I left the house well before dawn yesterday morning and headed into town to pickup a bunch of grain. I had a barrel and a partial to pickup at the first brewery which meant some shifting of empties.
Then to the Steam Plant which is lit up at night.
I had 4 full barrels to load onto the trailer. I am so much happier being back in this side of the alley, it is soooo much easier to back my trailer into and I can load the barrels from the side which is far easier than the rear of the trailer. It is also a far safer side since no homeless can sleep in the alley so I am less likely to have issues.
Then across down town to the 3rd brewery where I had 2 barrels to load which went onto the trailer. Normally I don't like the tall barrels in front of the shorter on the trailer but it worked out okay yesterday. I then headed for home and parked the truck and trailer until later in the morning.
After watching Man Utd get embarrassed once again I went out to empty the grain. It was quite a bit and I had to try to get it piled close to the fence.
Everyone was wading into the grain and the birds seem to love the warm grain since they just stand in it and peck all around them.
I was racking my brain for what the hell I did with the cigarette lighter plug that I had somewhere and I finally found it in my wire bin. I had to do a bit of rewiring but I now have the plug wired into the power before the ignition so that I can have the radio on to listen to local traffic without having the engine on or the ignition on. This is important so I can hear if there is any other air traffic well before I am ready to fly.
My console it shaping up nicely. I have my phone mount with the power plug and I have my radio a place to mount and power for it.
After the grain was emptied I had left the trailer attached and I had to wash the grain off of it.
It was a bit after noon when I moved the squash plants to the sheep pen. I had tossed them over the garden fence but needed to haul them to the pen. I managed to get the whole pile on/in the wheelbarrow and dumped in the pen.
@stryeyz was trying to make the huge aluminum plate work in the press but they are too wide. I was in the tool shed and looked down to see this old table saw thing sitting on the floor. It has a bunch of nice metal plates but it had to be taken apart. And it was REALLY REALLY bolted together. There was no reason to make it this sturdy really, just a couple bolts per side would have been more than enough.
I managed to get the one plate off before I gave up on it for a while.
Later I headed back out to finish pulling it apart. All the pieces are free and she has the plates she needs for stamping out metal pieces on the press. I also now have some nice plates of aluminum for myself as well.
I had forgotten that I needed to rework my ramps so I quickly got them done. I removed the metal plate from the one end, flipped the ramp around and drilled new holes and mounted them. This gives me more space between the tire and the wood when it is on the trailer.
The bracket got mounted on the trailer and the ramps placed in preparation.
Since I have my new bolts I have gone and replaced all the bolts and nuts in the places that I remove them for stowing the wings.
I grilled our burgers for dinner and with it being Fall the fire is quite nice in the evenings.
Being up so early I was not able to soak for long and soon was in bed.
Today is the day. I will load the plane up in a few hours and we will head down to the airport for my first flight hopefully.
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Fleming Family Farm
Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
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