I got apples from my friend's garden last weekend. They were sour green apples that might be good for cooking and baking.
Then I cooked them in a simple way my mother often did. I peeled the apples, cut them vertically into 8 pieces, then sliced each into pieces about 0.5 millimeters thick.
Sprinkle 1-2 spoons of sugar and cook around 5 minutes. You can also add raisins and cinnamon. For sugar, I use coconut blossom sugar these days as I read it has lower GI that is less likely to raise blood sugar levels and moreover it's really tasty.
After cooking it, let it cool down. And done!
You can eat it as it is, which my daughter often does. Or top it on yogurt. It's also our favorite.
Baking bread with the cooked apple is also a good idea. I have some more so I think about baking apple cinnamon rolls this afternoon.
Apple reminds me my mother passed away this spring. She made me grounded apple when I had cold, cooked apple like I introduced in this post, she only could eat apple pie in McDonald's etc etc. I wish I can plant an apple tree or two (I need sweet one and sour one!) somewhere when I have a garden.
Happy apple season 🍎
砂糖はあまり入れないので大して変わらないかもしれませんが、冨永愛さんの本で知って以来、ココナッツの花の蜜から作られた砂糖を気に入って使っています。黒糖のような深い味わいで、GI値が低く、血糖値を上げにくいとのこと。このお砂糖、あまりにもおいしくて私は素で食べられます ww(だめだめ😅)