In The Kitchen With Kat-Sourdough Banana Bread!

in #hive-1205863 years ago

Sourdough BB.png

Last week one of my super excellent friends gave me a jar of sourdough starter. As I was ensconced in bed convalescing, I haven't really gotten the deets on the starter's origins, but I think I heard one of my house denizens talking about that it came from a really, really old starter. Or something.


Not that it matters, because I have a starter! Squee! Anyone who digs fermented anything loves to get ahold of a new strain of fermenty goodness, and I am no exception.

That said, I haven't felt good enough to concoct a loaf of sourdough from the starter, because it is a bit of a process, even if you do the overnight lazy way. I mean it, I am basically operating on low function mode right now.

However, starters need tending. They need fed. I didn't want to throw my new little friend in the fridge to put it on standby, so my extra awesome children fed it for me. Fun factoid time though, you have to discard some of the starter every time you feed it, or else....Growth slime! Expansion goo! Escape from the jar terror!

So, I practiced my Google-fu and looked up a bunch of easy to prepare with sourdough discard recipes. And big shocker, I found a ton of ideas, but nothing that really struck me in my post-ill, energy-deprived core.

I did however, have three of these sitting on the counter:


They happened to be lounging near the mason jar that my starter bubbles and troubles in, so I thought, why not try it?

And by try it I mean whipping up a loaf of sourdough banana bread. It seemed like a good idea, and in a slight burst of creativity caused energy I scribbled down some ingredient ratios and went to work.


First, I whisked the dry ingredients together. Into a mixing bowl I placed some flour, baking soda, salt, and a bit of cinnamon.


Next, I smashed the nanas. Having raised a few kids I am pretty well-versed at that task. Not that smashing bananas is hard or anything. I have a retro potato smasher that I sometimes use, just because I like it and Grandma gave it to me, but most of the time I just mash the nanas with a fork.

After that task was smashed, I moved on to dough composition. Quick breads appeal to the lazy and frugal aspects of my nature. You can put pretty much anything in a quick bread, and well, they have the word quick in the name. The longest part of making them is waiting for them to bake.


I creamed butter and brown sugar in my trusty Kitchenaid stand mixer's bowl, beat in a couple eggs (one at a time), and then giggled maniacally like the mad kitchen scientist that I am as I mixed is a healthy amount of sourdough starter.


The dough very much looked like dough, and it smelled soury divine like all things that contain a fermented aspect do. I carefully folded in the bananas, a bit of olive oil, and vanilla.


The dough looked good. Super good.


So I put it in a greased loaf pan, smoothed out the top with a spatula, and plopped it in to my oven for about an hour.

In the name of experimentation, I didn't even check it while it was baking, I had faith in my composition and method.

And for once, it wasn't a fail worthy of an influencer's Pinterest board. Nay! My sourdough banana bread turned out beautifully!


It also tasted excellent. I know this because my fruit adoring Hawaiian herd whom I live with devoured half of the loaf before it even fully cooled. I love them.


Seriously, this piece barely lasted long enough to be captured by the camera, they were...lurking...

And I love how the loaf turned out too. Now that I have the basic method of making sourdough quick bread down, I am going to try all sorts of manifestations, and I hope you all have some sourdough starter around to try this recipe out too, it's a keeper for sure!

Sourdough Banana Bread

2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup (1 stick) room temperature butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
3/4 cup sourdough starter
3 very ripe bananas
2 TBSP olive oil
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease a 9"X5" loaf pan.

Whisk flour, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon in a mixing bowl, set aside.

Place butter in a mixing bowl and cream butter with brown sugar. Add eggs one at a time and mix until well-combined.

Add starter and mix in until combined, then fold in mashed bananas, vanilla and oil.

Next, mix in dry ingredients until just blended. Do not over mix!

Spread the dough into the prepared loaf pan, smooth the top with a spatula, and bake for 55-60 minutes.

Let the bread cool at least 15-20 minutes, remove, slice, and devour!


Components of YUM

And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's now in fermented sourdough banana scent iPhone.


Your source and mine were the same. It's allegedly an Oregon Trail strain.

allegedly, LOL! I like mystery origins, this makes me happy.

Tomorrow's post is another thing I whipped up with the starter discard. Let's just say there's a very happy Sasquatch round these parts😁

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Damn, that looks good! I hope you feel much better soon

Thanks! Wish I could pass ya a slice!

And double thanks, I am finally starting to feel a bit better😊

Oh I am a banana bread fanatic. I always seem to have a few bananas that have overstayed their welcome and need to be dealt with. I have to admit I never tried a sourdough version. I will print out this recipe for the bucket list o' kitchen attempts!

Bananas are the only guests that I like to lurk about til they get a bit overripe..😁. I'm a fellow banana bread fanatic! My absolute favorite is chocolate, milk chocolate chip banana bread. Well, I like zucchini banana bread with gobs of spice, and macadamia coconut banana bread. What the heck, I like it all!

The sourdough starter gives the bread an incredible amount of lift and a buttermilk-like subtle tang. I love what it did to the loaf, hope you enjoy it too!

Hmm, there are bananas on my counter, too.....

It looks very delicious food. thanks for sharing with this community. It is an Awesome post and deserve for selection of curators.

Thank you so much! It was pretty tasty and thank you again for the kind words and support:)

Love your Foodie post!

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Thank you @anggreklestari!

Love the #foodie community! You all are amazing😊

Oh, yes! I love to make banana bread! Did that sound as pathetic as I thought it did, the oh, woe is me, I don't eat carbs? Thought not.

Anyway, the whole fam loves it, enough to let a few of them go overripe on the counter, just so they will get banana bread. I know, right? Anyway, I don't have a sourdough starter. But, I actually already said that in the other post with muffins. I work backward for some reason, it is all about not being so behind if I do the current one first, yes?

I actually never had one! I am sure if one of my sisters or in-laws had one, I would know. I love fermented, but, I am trying to wrap my head around it with the banana bread. Yummy on steroids?

Ha ha ha! Ds, you kill me (in the bestest way), I swear!

The starter in the banana bread lent it a subtle tang, like if you used buttermilk, and it gave an extra oopmh of lift so the loaf was very lofty.

I am guilty of leaving bananas lying around just for bread, plus I like to eat bananas when they are just beyond ripe. That's probably weird, but I think they taste better a little over ripe.

And it didn't sound pathetic at all! I get forlorn about not eating carbs sometimes, even though I now can eat more of them than I used too. In fact, I scribbled up a yummy keto recipe that I am going to try out in your honor. Lots and lots of chocolate snack gooeyness ahead!

Laterz lady!

The imposing loftiness is scrumptious with buttermilk! I am totally in! We have banana leavers in this house too and they plea the same bargain as you!

They taste better a little ripe! Aw, Bullfeathers! They taste like overripe bananas.

I left myself eating more carbs- until I ate them all. Le sigh The no self-control and all that jazz. I am an all-or-nothing kinda gal, I think I let it go too soon and didn't ease off, but, shut it off like a switch. Do you know what though? I actually feel better doing it. Deprived sometimes, but, lighter, more energy, and back to running again. Better.

Oh, you are so good to me, sweet Kat! I made up a great Tuscan Chicken, keto style, putting it on a bed of riced cauliflower and it was delicious! Oh, I can hardly wait for yours. I may put the recipe up tonight for a post as I don't have anything else planned... Who am I kidding? I never plan. Is that bad or what?

I await your honorable recipe! ❤️ You are the best! No really! You are! Mwah!

𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊!!!