Eagle, Greenhouse Fans and Power, Cucumbers, Lower Garden, Weedeating - Wednesday

in #hive-114308last year

Yesterday morning was not great for me. I was up in the middle of the night due to this stupid slight illness that is in my chest and sinuses. Combined with super painful eczema hot spots on my feet it made my morning pretty rough. Since I was up so early I got my clothes washed before everyone else was up.

@stryeyz went for a walk on the upper property before work and it was sad to hear that the eaglet had fallen from the tree. I went up to the upper pen mid morning to retrieve it and found it on the ground beneath the nest tree. It landed on its left leg and broke it along with the trauma to the body from the fall. This eaglet was only a couple weeks younger than the one I saved in 2017 that had almost fledged and was able to glide. Just a little longer and it would have had a chance.


I carried it down the hill then took it over to our bone yard. I did not want it sitting beneath the tree so the eagles would be seeing it constantly. My hope is that by NOT having the corpse of their young there the pair might stay with this nest. I had read before that eagles will kill a nest if something bad happens like losing a young. We saw it years ago when the eagles lost a baby that I found beneath the tree much later, they left the nest and did not come back for a couple years. That was when they built their current nest.

It was heartening to hear their screeches first thing this morning though.


@stryeyz had brought home some box fans and I spent time getting them mounted in the greenhouse and running the power. First was the entrance side where I hung the one fan from the center purlin just inside the door. The extension cord is wrapped around he center purlin and runs to the east end.


The power wire runs under the wood by the door then up and over it where I wired in a plug end.


The cucumbers are sprouting in the greenhouse so I had to get the base wire installed, what I will be tying string to for the cucumbers to be tied to and climb up.


The power wire runs into the tool shed and I buried it across the walking path. The wire pops up inside along with the incoming power to the shed. I tied the lines together in the switch box.


The fan hangs from the wood over the window and with both of them on it does a fair job of moving air, even with the side rolled up.


Real Madrid ate their own asses in the match against city and was sad to see them fall apart so bad. I hope city lose to Inter by a huge margin, an embarrassing margin.

Mid afternoon before I went to pick the boys up, as I was stepping from the greenhouse I heard this low rumble that sounded like thunder. I looked up to a completely clear sky then pulled my phone out and opened the doppler to see this intense little thunderstorm build up over Mount Spokane. It was only 15 miles to the east and heading south so I was not able to see anything but the fluffy edge of it. While waiting at the school I got a better view of it as it moved away from us.

With the boys home from school I enlisted their help in getting the rocks down on the plastic in the lower garden. It didn't take too long and we had it all sorted. Today I will be planting rows of potatoes in it.


The temps are to be HOT this weekend and I had no desire to be weedeating in that heat. That meant an hour of step/swing/step/swing as I cut my way across the farm. First was the inner yard which is a good bit easier now without the nectarine trees and the rocks surrounding them.


Then the pathway by the garden and to the craft studio. I need to drop the fence and carefully cut the grass that is amongst the berry bushes.


The strawberries are a shit show now. The grass has taken over too much. I went through and topped the grass as I could see the strawberry plants and flowers trying to peek through. In the end this whole area has to get yanked out and all the strawberry plants replanted. I AM NOT looking forward to this project.


Then I looked around for where the worst grasses were with the least flowers and that was the area below the lower garden by the creek. I started down the north side of the area then worked my way south.


My transplanted blackberry plant is starting to take off now after 5 years and has a really long tendril that runs down to the water in the creek. This should put the thing in overdrive and I am hoping that it spreads like wildfire, I want blackberries eventually.


The boys' pit is cleared around now as well. I was trying to run the machine out of gas before I stopped but after 45 minutes of weedeating I was sweaty hot and tired so called it for the afternoon. The area around the boys' play area has a lot of wildflowers blooming that I do not want to cut down so I am letting the area go for now. I will go through after the flowers are bloomed and selectively cut areas.


I got my recent order of seeds from Territorial which has some seeds for lettuce for the greenhouse, carrots and onions that I want to plant together in the end row of the garden, and some rutabagas to try growing for a first time.


Today there is still storms swirling around right over the inland northwest but they hopefully will stay to the east. I have the lower garden to plant with potatoes, need to make the big batch of soil not just a wheelbarrow load then pot up a bunch of plants, the wood still needs splitting and stacking, and the lowest wires have to get installed in the pole garden as the beans and cucumbers are sprouting nicely.

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God job boss, you're really doing a very good job.
Thumbs up for you 👍👍

Thank you for saving the flowers. R picked the last two daffodils, one for me and one for Grammy, they were not quite on the last leg but also not spring chickens.

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!