crepes are something that I have when I go out to breakfast. Not normally something I make myself. I do like the tart flavor of sourdough. Thanks for sharing the photos and recipe.

LOL! It was a bit wicked and indulgent😆 It was also so, so yummy and they weren't hard to whip up and cook at all! The slight tang of the sourdough elevated it to another realm of tastiness I swear!

Thank you so much for stopping by, hope you had a fabulous weekend!

Good Morning and You're welcome, @generikat! Happy that you enjoyed them. I have made sourdough starter in the past but I didn't take care of it properly and it went off badly. Eeew! Have to try it again sometime in a smaller quantity. Hope you're having an awesome week. Happy Wednesday!

Made in Canva

-- @lisamgentile1961

LOL! Yes, those starters definitely can go sour sideways! I hope the next one you make goes great for you! And I hope that you are having an awesome week too, I sure am! Happy Thursday!

Thanks, @generikat! I will let you know how it goes when I try it again. I know they're pretty versatile when they're looked after correctly. Have an awesome Sunday and week ahead. 😀



This sourdough crepes recipe makes the most delicate, french-style pancake with perfect crispy edges! .Thin, buttery and delicious with either sweet or savory fillings

Yes! The crisp edges are the best! I love both sweet and savory crepes, these ones were definitely more of the sweet variety, but it was a special occasion after all! Thanks for stopping by @typebox!

Omg this is absolutely wonderful! Happy Easter! Hope you had a great day time with family and friends.

Aww, thank you so much! Hope you had a very Happy Easter too!

Thank you, you too!

Oh boy, for what I thought was going to be a healthy meal I sure loved the ending.

We had our Newfoundland traditional Turkey diner. With stuffing. Potatoes, turnup, carrots, cabbage, greens, all cooked in same pot with salt meat. And oh ya pees pudding. And of course gravey.

Cookies and cream cheese cake for dessert.

Num num num.

P.s. under my voting power of 90 percent where I like to stay so upvote coming in the morning 😀



@generikat! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (16/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Um, that traditional Newfoundland turkey dinner sounds amazing! Never had pees pudding, that has to be rectified, and um COOKIES AND CREAM CHEESECAKE! AHHH!

Sounds like an awesome, awesome dinner(and dessert)

And don't you worry about that upvote, thanks to Listnerds we've got A LOT more friends to upvote for sure!


Or is it Peas ? Split peas to be precise.



@generikat! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (8/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

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Thank you so much!!!!

OK, that's it! I think we have to end our Hive relationship or you will have to tell me beforehand when you'll be posting your food posts. I can't live like this any longer!
YOU WILL MAKE ME ROUND LIKE A BARREL!!! These are just WAY too good.
I was on such a great track, eating all healthy and stuff...And there you go and ruin it all for me. Ugh...
But not yet, let's not end things yet. I really need to try these first. I'll let you know if I'm still ending things 😆
Dang! Shops are closed...So will have to wait till tomorrow...And till I have some soudough starter started LOL.

Uh oh. I just posted a food post and didn't let you know....eeee...

I swear I didn't mean to ruin it for you, I promise! And it was Easter lol!

Maybe you won't like them or you won't get a starter going and you'll get busy doing something super awesome down there in Mexico and forget all about the crepes!

Then we'll be just fine😉 lol!

Hope you are having a lovely day!

Hahaha, yeah, that might just happen. But I'll let you know when I do make them ;)
I think we're good xoxo