Hello everyone.
Trust everything is going well.
I have been hearing a lot about Larry is alive task, which includes a lot so I saw it though.
I had wanted to join the hunt for long, but always find it confusing. Not knowing where exactly to start.
I want to appreciate @flaxz who kept explaining the whole process and a lot of my alive tribe friends.
But no, I was always like "it's not for me".
Until recently @flaxz explained telling me I can start with listnerd Run, I was like wow I can do that really, though I was still confused.
I decided to start up anywhere, I have been participating in listnerd Run to join Heartbeatonhive contest by @benthomaswwd
Not forgetting @beststart who by his comments with writing in from listnerd, made me more curious and interested in trying it out.
He also helped me out yesterday, it was really a confusing trial.
I had already registered for listnerd long time ago, but never understood anything there.
But yesterday I was able to read 11 mails, which are so interesting. A lot of interesting post.
It really helped me especially @beststart post on how HPUD works and what is required.
I am definitely joining in HPUD next month.
Screenshot taken with my phone from listnerd
Yay!! I completed two tasks
- Logged in successfully
- Read upto 10 mails.
Screenshot taken from listnerd
I also saw features for CTP and listnerd.
I tried logging in but couldn't, maybe I am missing something.
Well I still have a lot to learn.
Please if you are reading this and you know how this works, you can kindly help me.
Thank you very much, I really appreciate.
This is my first step so far, I hope to do more better soon.