I don't know what it is about the word yurt, but my brain gets all sorts of giddy as soon as I think of it. Of course I then start humming or outright singing the new classics, at least at my house, What is love? Baby, don't yurt me, don't yurt me no more, and the incredibly enjoyed by all Do you really want to yurt me?
Yes my friends, I have finally cracked.
Okay, maybe not cracked, but at least mentally fractured a touch. The last eight days have been a yurt, bakery, and homesteading filled work-a-thon for the ages. I might be tired.
Because I also started full time college course work in there too!
The college part I really dig though, as I am getting up into the upper level courses that pertain to my field of study and my goal of becoming a licensed mental health clinician. Oof, that's a mouthful! And a lot of school!
So, I have been writing papers, reading profusely, and completing random assignments around doing all the things.
But back to the yurt. A couple years ago our friends gave us the yurt. In fact, somewhere back in the blockchain archives is a post about when we disassembled and transported the yurt to the farm.
It has sat in the equipment shed ever since.
Well, this past Thursday one of our friend's boys came over and helped the hubs install the floor, which took a couple of days due to warping reasons, and set up the yurt. It was an adventure with many, many OSHA violations.
But other than putting the outside wrap on, installing the door, and installing the little claw foot propane stove that came with it, the yurt is mostly done! YAY!
Next spring I will be building a super green bathhouse (composting toilet, solar heated water for the shower and sink) to go with it before listing it to be rented out to solace seekers and respite requirers. We put the yurt right in the little forest that we have and it's most pleasant and serene in there.
I also have been fitting in farm work too, in fact, after writing a paper this morning, I canned a half batch of zucchini relish. I love that stuff and it's super simple to make.
The perennials that I put in earlier this year has some smashing blooms, and it's almost time to rototill and seed the mustard cover crop, because before you know it it will be garlic planting time. EEEEEEE!
It's also strangely quiet around here with all the kids, save my son, back in college. Our son is going to start his senior year of high school the day after Labor Day, and for some reason this summer it really hit me that my offspring are almost grown. It's been a very rewarding marathon, but aside from some bittersweet reflection, I am very much ready to tromp into the realm that is empty nester medium age time.
But for now, I gotta jet, I have statice to cut and hang, bergamot to trim back, truck tags to order, a shower to clean, and dinner to cook at some point. Oh, and potatoes to dehydrate. It never really ceases and I adore that state muy mucho!!