The Flicker Haven Farm Files-Seed Garlic!!!!

in #hive-1143087 days ago


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That's right! It's mid October so my seed garlic arrived in the mail! SQUEE MCGEE!

In fact, as I picked the ten pound box up out of the locker at the post office, I mumbled under my breath enthusiastically,

"Garlicte, so hot right now!"


And then this young mother with a couple free range tater tots looked a little concerned at my not so subtle outburst, but I didn't care (and still don't), because my garlic is here!

What's super-excellent-awesome-amazing is that I have a ton of my own seed garlic to plant too!

You see, seed garlic is muy expensive! Like +$20/lb for the good stuff. So over the past few years I have been slowly and methodically growing my stock.

This year, I will have over twenty pounds of seed garlic to plant! It's a pungent miracle!

Each pound of seed garlic will give you 35-50 cloves to plant so I should be plunking 700-1000 cloves into the well-prepared earth next week.

One thing I love about garlic is that it grows over the winter. I mean, that is just fantastic. I just have to prep the bed, plant the cloves, throw out some alfalfa pellets (my secret weapon for bulb size), and mulch the crop with straw. In the spring I might fish emulsion the patch a bit, and maybe water some depending on the weather, and by mid-July I have an entire crop of the tastiness!

Man, I am craving some roasted garlic on toast right now, for real.


Anyway, now that I have wiped the drool off of my face, I'll get back to the garlic. The cultivar that I have is Music. It's a hardneck variety that has YUGE cloves. I've grown lots of other garlics over the years, but for some reason Music just really likes my silty land, so I picked it to be the one I used to expand my garlic growing empire!

Okay, maybe not an empire, but I have hopes of expanding production up to about a half an acre or so and selling garlic to my local peeps, because you know, garlic!


I just can't believe it is the middle of October almost. I mean, other than stacking a bit of wood and putting some faucet covers on, we've got things pretty well lined out on the homestead for winter. I do have a fair bit of canning to do, there's ripening tomatoes, a multiple squashes, and tons of tiny potatoes to tend too, it's just that we have double wedding weekend to contend with this weekend, so I think all those tasks will be seen to in the coming weeks.

And on that note, I better go stack firewood😉

Happy Homesteading!

And before I go, Filaree Garlic Farm has the absolute best certified organic seed garlic! I have ordered from them for several satisfied customer years!


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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's smells of garlic on lots of occassions iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.


You can never go wrong with garlic!

Ooh, I agree 100% my dear friend, it's the bestest flavor evah!


Can you imagine that I only started to appreciate garlic about 4 or 5 years ago? I remember that years ago when we lived at home my sister made beef stew. She sometimes used herb butter with garlic to prepare it, and if there was garlic in it I didn't want to eat it. She tried to fool me by putting herb butter without garlic on the table, but it didn't happen. I immediately tasted that there was garlic in it and really didn't like it anymore. It was only much later that I started to appreciate the taste of garlic. Nowadays, I love it!

That's fascinating, Hetty! I totally understand too, there are some foods that I wanted nothing to do with for a long time (celery and pineapple), and now I very much enjoy them both!

That said, I am super happy you are on the adore all the garlic train now, it's a pungent and wonderful place to dwell lol!


!PIMP the garlic!

I'll make it even more exciting. As a little toddler who just started feeding herself, right up until my adult years, I had the greatest difficulty eating vegetables. There were only a few that I liked, but most vegetables I just really hated and ignored. Meat, on the other hand, I couldn't have enough of that. You can imagine how I felt when I met my current partner and invited him for a first date at my place, I was going to make dinner. When I asked him the day before the date if there was anything he didn't like he told me, "No, nothing special but I don't eat meat. I'm a vegetarian!". I was completely shocked and stressed out because I had no idea what to make. Eventually, I succeeded, and the result ... I have been eating only vegetarian for almost 15 years now. No more meat, no fish, but lots of vegetables.

I got my garlic last week and it's been waiting patiently for me to be well enough to plant it. May next week...

Dang it, you've been feeling poorly? I'm sorry. I hope your body feels better by next week so you can get that garlic in the ground, well, I just hope you feel better anyway😊


What is the difference between seed garlic and fresh garlic from the store? Can I grow that one to? I have some space left in my pots on the balcony.

Seed garlic is usually tested for disease and is the biggest and best of any crop of garlic produced. That said, you totally can plant garlic you get from the store, I would just make sure it's certified organic, some places spray things on store produce to prevent sprouting and stuff.

I hope your garlic planting in your balcony pots is a success😊


I heard about that with potato's. Well I am going to try and plant them here. I am very curious if it works.

Very nice picture my friend

Thank you so much!!


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Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you ewkaw!!!

Now you have me drooling along with you for some roasted garlic! I use minced garlic and diced onions sauted in EVO -- toss in some freshly cut mushrooms -- in a majority of the meals I prepare. You too? 🍄🍝🌿

And thank you for the organic garlic company information! ✍


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Drooling commenced as soon as I read that delightful repast that you so wonderfully described! I LOVE onions, garlic, and mushrooms all sizzled together in some EVOO yum!

And yep, I put that gloriousness in many of the meals I prepare, I especially love throwing it on top of pizza lol!

Thank you so much for dropping by, I am always happy to see your comments!


Last year I didn't have a suitable spot prepared, so I didn't plant garlic. Besides, I was busy caring for my husband after he cut his foot. This year I have good intentions of planting some this month. I bought a very modest amount of seed garlic to plant.