The Flicker Haven Farm Files-A Many Day, Into The Fray, Melee

in #hive-1143082 months ago


Flicker Haven Farm Files page divider.png

And just like that, four days have elapsed. Sheesh. It doesn't feel like four days since I last posted, more like forty years! In between baking I got a lot done on the homestead, we all did!


The hubs has been milling raw edge lumber out of a massive Bull pine that gave up on life out in our south pasture. The boards that he mills are going to be siding on the new skeet field high and low houses, and I am super excited to see how they turn out!

The hubs and I have also been working in tandem to get the lavender harvest finished, which we finally did, Thursday. I cut the last of the bloomed out lavender, he ran it through the still, and holy fragrant jars of bliss, do we have a lot of hydrosol!


Another thing I have been cutting is bergamot. Each morning I have been snipping the fragrant plant's leaves, washing them, and putting them in the dehydrator for a spell to dry. Thursday's harvest was especially eventful as I got to witness the turkey version of Big Fight At The I Hate You Corral.


It was a quiet and unseasonably cool morning, and I was enjoying my early morning leaf picking solitude when a cacophony of gobbling erupted. There were toms and hens chest bumping and pecking each other, and the event hit it's crescendo with a flock of poults taking to the air and gracefully alighting themselves on the peak of my roof.


It was an interesting pre-breakfast experience!

Yesterday, before I went to the bakery in the early AM hours, I got to meet my new friend Clotilde. She met me in my bathroom sink as I stalked into that particular room to do my morning routine. She definitely achieved bringing me into a more alert status, as the lovely little arachnid is the size of my palm.


Later that day, when I got home from work, I put her in a cup and placed her outside. I am still impressed with how hard she smacked the paper plate that I covered the cup with. Clotilde is such a strong girl! She also now lives in my iris patch.


Over a two day period with a bakery work blast in between, I got a huge to do done. For the last month the entirety of one storage shed was sitting, covered in my carport. I really needed to weed, condense, and purge all of the things and get them organized into our other storage shed, and let's just joyfully say now, THAT CHORE IS DONE!


It is amazing how one can accumulate things over the years, especially if you have offspring. There were intermixed boxes of everything from homeschool curriculum to photos, to old clothes, to holiday decorations and everything in between. It has all been properly sorted and stored now, and I am more than pleased with the pile of trash and donate that I ended up with. I'm also more than a bit tired.


And on that note, I am gonna go take a well-deserved, at least I think so, nap. The next forty-eight hours are going to be a big baking marathon as the next two weeks are the busiest in the park, but as I wrote in a comment earlier, then end is nigh! I am almost done!!


Flicker Haven Farm Files page divider.png

And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's currently not tucked into storage or awaiting a trip to the donation station iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.


I spent last week cleaning out the attic. Not quite done yet, got to move the purged stuff out. Glad you got your job finished!

Ooh, that sounds like a job, plus attics are usually hot and stuffy, you definitely win last week for sure! Hope you got it all done and are enjoying some hang out time with your wonderful kitty!


I did get it almost done, we haul some of it off tomorrow. I did spend time sitting and resting yesterday, with assistance of course..

Always seems like there's work to be done on a homestead! Though I must admit I'm jealous of the cool weather.

Major props to your husband for milling his own lumber. Never done it myself but I've seen it done in person, it's hard work but definitely helps in the self-sufficiency end of things.

The cool weather was short lived, but a nice respite while it lasted. And you are so right about there's always work to do, I really need to get out and thin carrots, but after baking for ten and half hours yesterday without a break, well, I am feeling a bit sluggish this morning lol!

Hope you are having a very splendid day!


Wow! You got lots of things done in a few days. I wish I had that energy and stamina.

Love to grow some bergamot. I doubt if we could find bergamot seeds here.

I got mine in the form of plants so maybe there is a way to get a bergamot plant in your area?!

My energy level is pretty low this morning, hope yours is much better!!


I must say these last few days, I could feel lots of fuzzy vibes and disturbances including sadness in the air. It turned out my shaky feeling was right: havocs in money and cruising markets, and the fear of expanding Middle East conflict. I felt kind of ‘being lost’ amidst extreme uncertainty in the world. Got to ground myself by walking barefoot in garden.

Take care.

How are you able to manage those turkeys in your farm?
They always pursue people
Are you ever scared of them?

Those dinosaur descendants are part of our wildlife here in the Pacific Northwest. They aren't domesticated. They aren't aggressive toward humans, though.

Like JT said, the turkeys just sorta coexist with us. In fact, I've been pretty thankful for their presence lately as we have had a plague of grasshoppers and the turkeys are helping us beat them back.

And nope, I am not scared of them, I raised turkeys for a lot of years and they are pretty easy to deal with, even wild ones!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
generikat tipped goldenoakfarm
@generikat(4/15) tipped @rafzat
generikat tipped croyston117
generikat tipped kaminchan

I hope you got a chance to curl up and rest like that cat! And I am impressed by your kindness to Clotilde. Had she shown up at my house, she would have been named Corpse.