Chicken coop coming soon

in #hive-1143082 years ago

Greetings homesteaders,

First of all, let's get to know each other quickly, since this is my first post in the community.

For myself, I would say that I am someone who spent half of my life in the countryside (where I grew up), half in the city, and now I have decided to return to where I came from - to the countryside.
Admittedly, getting to the circumstances, even though I somewhat secretly wanted it - be careful what you wish for!

There are two of us, and after the hustle and bustle of the city that we both experienced separately, we decided to start a decentralization project together.

We've been on the property for about three months, and we've already made the first moves, we've planted our first food, we've gotten rid of gas heating and switched to wood and old-fashioned wood burning stoves.
Simply we don't want to eat the poisons that are served to us in markets anymore, and I also don't want to pay for them.

So to say, government made me do it - I'll thank it later.

In the last year, the price of food has skyrocketed. So why should I fear that there will not be enough or that I can not afford myself fried egg or delicious cake when we already have great conditions, desires and will to take care of ourselves!?

In recent days we have been considering building a chicken coop. The current price of one egg is 0.17 cents, which may not sound too much as a number, but in practice it really is. On a weekly basis, we spend about 20 eggs, which is 3.4 euros x 4 weeks = 13.5 euros + they are not free range eggs.
Above all, the quality is terrible, the egg yolk is not yellow, but rather a pale yellow-green color, and as someone who grew up on home-grown food, I know how to tell the difference.

So today we sat down and designed our first chicken coop!

We have a huge grassy area and the chickens are known to love to graze. Along the way, they bump on some worms, and thus satisfy all their needs in order to regularly lay eggs. Of course, there must always be supplemental food, but for that it is enough to have corn in the grain, and any other cereal.

What we actually want is for the chicken house to be mobile (that is the missing part on the script), so that we can move it around the property, they also need a warmer and drier space, because the winters here are harsher and colder.

I learned about hens growing up is that they love heights, especially when they are laying eggs and going to sleep. Although they do not have the ability to fly, when they spread their wings they can jump up to a meter in height, we don't want them escaping out of the chicken coop because that would potentially endanger everything in the garden, even though they are very good collectors of bugs and pests, they can easily devastate everything that is juicy and green. Precisely because of this, and because of the stray dogs that can visit and serve themselves from time to time, the plan is to cover the entire construction with wire.

At the back, we designed an opening that will make it easier for me to collect the eggs and clean their space. Chickens are literally creatures that constantly eat something and constantly poop. Their excrement is acidic, for this reason it is not recommended as an organic fertilizer.

Diluted with hummus - maybe.

We've also seen some great ideas on the internet, like those tunnels that go from point A to point B, that's adorable to me, but we don't have that planned for now.
The initial number of chickens will be 8 + 1 rooster that will entertain them (blessed among women, so to speak). In our country, the most widely cultivated variety is Gallus domesticus, most often they are brown, but they can also be gray, better known as Amrok.

Rooster feathers have fantastic colors, and at the same time, we won't even need a alarm clock anymore.

According to my calculations, to get at least 5 eggs every day x 7 days = 35 eggs x 4 weeks = 140 eggs, in that case, I will finally be able to try all those recipes for cakes that contain at least 12 eggs each, then homemade mayonnaise (which I a d o r e), and recently I discovered right here on Hive how it is possible to dehydrate them!

In the future, I will not visit my friends with bought chocolates, but a nice wrapped package of homegrown eggs will make them smile.

What are your experiences with raising chickens? Are you for or against? Would you like to grow them if you had the chance?

I almost forgot to thank my dear darling @oks2crypto for project designing, and for all the changes I made at the last minute, he even had to add the handle on the door.😏

Looking forward to share our journey around here, till the next reading!


I'm so excited for you!! Your very own poopers birdies and home-grown eggies. Do you have crows where you are? The chickens will learn quickly from the crows when there are predators present.

Outside that I know from what other people say that keeping chickens is a lot of work, but absolutely a wonderful experience. There are a lot of chicken-people in Portland, it's kind of a thing. And when my friend moved from Portland to Anchorage the family brought their chickens. On a ferry! I would keep chickens were it not for the whole traveling addiction and living in a studio apartment... I'm not big on birds as pets but when they're flightless it's a different story. 😄

I can't wait to see your chicken pictures and your home-made mayo.

Not so many crows around here, mostly Rooks are waiting on the branches steady and ready while I'm digging garden. 😂

Guess everything is an obligation, but trust me I found it less hard than rush to earn money for something seriously shitty quality and overpriced.
Hahahha, I'm imaging chicken feathers waving on ferry breeze, but also depends on quantity, we won't go for farm only for our only usage and maybe to sell some here and there.

Clapping my hands from excitement! 👏
Can't wait for it, luckily I learned how to be patient and enjoy the process, so no rush at all, everything falls in its place so far and I feel supported with every decision I've made so far.

Thank you hun, very much thank you! ❤️


Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


Hi alt3r, great reading your story! Amazing design of the chicken house and very clever to add a couple of wheels. We got four chicks and a rooster gifted by a neighbour few weeks ago. We built them a little palace and are collecting these days 3-4 eggs per day, which is really surprising 😀
Looking forward to see the egg-mobile in action!

Wohoooo, that's a great amount of eggs!
Congrats on that, it's a great feeling to have your own product just there at your hand, right?

Thank you very much!(:

You're absolutely right! And the quality is not to be topped :)

Ooooohhh chickens! :D
Homemade eggs and tomatoes are the bestest! Plus they can always eat all the leftovers from the kitchen, and the weeds you pull from the veggie garden, so no waste ;)

Hey you!

Yes gang of chickens are joining the family ☺️
They are perfect cleaners, we won't have to mow the lawn anymore as they will nom-nom everything.

I'll ofc prepare some delicious treats for them too. (:

And if you still have to mow - get a goat :D


He want goats - me no, they will eat both of us + lawn 😂
And I think milking hurts them :(

But they are so cute!

What about a donkey? :P I always wanted a donkey...

Awwww I would like one donkey, if possible quiet one as they are freaking loud, not sure how will I handle rooster... 😏

Horses are my love, but expensive hobby...

Few months from now:

"I cant sleep, that damn c** wont stop screaming and thinks 3 am is morning.
Shut up you flightless devil or I make chicken soup out of you this weekend!"


They said rooster soup taste the best. :D

Yup, that's correct scenario.

When I was small we had chickens and I can't forget the feeling when we were sent by our grandma to find eggs. So much happiness! All the recipes with that crazy quantity of eggs will be easier to achieve, indeed :))

We also had ducks, just remembered today about my favourite duck seeing a post of someone else, where I saw a duck. He had name, and was my pet, had a different attention from me than all the other ducks hahaha
Then, when something had to happen, I didn't allow it and we took him to a family with a huge yard and with a lot of other animals. I know it would sound crazy, but I always say that he is still alive. I don't know why nobody believes me and jokes with me, but I just know hahha. My favourite pet duck can't die.

The best part was finding them still warm :D
your granny had a chicken coop or you had to wander around and peek everywhere as I had to? :D

Back then found out how crazy ideas pipi have. 😂

Awwww duck, really? Never pinched you? Yesterday I found out that goose can live up to 25 years 😱 so who knows, maybe your duck is still alive (:

Never had those kind of pets (as I know we won't hang around for too long) , except for baby cows especially when they are just born, I was fiding them, grooming, cuddling...

It's awesome being raised with animals....

Yes, finding them while still warm 😇

Yesterday I found out that goose can live up to 25 years 😱

You see? I knew it can be possible...

hmm, now if I count better... hmm, just 25 years?

sh**! then nothing haha, more years passed 😂

We had an improvised chicken coop, one part from a shed and added an open, fenced part. The nests were inside. Sometimes we let them free on the whole yard, and we had a dog who liked to guide them back to the shed hahaha. Never hurt them though. Just played the whole day guiding them back to the shed 😂

Sometimes we let them free on the whole yard, and we had a dog who liked to guide them back to the shed hahaha

I had one who liked to bother them, never harm but would make them run around until last breath. Cocker Spaniels are crazy breed.
Chickens weren't better too, they would lay egges in the most weird places. 😂

Hola @alt3r, por aquí brain-stormer 😄

I am 100% in favour of this activity, although I confess that in my experience the only thing I have not been able to do is eat a single chicken. And in fact, I don't think I'm going to raise them anymore because I run the risk of becoming a vegetarian. In recent times I couldn't even eat the frozen foods I buy in the market.
In my neighbourhood, people looked at me funny when I said that I couldn't eat any of my chickens. They were my family. Watching them grow from the time they were little... mmm.
Look, I'm going to tell you about the last ones. They gave me two hens and a rooster and I bought two more hens. In a few months, the family grew. And the time came when I had too many roosters. As I was fond of them, I could not exchange them for hens, not even sell them.
Here in Cuba, the shortage is extreme and the prices are sky high everything. When I did the math, it was twice as expensive to raise chickens just to use the eggs. Besides, there were times when the food just didn't show up.
Since I had space, I left them free and one day they stole my best rooster. They all had names, his name was Jabao.
What I did, in the end, was to give them away to a neighbour who was going to take care of them and not eat them like me, she wanted the eggs only. I suffered for everyone, but mainly for Pitipoi, a story that is already coming to Hive because seeing this post of yours is telling me something.
That chicken place you have designed looks great.

por aquí brain-stormer 😄

Holla chiquita!(:

I like that they had names!

No worries, I definitely won't eat them (kind of double standard, but I can not kill an animal even tho I do consume meat), me myself was in a period where my body just rejected meat, any kind of meat, so I spent almost three years without consuming it.
Go for it, if that's what makes you happy!

Unfortunately I am familiar with the Cuba situation, it's so sad for such a beautiful country to suffer (still amazed how people are happy there considering everything).
Roosters are pretty much useless, except to fertilize the hens to lay eggs. That's why we're only planning one, in case the family expands - I don't mind, we live in the countryside (have lot of space on property) and I'll always be able to sell eggs, chickens or perhaps roosters. I love animals (even though I eat them :(), somehow get attached to them quickly, so I plan to name each one (if I remember which one is which).

Gonna to spoil the hell out of them.:D

Thank you very much for sharing your experience, hope you can still visit them in the neighborhood.(: